raveneyex / console-ui

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Console UI

An HTML-first UI portfolio. My goal with this file would be to document the evolution of the project: from just a bunch of static files in plain HTML/CSS/JS to wherever fate and needs take me. I am intentionally starting with "just the basics" and seeing how long can I resist adding bundlers, libraries, etc.


Note: I don't suffer from american brain-rot so all date formats are DD/MM/YYYY. Deal with it.


  • Created style using radial-gradient for the old-school background.
  • Overlaying lines done using repeating-linear-gradient, and fixed position stretching to the four sides ensures overlay covers all page, even with scroll.
  • text-typing animation is done be messing with the width of the container.
  • the cursor blink was achieved be alternating the right-border between white and transparent
  • Rendering one line at a time with pure CSS proved trickier and the 'solution' doesn't really satisfies me:
    • it involves carefully setting the animation-delay of the n+1 animation to the total sum of the duration of all the previous animations.
    • doable, but it felt cheap.
    • decided to bring in the JS cannons instead.
  • Created a animateText function that receives 3 parameters:
    • textPath: path to a txt file with the text to animate.
    • target: an HTMLElement where the text will be rendered.
    • onComplete: a callback to execute once the animation has completed (I'm hesitant about this pattern and I'm considering changing the function to a promise that resolves once it finishes — I'll think about it.)
  • The internals of animateText are admitedly over-engineered but I like what I did cuz not every day I get to play with generator functions:
    • I use textPath to fetch the text file and break it into lines.
    • I then create a generator function that will yield a promise for each line of text.
    • All promises take a delay time to resolve — this is what ensures that each line has time to render and animate before the next line is added.
    • When each line resolves it is added as a child to target, using the text-typing class.
    • Once the generator is done yielding onComplete is called.
  • For the user input I had to use hack because textareas and inputs do not resize with the content, which is exactly what I needed to get that console input feeling. So I used a <span contenteditable> and threw some styles in there to style it as needed.
  • Added an event listener to handle the text when the user hits enter:
    • Whatever text was in the "input" is trimmed and added to the document as a new line in the console — though using a different font color to denote that it is text supplied by the user.
    • Input is deleted from the view
    • The user input command is processed - if it produces output, the input should not be rendered until all the output is rendered and animated.


  • Created a new document where I'm defining the styles needed to display work experience.
  • Thinking about adding some lint and code-format rules, but I have avoided npm so far. Let's see if I can keep resisting.
    • Also considering adding a bundler, to concatenate all my CSS and JS files. Perhaps even migrating all the CSS to SASS? We'll see.
  • Moved the animation function to return a promise instead of using a callback - feels cleaner that way.
  • Adding some more styles to give the console better visual indications of the different types of text.



Language:JavaScript 45.5%Language:CSS 27.4%Language:HTML 27.0%