ray1007 / cs_job_seeking

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This is a note from the 2019 Fall resume workshop of Johns Hopkins University.


  1. Resume
  2. Networking
  3. Interview


Purpose: obtain a interview( instead of a job) Assumption: Only 10 secs to make an impression. make it inviting to read.


  • step 1: robot reads resume and looks for keywords, skills. so don't put tables, graphs -> because ATS can't read them.
  • font: 10~12pt, 3/4 ~ 1 inch margin
  • 1-level bullet points. no sub-bullets.
  • use BOLD CAPS for headings
  • use BOLD or CAPS to guide reader's eye
  • Italics, underlining for papers, publications.
  • No first person words(I, my). Use phrases that begin with an active verb.

Resume Structure

  1. name & contact
  2. summary & objective
  • seeking XXXX in ABC field, with emphasis in XYZ.
  • maybe put skills in summary section
  1. education
  • bold the degree.
  • put gpa if strong
  • may add relevant course work:
  1. experience
  • active verb convey skills, nouns conveys skills
  • no resposible for ..., just use ...
  • accomplishment, not tasks. ex: designed webapp -> designed webapp **adopted by org**
  • demonstrate skills used.
  • no jargons, abbreviation.
  • use keywords: so you have to know the language of industry.
  1. skills
  2. leadership/athletic/volunteer activity
  3. honor award certification

Final points

  • focus showcase strength/ hard soft skill
  • truthful
  • effectuve langage (active verb noun)
  • quantify accomplishment
  • visually appealing

cover letter: show the passion for the company. Mostly nobody have time to do this.(lol)

resume: can you do this?

cover letter: do you want to do this?


  • LinkedIn
  • self intro
  • tell your stroy/ tell me about yourself (TMAY)

Networking: builing mutually beneficial relationship.

Not about braggin/being aggressive/salesy. communicate your value that could help the other person. Check out this video

step1: who's in your network?

know about what skills are needed to be in the desired field/job

type of contact

  • direct: already friends
  • indirect: friends of friends
  • relelvnt: people in same domain, ex. alumni

example reach out msg

it was a pleasure to meet you at <event>, I enjoyed out conversation.
<...> I'd like to stay in touch.
  • email version: not directly asking for referral. ask for advice. people like to give advice.
  • ask something like asking their work progress, their experience, give an insight of the job ...etc. not directly asking for something obviously beneficial only for me.
  • job responsibilities / typical day life / what skills will help in the job / ...

tell me about yourself: first quiestion/ most common question in networking.

  • establish 1st impression
  • set the tone
  • position yourself.

Answering tell me about yourself question: you are leading the conversation ask open ended questions.

career fair:

  1. know whos there.
  2. do TMAY
  3. ask targeted question

TMAY / elevator pitch. 2min intro. end with a invitation for future contact.



  • traditional
  • behavioral/ story telling
  • technical (computing role, coding)
  • case: given a problem case, observe how to tackle the problem

types of questions:


  • phone-interview
  • onsite-interview

prepare: 1min commercial / TMAY sample interview questions, practice out load questinos to ask interviewer

TMAY, opening question:

  • what make you interesting
  • what are unique qualities/ involements
  • why do you want the position

story: begin with a conflict, problem , challenge include what you were felling doing and thnking. the story has to end in a reasonable time

STAR method. Situation, Task, Action, Result

interviewer: do you have ability, and desire for the job do you fit in the team

  • verbal: slow down the speech
  • interest, goals

