ravenloue / TodoApp

A simple browser based task list using javascript

Home Page:https://ravenloue.github.io/TodoApp/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

To Do App

A simple todo app that utilizes the local storage to save its contents

Table of Contents


Everyone does to do apps, right? I felt that this was a great way to learn how to better handle TypeScript. I struggled with a few things that I wanted to include, specifically the checkbox and delete button event handlers. Mostly it was just a matter of figuring out how to ensure that each task item had a unique identifier to prevent multiple objects from being deleted at once.

The Idea

  • To do list
    • User should be able to name their own list
    • Add, crossout and remove items from the list
    • List should be stored in local storage so that it remains static upon refresh
    • Local storage should be able to be cleared by the user


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My Process

Built with

  • TypeScript
  • HTML semantic tags
  • VSCode

What I learned

I learned how to interact with the browser's local storage and got to really work with TypeScript. I chose to not do modules for this project, but the next one is going to take advantage of them.

I was very proud of getting the scrollbar to be limited to the list itself without hiding the task entry section or the Title.

Continued Development

Possible improvements:

  • Make adjustments for longer task names or limit characters

Useful Resources



A simple browser based task list using javascript



Language:TypeScript 32.6%Language:JavaScript 31.3%Language:SCSS 23.3%Language:HTML 12.7%