ravigajul / Karate-DSL-POC

This is a karate poc for API testing

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This is a karate poc for API testing

Maven Archetype

mvn archetype:generate ^
-DarchetypeGroupId=com.intuit.karate ^
-DarchetypeArtifactId=karate-archetype ^
-DarchetypeVersion=1.2.0 ^
-DgroupId=com.mycompany ^

1. For setting path and param parameters

  1  Scenario: Passing param to get call
  2  Given path 'articles'
  3  And param limit = 10   # note exactly one space surrounding '=' sign

2. To pass multiple params in json format

    1  And params { limit: 10, offset: 0 }

3. Assertions

And match response.tags contains ['Gandhi', 'dragons'] And match response.tags !contains 'cars' And match response.tags == '#array'

4. Run a specific test method in the runner file through Maven

mvn clean test -Dtest=UsersTest#testAssertions
//where  UserTest is the UsersTest.java runner and test assertions is the test method in the usersTest.java file
mvn test '-Dkarate.options=--tags @test' -Dkarate.config.dir='src/test/java' -Dtest='DemoParallelTest' -Dkarate.env='dev'

5. Run methods with specific tags

mvn clean test "-Dkarate.options=--tags @smoke"

6. Run method with specific tags and passing environment value

mvn test "-Dkarate.options=--tags @configparams" -Dkarate.env=qa

7. Calling another feature file

def responsetoken = call read('classpath:com/karate/helpers/CreateToken.feature') responseToken is an object of all the variables defined in createtoken feature

Hence to retrieve it is responseToken.variablename defined in CreateToken Callonce to call it only once

8. Calling other features with parameters

def responseToken = callonce read('classpath:com/karate/helpers/CreateToken.feature') {'email': 'ravi.gajul@test.com','password': 'Ant3m3an!'}

9. Calling feature in config file

//passing feature file and config object to callSingle method which returns an object of variables declared in feature file. var accessToken=karate.callSingle('classpath:com/karate/helpers/CreateToken.feature',config).authToken //passing global headers that can be used by all urls          karate.configure('headers',{Authorization: 'Token ' + accessToken})

10. MultiLine Expressions

Can be used between thriple double quotes like below """ {     "user": {         "email": "ravi.gajul@test.com",         "password": "Ant3m3an!"     } } """"

11. Getting data from Java Class file

- def datagenerator = Java.type('classpath:com/karate/helpers/DataGenerator')
  This will throw
  org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: TypeError: Access to host class classpath:com/karate/helpers/DataGenerator is not allowed or does not exist.

- <js>.:program(Unnamed:1)
  Remove the classpath and it will work

- def datagenerator = Java.type('com/karate/helpers/DataGenerator')

12 . Before Scenario

Background : Background keyword works for before each scenario Using callonce to execute only once

13. After Scenario

• Configure afterScenario = call read('classpath:com/test/resources/test.feature') • Configure after

14. When parallel test builds successfully but doesn't run anything

a. karatelabs/karate#823

   <karate.options>--tags ~@ignore</karate.options>

15. Disable SSL verification

Karate.configure('ssl', true) for SSL disabling

16. Configure keystore for SSL verification

  • configure ssl = { trustAll: true, keyStore: '#(keyStoreLocation)', keyStorePassword: 'somePass' }

17. conditional logic in karate

  #in the below step article is an object that we are using to retrive slug in AddLikes.feature.
  #It wont work if we directly pass the slug value ins callSingle accepts object as parameter
  * def article = response.articles[0]
  * if (favouritesCount == 0) karate.callSingle('classpath:com/karate/helpers/AddLikes.feature', article)
  Another Way
  * def result = favoritesCount == 0 ? karate.callSingle('classpath:com/karate/helpers/AddLikes.feature',   rticle).likescount:favoritesCount

19. Retry Logic

  • configure retry = {count:5, interval: 10000} #the below line should be before method call. And retry until response.articles[0].favoritesCount == 5

20. Sleep

  • def sleep = function(pause){java.lang.Thread.sleep(pause)}
  • eval sleep(5000)

21. Type Conversion

  • Foo+'' will convert integer(foo) to String

  • b.Foo*1 will convert String(foo) to Integer

  • c.def json = {"bar": "#(parseInt(boo))"} will parse boo into integer using java script function.

  • vd.def json = {"bar": "#(~~parseInt(boo))"} will parse boo into int using java script function.

