ravenruckus / visidata

A console spreadsheet tool for discovering and arranging data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

VisiData v0.35

A curses interface for exploring and arranging tabular data

Usable via any remote shell which has Python3 installed.


  • 'F1' for command help sheet
  • 'o'pen .csv, .tsv, .json, .hdf5, .xlsx
  • 'Ctrl-S'ave .csv, .tsv
  • hjkl cursor movement, 't'op/'m'iddle/'b'ottom scroll to position screen cursor
  • '['/']' sort asc/desc by one column
  • 'e'dit cell contents
  • search/select/unselect by regex in column
  • 'F'requency table for current column with histogram
  • inner/outer/full/diff joins on any number of sheets, matching designated key columns
  • add new column by Python expression
  • Ctrl-O to eval an expression and browse the result as a python object


  • 'E'rror metasheet
  • 'S'heets metasheet to manage/navigate multiple sheets
  • 'C'olumns metasheet
  • 'O'ptions sheet to change the style or behavior


On the 'C'olumns sheet, these commands apply to rows (the columns of the source sheet), instead of the columns on the Columns sheet

  • '-' hides column (sets width to 0)
  • '_' maximizes column width to fit longest value
  • '!' marks column as a key column (pins to the left and matches on sheet joins)

Column typing

  • columns start out untyped (unless the source data is typed)
    • '#' sets column type to int
    • '$' sets column type to str
    • '%' sets column type to float
    • '@' sets column type to date
    • '~' autodetects column type
  • all values are stored in their original format, and only converted on demand and as needed.
  • values that can't be properly converted are flagged with '~' on the display
  • for commands like sort which require a correctly typed value, the default (0) value for that type is used
  • cell edits are rejected if they don't convert to the column type


Copy the bin/vd script to a directory in PATH and make it executable.

$ curl -L saul.pw/vd > vd
$ chmod u+x ./vd


  • Python 3.3
  • openpyxl (if reading .xlsx files)
  • h5py and numpy (if reading .hdf5 files)


    $ vd [-r/--readonly] [<input> ...]

Inputs may be paths or URLs. If no inputs are given, starts exploring the current directory. Unknown filetypes are by default viewed with a text browser.

Working keys

The 'g' prefix indicates 'global' context (e.g. apply action to all columns) for the next command only.

Keybinding Action with 'g' prefix
F1 Show help screen with list of commands
h/j/k/l or <arrows> Move cell cursor left/down/up/right Move cursor all the way to the left/bottom/top/right
PgDn/PgUp Scroll sheet one page down/up (minus stickied rows/columns) Go to first/last page
t/m/b Scrolls cursor row to top/middle/bottom of screen
Ctrl-G Show sheet info on statusline
Ctrl-P Show last status message Open status history
Ctrl-R Reload sheet from source
Ctrl-S Save current sheet to new file (type based on extension)
o open local file or url
Ctrl-O eval Python expression and push the result
R Change type of sheet (requires reload (Ctrl-R) to reparse)
Ctrl-^ Toggle to previous sheet
TAB/Shift-Tab Cycle/reverse-cycle through sheets

| | S | View current sheet stack | | C | Build column summary | | F | Build frequency table for current column | | O | Show/edit options | | | E | View stack trace for previous exceptions | View stacktraces for last 100 exceptions | | Ctrl-E | Abort and print last exception and stacktrace to terminal | | Ctrl-D | Toggle debug mode (future exceptions abort program) | | | _ (underscore) | Set width of current column to fit values on screen | Set width of all columns to fit values on screen | | [/] | Sort by current column (asc/desc) | | </> | Skip up/down to next value in column | | | / / ? | Search forward/backward by regex in current column | Search all columns | p/n | Go to previous/next search match | Go to first/last match | | |//\ | Select/Unselect rows by regex if this column matches | Select/Unselect rows if any column matches | | s/u/<Space> | Select/Unselect/Toggle current row | Select/Unselect/Toggle all rows | | |H/J/K/L | Move current column or row one to the left/down/up/right (changes data ordering) | "Throw" the column/row all the way to the left/bottom/top/right | | ^ | Set name of current column | Set names of all columns to the values in the current row | | - (hyphen) | Delete current column | | d | Delete current row | Delete all selected rows | | #/$/% | Convert column to int/string/float | | e | Edit current cell value | | = | Add new column by Python expression | | ! | Make current column a key (pin to left and match on join) | | ~ | Autodetect this column | Autodetect all columns |

HDF5 sheets

Keybinding Action with 'g' prefix
Open the group or dataset under the cursor
A View attributes of currently selected object View attributes of current sheet

'S'heets commands

Keybinding Action with 'g' prefix
& Join all selected sheets, keeping only rows which match keys on all sheets (inner join)
+ Join all selected sheets, keeping all rows from first sheet (outer join)
* (asterisk) Join all selected sheets, keeping all rows from all sheets (full join)
~ Join all selected sheets, keeping only rows NOT in all sheets (diff join)


  • Edits made to a joined sheet will be reflected in the source sheets.

Configurable Options (via shift-'O')

Option Default value notes
csv_dialect excel as passed to csv.reader
csv_delimiter ,
csv_quotechar "

| | encoding | utf-8| as passed to codecs.open | | encoding_errors | surrogateescape| | | VisibleNone | ``| visible contents of a cell whose value was None | | ColumnFiller | ` `| pad chars after column value | | `Ellipsis` | `…`| | `ColumnSep` | ` | `| chars between columns | | `SubsheetSep` | `~`| | `StatusSep` | ` | `| | `SheetNameFmt` | `%s| `| status line prefix | | `FunctionError` | `¿`| when computation fails due to exception | | `HistogramChar` | `*`| | color scheme | | `c_default` | `normal`| | `c_Header` | `bold`| | `c_CurHdr` | `reverse`| | `c_CurRow` | `reverse`| | `c_CurCol` | `bold`| | `c_StatusLine` | `bold`| | `c_SelectedRow` | `green`|


Created by Saul Pwanson <vd@saul.pw>.

VisiData is currently under active development (as of Nov 2016). Please contact me at the email address above if you would like to contribute.



VisiData is licensed under GPLv3.


A console spreadsheet tool for discovering and arranging data

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%