ravigajul / NodeJsForMe

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Install Nodejs


Set environment variables

NODE_HOME = C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm PATH = %NODE_HOMe%\bin

Verify if node is successfully installed

node --version
npm --version

Create package.json for all dependencies

npm init

Clean npm cache

npm cache clean --force

importing nodemodules

Some modules like console are available globally others needs to be explicitly loaded

require user defined modules

const name = require('./utils.js')
//here require will import the variables or object exported in utils.js by modules.export=<variable/object> and assign it to variable name.
//This name can access the properties and methods of utils.js utility. 
//Note the ./ indicating this is a user defined module and not a standard module from any of the libraries.

validator package

for several string util functions like isEmail, isURL etc.

Utility for Terminal String Styling

npm install chalk
import chalk from 'chalk'
console.log(chalk.green.inverse("New Notes Added!"))
console.log(chalk.red.inverse("New Notes removed!"))

nodemon to automatically restart node application

install nodemon globally and run the app.js as nodemon app.js instead of node app.js. This will automatically refresh the terminal with latest output as soon as the changes are made/saved.

npm install nodemon -g

Get the argument value from commandline

process is a built in variable and argv is the argument vector. process.argv results in an array[0]=location of node.exe array[1]=path of the file run, array[2] argument that we passed

  'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe',

Argument parsing through yargs

when you run the command node app.js remove, remove is passed as argument and print removing a note. note: yargs.argv or yargs.parse() is needed for this customization to work.

    command: "remove",
    describe:"To remove notes",
    handler: function(){
        console.log("Removing a note")

forcing the user to pass title argument as a string type

the demandOptions in bundler object makes it mandatory to pass --title="sometitle" and the type property makes the data type mandate to string

    command: "add",
    describe:"To add notes",
            describe: 'Note title',
            demandOption: true,
    handler: function(argv){
        console.log("Adding a note",argv)

Parsing JSON Object

JSON.stringify(jsonObject) //convert jsonobject to a string
JSON.parse(strJson) //convert string to a json object

Exporting multiple functions from a .js file

//exporting multiple functions
export { getNotes, addNotes }

import * as notes from './notes.js'

Filter method on Arrays

const numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
const evenNumbers = numbers.filter(function(n){
    return n%2 ==0 //number will be retained if this is true, will be removed if false

Formatted print on console

import chalk from 'chalk'
console.log(chalk.green.inverse("This will print in green back ground"))
console.log(chalk.red.inverse("This will print in red back ground"))

Different ways for writing the same arrow function using arrow functions

    const tasksToDo = this.tasks.filter((task)=>{
    return task.completed === false
    return tasksToDo
//Equivalent arrow function for the above 
getTasksToDo() {
    return  this.tasks.filter((task)=>{
    return task.completed === false
//Short Hand Arrow function of the same
  return this.tasks.filter((task)=> task.completed === false


Write the keyword debugger where ever you want the code to hault Run the programe using

node inspect app.js add --title="testing" --body="testing"
node --inspect-brk app.js add --title="testing" --body="testing"

This will start the program in debug mode. Open chrome and launch chrome://inspect page Wait for few seconds and click on the inspect link. This will open the developer console in debugger mode for further debugging.

Generate package.json with default values

npm init -y

passing values with special characters in url

This will convert for instance ? into %3F if ? is present in the address variable that we passed

'https://www.example.com/'+ encodedURIComponent(address) + '/somethingelse'


A callback function is a function as argument to some function that can be called at some point in the main function in order to avoid undefined values thrown by java script due to async nature of javascript execution.

//here add function as three parameter x, y and callback is a function parameter which is called within setTimeout with (x+y) as parameter
const add = (x,y,callback)=>{    

    console.log("The sum is " + sum)

Express js for rendering pages or API responses

Express.js for running a webserver
npm install express --save
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
//opening  port on the server to listen
    console.log('The server is up and running in 3 seconds')
    console.log('open a browser and invoke localhost:3000/help')
/invoking just the domain
    res.send("Hi There!!")
//invoking a resource
    res.send('Please reach me at 905-204-6524')

