raypereda / graphs-with-go

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Below are recommendations from bard.google.com. The code doesn't run. gonum/graph is demo-ed here. I could not find a built-in renderer for the first package.

Don't worry. The code in the folder simple-graph-demo shows making build statically linked executables for Mac and Linux. The Linux executable is crosscompiled, a favorite and rocksolid feature.

Go links:

  1. Crosscompling https://freshman.tech/snippets/go/cross-compile-go-programs/
  2. the recommended Go package https://pkg.go.dev/gonum.org/v1/gonum@v0.14.0/graph
  3. comparing Go and Java: https://yourbasic.org/golang/advantages-over-java-python/

I recommend the following Go packages for displaying directed graphs:

  1. yourbasic/graph: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/yourbasic/graph is a simple and lightweight package for creating and manipulating graph data structures. It supports both directed and undirected graphs, and provides a variety of functions for graph traversal and analysis. The package also includes a built-in renderer for displaying graphs in a variety of formats, including SVG, PNG, and DOT.

  2. gonum/graph: https://pkg.go.dev/gonum.org/v1/gonum/graph is a more comprehensive package for graph algorithms and data structures. It supports a wide variety of graph types, including directed and undirected graphs, weighted and unweighted graphs, and hypergraphs. The package also includes a variety of graph algorithms, such as shortest path, minimum spanning tree, and maximum flow. The package does not include a built-in renderer, but it can be used to generate DOT code, which can then be rendered using a variety of tools.

Both of these packages are well-maintained and have a good track record of stability. They are also both relatively easy to use, making them a good choice for both beginners and experienced Go developers.

Which package should you choose?

If you are looking for a simple and lightweight package for displaying directed graphs, I recommend yourbasic/graph: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/yourbasic/graph. It is easy to use and provides a built-in renderer for displaying graphs in a variety of formats.

If you need a more comprehensive package for graph algorithms and data structures, I recommend gonum/graph: https://pkg.go.dev/gonum.org/v1/gonum/graph. It supports a wide variety of graph types and algorithms, and it is well-maintained and stable.


The following example shows how to use the yourbasic/graph: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/yourbasic/graph package to display a directed graph: Go

import (

func main() {
    // Create a directed graph.
    g := graph.NewDirectedGraph()

    // Add some nodes and edges to the graph.
    g.AddEdge("A", "B")
    g.AddEdge("B", "C")
    g.AddEdge("C", "A")

    // Render the graph to an SVG file.
    err := g.RenderToSVG("graph.svg")
    if err != nil {

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This example will create a directed graph with three nodes (A, B, and C) and three edges (A->B, B->C, and C->A). The graph will then be rendered to an SVG file called graph.svg



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