razainno / Food-Detection-by-YOLOv2-with-Transfer-Learning

multi-object food detection system by DCNN and YOLOv2 strategy, with transferring features and class activation mapping, support mobilenet, mobilenetv2, resnet and darknet.

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Food Detection System Design by DCNN

1. What's this repo about

  • Hello, this is the project repo for my Master degree at McGill University. I proposed a multi-object food detection architecture by deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) with transferring features. In the world of computer vision, it could be pretty painful if you train everything from scratch. In my research, I pre-trained a food/non-food image classifier and then copy part of its weights to the food detectio neural networks. I achieve a significant improvement on detection performance with 80% mAP with only 3.7M parameters for MobileNet and 3.2M parameters for MobileNetV2. At most 10%~20% improvment compared with plain neural networks.
  • The overall architecture can be visualized like this:

Note the structure of Feature Extraction Network and Food Detection Network can be replaced by any CNN-based architecture as long as they have the same layer arrgement.

  • Three state-of-the-art CNN architectures (MobileNet, MobileNetV2, Resnet-18) have been implemented as backbones and evaluated. Below is the result contrasting the training process (loss history), mAP under different IoU (Intersection over Union) on datasets UECFood100 and UECFood256:

  • The effect of transfer learning has been quantified by designing the following experiments on MobileNet:

​ and the result as below:

  • Some results for food detection with MobileNetV2 backend:

2. How to use it

cam to localize food - train a food/non-food classifier and calculate Class Activation Mapping (CAM) with a global averaging pooling (GAP) layer after removing the last several layers to get 14x14 resolution input to feed into the GAP.

dcnn_yolov2 - apply CNN-based backbones with one-stage detection framework, YOLOv2; the process of how to do transfer learning and the mAP evaluation is also included. (a bit of unorganized)

example - a jupyter notebook rice example with MobileNet backend to perform YOLOv2

k_means_generated_anchors - kmeans clustering algorithm to generate bounding box priors (they call anchor box) with trade-off between model complexity and performance.

01_preprocess_dataset.ipynb - regulaize all images in the dataset to the same dimension (800, 600) and rescale bounding box annotations

02_split_uecfood100.ipynb - split dataset to training set, validation set and testing set

03_anchor_generator.ipynb - code for k-means clustering with IoU distance to generate anchor boxes

04_visualize_anchors.ipynb - visualize generated anchors

05_generate_npz.ipynb - deprecated. I changed to use BatchGenerator (as see in preprocessing.py) to load the training instances to neural networks

anno_template.xml - an annotation file example. each image has one .xml annotation file (.xml files are generated by running gen_xml_step1.py and gen_xml_step2.py in dcnn_yolo2 folder)

aws.ipynb - some notes when using for Awazon Web Service for training in remote virtual machine (Google Cloud Platform is good also)

avg_iou.png - trade-off between the number of anchor boxes with average IoU

3. Reference


multi-object food detection system by DCNN and YOLOv2 strategy, with transferring features and class activation mapping, support mobilenet, mobilenetv2, resnet and darknet.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.9%Language:Python 4.1%