22. Docker

a. Build image from Dockerfile

  • Docker build -t "name of the container--karatetest" .

b. Run the created container karatetest

  • Docker run -it karatetest

Run Scala Test

mvn clean test-compile gatling:test

simulating user think time using karate pause

  • karate.pause(5000)

Karate user simulation through injection


    nothingFor(4), // 1
    atOnceUsers(10), // 2
    rampUsers(10).during(5), // 3
    constantUsersPerSec(20).during(15), // 4
    constantUsersPerSec(20).during(15).randomized, // 5
    rampUsersPerSec(10).to(20).during(10.minutes), // 6
    rampUsersPerSec(10).to(20).during(10.minutes).randomized, // 7
    stressPeakUsers(1000).during(20) // 8



val csvfeeder =  csv('csvFeeder.csv')
val create = scenario("create and delete article").feed(csvFeeder).exec(karateFeature("classpath:com/performance/data/FeederDemo.feature"))


// default behavior: use an Iterator on the underlying sequence
// randomly pick an entry in the sequence
// shuffle entries, then behave like queue
// go back to the top of the sequence once the end is reached

Gain access to gatling session

__gatling.Title //title is the header in csv file
__gatling.Description //Description is the header in csv file.

Name Resolver

This is to display a user friendly name in the report instead of end point Add the below step in performance.scala file

 protocol.nameResolver = (req, ctx) => req.getHeader("karate-name")

And access it before sending the request in feature file

And header karate-name = 'Create Article'

Dispatcher Configuration

Is to increase the pool size to some number so that the expected load is hit and no unexpected results are seen. Create a gatling-akka.config file at same level as karate-config and add below lines for achieving a pool of size 100. for more info see below https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/tree/master/karate-gatling#increasing-thread-pool-size

akka {
  actor {
    default-dispatcher {
      type = Dispatcher
      executor = "thread-pool-executor"
      thread-pool-executor {
        fixed-pool-size = 100
      throughput = 1

File Seperator

file.separator" -> Character that separates components of a file path. This is "/" on UNIX and "\" on Windows.



Fuzzy Matching


Schema Validation


'Self' Validation Expressions


And Match response.[0].empid == '#? _ ==1'
# here _ is called self variabe

Merging external objects into karate config

function() {
  var env = karate.env; // get java system property 'karate.env'
  karate.log('karate.env system property was:', env);
  if (!env) {
    env = 'dev'; // a custom 'intelligent' default
  var config = { // base config JSON
    appId: 'my.app.id',
    appSecret: 'my.secret',
    someUrlBase: 'https://some-host.com/v1/auth/',
    anotherUrlBase: 'https://another-host.com/v1/'
  if (env == 'stage') {
    // over-ride only those that need to be
    config.someUrlBase = 'https://stage-host/v1/auth';
  } else if (env == 'e2e') {
    config.someUrlBase = 'https://e2e-host/v1/auth';
  //read from external json file
  var externalConfig = read('classpath:config/config.json');
  //merge external config with base config
  config = karate.merge(config, externalConfig);
  return config;

To run the karate through maven goal passing env and tag

mvn test "-Dkarate.env=prod" "-Dkarate.options=--tags @readexternalconfig"

Reading data from CSV

  Scenario Outline: Scenario to demonstrate reading data from csv
  * print <FirstName>
  * print <LastName>
  * print <Email>
  * print __row
  //This line prints each row of csv as json object
  #| FirstName | LastName | Email                 |
 # | 'Ravi'    | 'Gajul'  | 'Ravi.Gajul@test.com' |

Print Rows from csv

* print __row

Conditional Execution

  Scenario Outline: Scenario to demonstrate reading data from csv
    * print <FirstName>
    * print <LastName>
    * print <Email>
    * print __row
    * def filename = <Execute> == 'Y' ? 'ForCSVRead.feature' : 'Dummy.feature'
   * def result = call read(filename){"endPointUrl" : <endPointUrl>}
      | read('classpath:com/karate/data/testdata.csv') |

Using Json-Path filters for fetching rows based on a filter

        * def data = read('classpath:com/karate/data/testdata.csv')
        # * def filtered = get data[?(@.Execute=="'Y'")]
        * def selected = "'Y'"
        * def fun = function(x){ return x.Execute == selected }
        * def filtered = karate.filter(data, fun)       

    Scenario Outline: Scenario name
        Given print __row
            | filtered |

Passing the user defined variable through command line.

