rberger / phaserunner

CLI to read values from the Grin PhaseRunner suitable for logging

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Read values from the Grin PhaseRunner Controller for logging

Gem Version Badge

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Ruby ~2.4 or ~2.5
  • Bundler

Bundler / Gemspec automatically pulls in all the dependencies

Installing for doing development

The usual Ruby install from github

git clone git@github.com:rberger/phaserunner.git
cd phaserunner
bundle install


To get help:

bundle exec exe/phaserunner  help
    phaserunner - Read values from the Grin PhaseRunner Controller primarily for logging

    phaserunner [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


    -t, --tty=arg             - Serial (USB) device (default: /dev/ttyUSB0)
    -b, --baudrate=arg        - Serial port baudrate (default: 115200)
    -s, --slave_id=arg        - Modbus slave ID (default: 1)
    -d, --dictionary_file=arg - Path to json file that contains Grin Modbus Dictionary (default:
    -l, --loop_count=arg      - Loop the command n times (default: forever)
    --version                 - Display the program version
    -q, --[no-]quiet          - Do not output to stdout
    --help                    - Show this message

    help          - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    read_register - Read a single or multiple adjacent registers from and address
    log           - Logs interesting Phaserunner registers to stdout and file

Phaserunner Registers logged

At this time the scaling factors are NOT applied to the log output.

Name Index Desc Scale Units
Timestamp ISO 8601 Timestamp 1 Time
Faults 258 Faults Bitmap 1 Bitmap
Controller Temperature 259 Base plate temperature 1 deg Celsius
Vehicle Speed 260 Calculated vehicle speed 256 Km/hour
Motor Temperature 261 Motor temperature 1 deg Celsius
Motor Current 262 Motor peak current 32 Amps
Motor RPM 263 Motor speed 1 RPM
Motor Speed 264 Motor speed 40.96 % of rated rpm
Battery Voltage 265 Measured battery voltage 32 Volts
Battery Current 266 Measured battery amperage 32 Amps
Battery State of Charge 267 Remaining battery capacity 32 %
Battery Power 268 Calculated battery output power 1 Watts
Last Fault 269 Last Fault Bitmap 1 Bitmap
Throttle Voltage 270 Filtered throttle voltage 4096 Volts
Brake 1 Voltage 271 Filtered brake 1 voltage 4096 Volts
Brake 2 Voltage 272 Filtered brake 2 voltage 4096 Volts
Raw Controller Temperature Sensor Voltage 273 Unfiltered controller temperature sensor voltage 4096 Volts
Digital Inputs 276 Digital Inputs Bitmap 1 Bitmap
Warnings 277 Warnings Bitmap 1 Bitmap
Phase A Current 282 Measured motor phase A current 32 Amps
Phase B Current 283 Calculated motor phase B current 32 Amps
Phase C Current 284 Measured motor phase C current 32 Amps
Phase A Voltage 285 Measured instantaneous motor phase A voltage 32 Volts
Phase B Voltage 286 Measured instantaneous motor phase B voltage 32 Volts
Phase C Voltage 287 Measured instantaneous motor phase C voltage 32 Volts
Motor Input Power 334 Motor input power in Watts 1 W
Torque Command 335 Requested motor torque from sensors before rate limiting 4096 pu
Torque Reference 336 Requested motor torque after rate limiting 4096 pu
Speed (Ref/Limit) Command 337 Speed limit in local mode 4096 pu

Running the tests

Unfortunately there are no real tests (yet, Pull Requests Welcome!)


Deploy as usual. If you are not doing it from a git clone just want to install from Rubygems:

gem install phaserunner

Built With


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/rberger/phaserunner.

Code of Conduct in Contriubing

This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Code of Conduct.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


License and Copyright

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

  • Copyright (c) 2018 Robert J. Berger


CLI to read values from the Grin PhaseRunner suitable for logging

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 98.1%Language:Gherkin 1.9%