Folder Navigation or Path Manipulation

In this case, the line of code is constructing a file path by starting with the directory name of the current module (__dirname), and then appending '../public' to it. The '../public' part of the path is a relative path, which means it specifies a path relative to the current directory. The .. part of the relative path indicates that we want to move up one directory from the current directory, and the /public part of the relative path specifies that we want to access the public directory within that parent directory

const path = require('path')
console.log(__dirname) //C:\Users\rgajul\Downloads\NodeJsForMe\web-server\src
console.log(__filename) //C:\Users\rgajul\Downloads\NodeJsForMe\web-server\src\app.js
console.log(path.join(__dirname,'../')) //C:\Users\anjal\Downloads\NodeJsForMe\web-server\
console.log(path.join(__dirname,'../..')) //C:\Users\anjal\Downloads\NodeJsForMe
console.log(path.join(__dirname,'../public')) //C:\Users\anjal\Downloads\NodeJsForMe\web-server\public

Fix for issue with __dirname & __filename with ES6

//to fix the __dirname issue with ES6 module
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { dirname } from 'path';
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);

Serving Static html page as the main page from public folder

The static html files are expected to be present in public folder at root level

//serving static html as the main page localhost:3000 or localhost:3000/index.html

Now on navigating to localhost:3000/help.html will display the help html in the public folder and about.html will show the content in above.html. No Routes need to be added like app.get('/help') or app.get('/about')

Referencing a style sheet in head tag of html page

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/styles.css">

Render dynamic content

Handle bars is used to render dynamic content in collaboration with express.hbs is the package that works well with express js.

  1. Install hbs app.set to view engine-hbs.
  2. Create a index.hbs file at root level inside views folder
  3. Use res.render to see the dyanamic content. Within the .hbs file bind the variable using hbs syntax {{}}
npm install hbs
app.set('view engine','hbs')
        title: "This is from hbs file",
        para: "This is a paragraph"

Customize Views Directory to have different name like templates

const viewsPath = path.join(__dirname,"../templates")
//This is required when the default view folder is not views but something else like templates

Partials for templating web pages

Partials is used to render a partial content of an html page like headers and footers.

  1. Load hbs
  2. Create two directories templates/partials, templates/views
  3. Change views Path for the .hbs files to render correctly
  4. Create partials path using path.join
  5. register partials to partials path using hbs
  6. create a new file in partials for header call it header.hbs
  7. header.hbs is not a complete html document but part of a web page
  8. Render a partial in main index.hbs file {{>header}}
  9. nodemon doesn't restart for changes in .hbs. Hence run nodemon with a flag nodemon .\src\apps.js -e js, hbs
const hbs = require('hbs')
const partialsPath = Path.join(__dirname,"../templates/partials")
//registering a partial
//this the test to be used in actual index.hbs file where the header is to be rendered.Note the extra ">" for rendering partials
{{>header}} in main .hbs files where header needs to be loaded
{{>footer}} in main .hbs files where footer needs to be laoded

Configure 404 Page not found

This should be last followed by other end points as the server checks for relevant webpages or end points in sequence of their occurence

        code : '404',
        message: 'Page not found',
        name: "Created by Ravi Gajul"

Using the query params from url

app.get('/weather', (req, res) => {
        return res.send('Please provide a search term')
            "location": req.query.search,
            "temperature": "26 degrees"

ES-6 Objects and destructuring

1. When property and its value are same, we can just use property (shorthand syntax)

const name ="RaviGajul"
const userAge = "30"
const user = {

2. Destructuring the object properties

//This makes us write multiple lines to extract a property's value. 
//This is not good when there are too many properties as we end up writing mulitple lines
const uName= user.name
const uAge = user.age
const uEmail =user.email

3. Alternate approach to retrieve just age and email from user object

const {age, email} = user
console.log(age, email)

4. Rename a property while extracting

const {name: newName, age:newAge, email:newEmail} = user

5. Destructing with function arguments

const addName=(what,{name,age,email})=>{
    console.log(what, email, age, name)

6. Default function parameter values

//6. Default naming in function parameters Nodejs is print when that argument value is passed.TestCourse which default is printed when no argument is passed.
const print=(course="TestCourse")=>{
    console.log("Hi There " + course)