Here -DExecute is passed as environment variable which is retrieved by karate.properties['Execute'] during runtime.

# mvn test '-Dkarate.options=--tags @csvfilter' -Dtest=ParallelTest -DExecute="'Y'"
        * def data = read('classpath:com/karate/data/testdata.csv')
        # * def filtered = get data[?(@.Execute=="'Y'")]
        # * def filtered = "'Y'"
        * def selected = karate.properties['Execute']
        * def fun = function(x){ return x.Execute == selected }
        * def filtered = karate.filter(data, fun)       

    Scenario Outline: Scenario name
        Given print __row
            | filtered |

For dynamic url by reading json and env variable from maven goal

# mvn clean test '-Dkarate.options=--tags @dynamicurl' -Dtest=ParallelTest '-Dkarate.env=dev'
Feature:  Form Dynamic url combining values read from json file plus value passed in maven goal

    * def vConfig = read('classpath:com/karate/data/env.json')
    * def vUrl = vConfig[karate.properties['karate.env']].baseurl + vConfig[karate.properties['karate.env']].resource
    * print vUrl
  Scenario: Scenario to generate basic auth token
    Given url vUrl
    When method GET
    Then status 403
    * print  response

Binding runtime data to external json file

    * def result = 
        "UserName": "Ravi",
        "Password": "testing123"
# mvn test '-Dkarate.options=--tags @dynamicjson' -Dtest=ParallelTest
  Scenario: Scenario to generate basic auth token
    * print result
    * def data = read('classpath:com/karate/data/dynamicdata.json')
    * print data

The external dynamicdata.json is here which will be binding with the result data in background. This binding will work even when the json file is externally stored not just within feature file

    "id": #(result.UserName),
    "pwd": #(result.Password)

Multiline if condition

 * eval
    if(a == 10) {
        karate.log('Value matches')
    } else {
        karate.log('Value doesnt match')

Json Path Filter experessions

* def cat = 
  name: 'Billie',
  kittens: [
    { id: 23, name: 'Bob' },
    { id: 42, name: 'Wild' }
# find single kitten where id == 23
* def bob = get[0] cat.kittens[?(@.id==23)]
* match bob.name == 'Bob'

# using the karate object if the expression is dynamic
* def temp = karate.jsonPath(cat, "$.kittens[?(@.name=='" + bob.name + "')]")
* match temp[0] == bob

# or alternatively
* def temp = karate.jsonPath(cat, "$.kittens[?(@.name=='" + bob.name + "')]")[0]
* match temp == bob

When working with SOAP Calls

Use below

WHEN SOAP Action //instead of

Filter data using jsonpath Path expression & karate.jsonPath

#mvn test '-Dkarate.options=--tags @rowswithnonemptyendpointurlcolumn' -Dtest=ParallelTest
    Scenario: Scenario to fetch the rows with non empty endpoint values
        * def testData =
            "ID": "1",
            "Execute": "Y",
            "FirstName": "Ravi",
            "LastName": "Gajul",
            "Email": "Ravi.Gajul@test.com",
            "endPointUrl": "/api/users?page=2"
            "ID": "2",
            "Execute": "N",
            "FirstName": "Rajesh",
            "LastName": "Sandupatla",
            "Email": "Rajesh.Sand@test.com",
            "endPointUrl": "/api/users/2"
            "ID": "3",
            "Execute": "Y",
            "FirstName": "Ravi",
            "LastName": "Gajul",
            "Email": "Ravi.Gajul@test.com",
            "endPointUrl": ""
        * def filteredData = karate.jsonPath(testData, "$.[?(@.Execute == 'Y' && @.endPointUrl != '')]")
        * print filteredData

UI Automation with Karate

    Given driver 'https://formy-project.herokuapp.com/form'
    And input('#first-name', 'Ravi') 
    And input('#last-name', 'Gajul') 
    And input('#job-title', 'QA')
    And click('#radio-button-1')
    And click('#checkbox-1')
    And select('#select-menu', '2')
    And input('#datepicker', '01/01/2020')
    And input('#datepicker', Key.ENTER)
    And click('a.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary')
    Then waitForUrl('formy-project.herokuapp.com/thanks')
    Then match text('div.alert.alert-success').trim() == 'The form was successfully submitted!'


This is a karate poc for API testing


Language:Gherkin 75.9%Language:Java 14.2%Language:JavaScript 7.0%Language:Scala 2.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%