ravigajul / GitHubForMe

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Generate ssh key

Cd ~
Cd .ssh
Cat id_rsa.pub

Create a new repository on the command line

echo "# JsonConcepts" >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin https://github.com/ravigajul/JsonConcepts.git

Push an existing repository from the command line

git remote add origin https://github.com/ravigajul/JsonConcepts.git
git push -u origin master

Graphical view of all commits

Git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all

Common and must need commands

Git status
Git add .
Git status
Git commit -m " this is a test commit"

Express Commit

Git commit -am "this is express commit" // This is add the files and commit with message

Show Commits

Git log //get the commits with most recent on top

show the files names in commit

git log --name-only

Fix Permission Denied issue


to ensure .gitignore is in effect

The .gitignore file ensures that files not tracked by Git remain untracked. Just adding folders/files to a .gitignore file will not untrack them -- they will remain tracked by Git. To untrack files, it is necessary to remove from the repository the tracked files listed in .gitignore file. Then re-add them and commit your changes. The easiest, most thorough way to do this is to remove and cache all files in the repository, then add them all back. All folders/files listed in .gitignore file will not be tracked. From the top folder in the repository run the following commands: git rm -r --cached .
git add .
Then commit your changes:
git commit -m "Untrack files in .gitignore"

To switch remote url from https to ssh


Update remote url to a different repo

git remote -v # checking existing url
git remote set-url origin <new-url>

Branch Commands

Git branch newbranch --create branch
git checkout <existing_branch> git checkout -b <new_branch> --create and checkout new branch Git branch -d newbranch --delete a branch
Git branch --list all branches.


Points to the last commit on a branch
When we switch branches…head also moves with it to the last commit.

Add remote Repo

Git add remote https://sample.com/something.git

Display all remote repositories

Git remote -v

Remove local untracked files

  1. To remove directories, run git clean -f -d or git clean -fd.
  2. To remove ignored files, run git clean -f -X or git clean -fX.
  3. To remove ignored and non-ignored files, run git clean -f -x or git clean -fx.

Rebase & Squash

Git rebase master //this will point the base of current branch to latest commit in the master branch.  
Git rebase -i HEAD~3 //this will display all the 3 commits with pick..update the other two to squash from pick to merge multiple commits into one commit.  
//Save the new commit message
git push --force //now the old commits will not be seen in the git log


Git cherry-pick <<commitId>> will merge the particular commit from other branch to current branch  

Reset changes

 Git reset --soft HEAD~1  # without loosing the changes latest 1 commit  
 Git reset --hard HEAD~1  # loose all the changes latest 1 commit
 Git reset --soft commit id

Revert is undoing

Git revert 3dsfse //will undo the changes ..if a file was added in previous commit it will delete in this commit.


Is used to move your files from working area to stash area

Git stash

The files in stash area will be queued
To check the list of files in stashing areas
Git stash list
To see the content of a particular file
Git stash show stash@{1}
To bring back the file from stashing area to working area
Git stash pop stash@{1}


Git reflog
This shows the commit hashes even for the resets hards and soft so that we can reset the head to a particular commit.

How to remove committed files from Git version control

Create a .gitignore file, if you haven’t already Edit .gitignore to match the file/folder you want to ignore Execute the following command: git rm --cached path/to/file. Git will list the files it has deleted. The --cached flag should be used if you want to keep the local copy but remove it from the repository. Verify that these files are being deleted from version control using git status Push the changes to the repository

Download a file from github using curl or wget

wget command is a commonly used CLI to download files from the internet. curl is another command used to transfer data to or from a server. If you want to download the student.json using the url "https://github.com/ravigajul/NodeJsForMe/blame/master/Playground/student.json" It will just be a github html page and not the actual student.json. In order to dwonload the actual file, we should be using the raw file url from github instead like https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ravigajul/NodeJsForMe/master/Playground/student.json.

Download a file from bitbucket using curl

Generate and replace the token and use the raw file url

  curl -o filename -H "Authorization: Bearer Token" https://bitbucket.com/projects/projectname/repos/reponame/raw/filename?at=refs%2Fheads%2FBranchName

Get latest code from master and merge to dev branch

git checkout dev
git pull origin master


git fetch origin
git merge origin/master

Remove untracked files

remove files and directories

git clean -f -d

To check which fils will be removed by git clean

git clean -f -n

To preview the files and directories that will be removed, use the -n option:

git clean -f -d -n

To just remove files

git clean -f

Git Pull vs Git Fetch

The main difference between git pull and git fetch is that git pull fetches and merges changes from a remote branch into your local branch in a single command, while git fetch only fetches changes from the remote branch and does not merge them automatically.

Host html pages on GitHub Gist

create a simple HTML page that demonstrates the autocomplete feature using a basic input field with some predefined options. We'll host this on GitHub Gist and make it shareable.

Step 1: Create the HTML Page

Step 2: Create a GitHub Gist

  1. Sign in to GitHub:

    • Go to GitHub and sign in with your GitHub account.
  2. Create a New Gist:

    • Go to GitHub Gist.
    • Enter a description, for example, "Autocomplete HTML Example".
    • Name the file practise.html.
    • Paste the HTML content from above into the text area.
  3. Save the Gist:

    • Choose whether to make the gist public or secret.
    • Click the "Create public gist" or "Create secret gist" button.

Step 3: Get the Raw URL and Use RawGit or GitHack

  1. Get the Raw URL:

    • After creating the gist, click on the "Raw" button to get the raw URL of the HTML file. It should look something like https://gist.githubusercontent.com/your-username/gist-id/raw/practise.html.
  2. Use GitHack to Render the HTML:

    • Go to https://raw.githack.com/.
    • Enter the raw URL in the input field and get the formatted URL.


    • Raw URL: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/your-username/gist-id/raw/practise.html
    • GitHack URL: https://raw.githack.com/your-username/gist-id/raw/practise.html
  3. Open the Rendered URL:

    • Copy the GitHack URL and paste it into a new browser tab to see your autocomplete HTML page rendered properly.

By following these steps, you will have a shareable HTML page that demonstrates the autocomplete feature, hosted on GitHub Gist.

Install Apps VM

# Functions

function Update-Environment-Path
    $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") `
        + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")

#Create required directories
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path C:\workdir

# IntelliJ
choco install intellijidea-community --yes

# Maven
choco install maven --yes

# Misc
choco install notepadplusplus --yes

# Java
choco install openjdk --version=17.0.2 --yes

# Update CACERTS files
Move-Item "C:\Program Files\OpenJDK\jdk-17.0.2\lib\security\cacerts" -Destination "C:\Program Files\OpenJDK\jdk-17.0.2\lib\security\cacerts.sav" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "C:\VMSetup\cacerts" -Destination "C:\Program Files\OpenJDK\jdk-17.0.2\lib\security"

# Environment update
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("IDEA_JDK_64", $Env:java_home, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