7. Destructing an empty object passed while calling the function

//Here undefined object is referenced when no object is passed while calling and doesn't lead to exception
//trouser object is destructured when trouser object is passed. 
//when no object is passed city is defaulted to texas and make to undefined as we are destructing empty object.
const trouser = {
    make: "AmericanEagle",

const dress = (transaction,{make,city="Texas"}={})=>{
    console.log(transaction + " "+make+" " + "at " + city)
dress("purchase") //purchase undefined at Texas
dress("purchase",trouser) //purchase AmericanEagle at Atlanta

Fetch API

Fetch API to be used on client side java scripting to render or read different html elements


Install Heroku cli
heroku -v
heroku login
Enter any key except key to login to heroku 
Set up git hub account and add ssh key to github
add the project to git hub
heroku  keys:add
heroku create gajul-weather-app
Live url and repo url on heroku
https://gajul-weather-app.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/gajul-weather-app.git
Update package.json to have the script to run
 "scripts": {
    "start":"node ./web-server/src/app.js"
//Make below changes in app.js
//to get the port number from heroku. Or condition to default to 3000 if it exists
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000
//opening  port on the server to listen
app.listen(PORT, () => {
    console.log('The server is up and running in 3 seconds')
    console.log('open a browser and invoke localhost:' + PORT + '/help')
update the app.js in js folder to refer to heroku url
git push origin master //for git hub
git push heroku master //for heroku

Dev Dependency.

Modules installed as dev dependencies like nodemon may fail when trying to execute the nodemon command as is. However, it works if globally installed. Also, it works if we run it as npm run . Scriptname is the name given in scripts attribute of package.json file.

//Promise Chaining. The below then is executed when add function is resolved
    return add(sum,2)
    //the below then will execute when the above add fn is resolved
    //Just one catch unlike above example would suffice and no deep nesting like above example


Powershell script to create a registry key if doesn't exist. Create if subkey is not present. Update if subkey is present with wrong value. Do nothing if all good.

function UpdateRegistryEntry($KeyPath, $ExtensionId, $NewValue) {
   $SubkeyName = "1"
   # Check if the key path exists
if (!(Test-Path -Path $KeyPath)) {
   # Key path doesn't exist, create the key path and add subkey with value
   New-Item -Path $KeyPath | Out-Null
   Set-ItemProperty -Path $KeyPath -Name $SubkeyName -Value $NewValue
   Write-Host "The key path $KeyPath has been created, and subkey $SubkeyName with value $NewValue has been added."
else {
   # Key path exists, check if subkey exists
   $existingValue = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $KeyPath -Name $SubkeyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$SubkeyName

   if ($existingValue -eq $null) {
       # Subkey doesn't exist, create the subkey with value
       Set-ItemProperty -Path $KeyPath -Name $SubkeyName -Value $NewValue
       Write-Host "The subkey $SubkeyName with value $NewValue has been created under $KeyPath."
   elseif ($existingValue -ne $NewValue) {
       # Subkey exists but has a different value, update the value
       Set-ItemProperty -Path $KeyPath -Name $SubkeyName -Value $NewValue
       Write-Host "The subkey $SubkeyName value has been updated to $NewValue under $KeyPath."
   else {
       # Subkey exists with the same value, no action required
       Write-Host "The subkey $SubkeyName already exists with the correct value under $KeyPath. No action required."

$ChromeKeyPath = "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Google\\Chrome\\ExtensionInstallForceList"
$EdgeKeyPath = "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Edge\\ExtensionInstallForcelist"
$ExtensionId = "sdfsadfsfsfsfsffsfsafsf"
$NewValue = "sdfsfgldeabbkcidchfdifcghijihb"

# Update Chrome registry entry
UpdateRegistryEntry -KeyPath $ChromeKeyPath -ExtensionId $ExtensionId -NewValue $NewValue

# Update Edge registry entry
UpdateRegistryEntry -KeyPath $EdgeKeyPath -ExtensionId $ExtensionId -NewValue $NewValue

# Stop Chrome
$chromeProcess = Get-Process -Name "chrome" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($chromeProcess) {
   Stop-Process -Name "chrome" -Force
   Write-Host "Chrome has been closed."
#Start-Process "chrome"

# Stop Edge
$edgeProcess = Get-Process -Name "msedge" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($edgeProcess) {
   Stop-Process -Name "msedge" -Force
   Write-Host "Microsoft Edge has been closed."

#Start-Process "msedge"





Language:JavaScript 91.5%Language:Handlebars 5.8%Language:CSS 2.7%