raul23 / nlp

Performing various NLP tasks with different Python libraries

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This script tests different NLP methods to extract names from text:

  • The first method makes use of nltk to get all NNP (proper noun, singular) with more than one part from a given text and then the first and last names are returned
  • The second method feeds the raw text to the NLP model en_core_web_md and then spacy produces a document containing among other things named entities with the PERSON label.

  • The Python script can be found at extract_names_from_text.py.
  • The script extract_names_from_text.py only imports the third-party libraries/modules necessary for the chosen method, e.g. if you choose the second method, only the spacy library is imported. Hence, if you are just interested in one particular method, you won't need to download unnecessary libraries.

The script extract_names_from_text.py is tested on the following four texts (taken from Wikpedia and stackoverflow):

# Examples
# Ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Pauli
text1 = """
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (/ˈpɔːli/; German: [ˈvɔlfɡaŋ ˈpaʊli]; 25 April 1900 –
15 December 1958) was an Austrian theoretical physicist and one of the pioneers
of quantum physics. In 1945, after having been nominated by Albert Einstein,
Pauli received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his "decisive contribution
through his discovery of a new law of Nature, the exclusion principle or Pauli
principle". The discovery involved spin theory, which is the basis of a theory
of the structure of matter.

# Ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_W._Anderson
text2 = """
Anderson was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, and grew up in Urbana, Illinois.
His father, Harry Warren Anderson, was a professor of plant pathology at the
University of Illinois at Urbana; his maternal grandfather was a mathematician
at Wabash College, where Anderson's father studied; and his maternal uncle was
a Rhodes Scholar who became a professor of qEnglish, also at Wabash College. He
graduated from University Laboratory High School in Urbana in 1940. Under the
encouragement of a math teacher by the name of Miles Hartley, Anderson enrolled
at Harvard University to study under a fully-funded scholarship. He
concentrated in "Electronic Physics" and completed his B.S. in 1943, after which
he was drafted into the war effort and built antennas at the Naval Research
Laboratory until the end of the Second World War in 1945. As an undergraduate,
his close associates included particle-nuclear physicist H. Pierre Noyes,
philosopher and historian of science Thomas Kuhn and molecular physicist Henry
Silsbee. After the war, Anderson returned to Harvard to pursue graduate studies
in physics under the mentorship of John Hasbrouck van Vleck; he received his
Ph.D. in 1949 after completing a doctoral dissertation titled "The theory of
pressure broadening of spectral lines in the microwave and infrared regions."

# Ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_Galilei
text3 = """
Galileo continued to receive visitors until 1642, when, after suffering fever
and heart palpitations, he died on 8 January 1642, aged 77. The Grand Duke of
Tuscany, Ferdinando II, wished to bury him in the main body of the Basilica of
Santa Croce, next to the tombs of his father and other ancestors, and to erect
a marble mausoleum in his honour.
These plans were dropped, however, after Pope Urban VIII and his nephew,
Cardinal Francesco Barberini, protested, because Galileo had been condemned by
the Catholic Church for "vehement suspicion of heresy". He was instead buried
in a small room next to the novices' chapel at the end of a corridor from the
southern transept of the basilica to the sacristy. He was reburied in the main
body of the basilica in 1737 after a monument had been erected there in his
honour; during this move, three fingers and a tooth were removed from his
remains. These fingers are currently on exhibition at the Museo Galileo in
Florence, Italy.

# Ref.: https://stackoverflow.com/q/20290870
text4 = """
Some economists have responded positively to Bitcoin, including
Francois R. Velde, senior economist of the Federal Reserve in Chicago
who described it as "an elegant solution to the problem of creating a
digital currency." In November 2013 Richard Branson announced that
Virgin Galactic would accept Bitcoin as payment, saying that he had invested
in Bitcoin and found it "fascinating how a whole new global currency
has been created", encouraging others to also invest in Bitcoin.
Other economists commenting on Bitcoin have been critical.
Economist Paul Krugman has suggested that the structure of the currency
incentivizes hoarding and that its value derives from the expectation that
others will accept it as payment. Economist Larry Summers has expressed
a "wait and see" attitude when it comes to Bitcoin. Nick Colas, a market
strategist for ConvergEx Group, has remarked on the effect of increasing
use of Bitcoin and its restricted supply, noting, "When incremental
adoption meets relatively fixed supply, it should be no surprise that
prices go up. And that’s exactly what is happening to BTC prices."

This is the environment on which the script extract_names_from_text.py was tested:

  • Platform: macOS

  • Python: versions 3.7 and 3.8

  • For method 1:

    • nltk (Natural Language Toolkit): v3.7, "for building Python programs to work with human language data"

      pip install nltk

    • numpy: v1.21.5 (Python 3.7) and v1.23.4 (Python 3.8), optional for nltk

      pip install numpy

    • nameparser: v1.1.2, "for parsing human names into their individual components"

      pip install nameparser

  • For method 2:

    • spacy: v2.3.5 (Python 3.7) and v3.3.1 (Python 3.8), "a library for advanced Natural Language Processing in Python and Cython"

      pip install spacy

Run the script by specifying the method to use for extracting names from text:

$ pyton extract_names_from_text.py -m 1

ℹ️ By default, the first method is used.

To display the script's list of options and their descriptions, use the -h option:

$ python extract_names_from_text.py -h

usage: python extract_names_from_text.py [OPTIONS]

Extract names from texts

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m METHOD, --method METHOD
                        Method to use for extracting the names from texts.
                        (default: 1)
  -d, --download        Whether to download necessary resources for the selected method
                        (default: False)

ℹ️ These are the resources that need to be downloaded for each method (with the -d flag):

  • Method 1: 'punkt', 'averaged_perceptron_tagger', 'maxent_ne_chunker', 'words'
  • Method 2: 'en_core_web_md'

⭐ Ways to download and install the model 'en_core_web_md' necessary for method 2

  1. running the script extract_names_from_text.py with the -d flag:

    $ python extract_names_from_text.py -d
  2. Installing it separately from the script by running the following command on the terminal:

    $ python -m spacy download en_core_web_md

From the stackoverflow user 'e h':

This is what I tried (code is below): I am using nltk to find everything marked as a person and then generating a list of all the NNP parts of that person. I am skipping persons where there is only one NNP which avoids grabbing a lone surname.
import nltk
from nameparser.parser import HumanName


def get_human_names(text):
    tokens = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(text)
    pos = nltk.pos_tag(tokens)
    sentt = nltk.ne_chunk(pos, binary = False)
    person_list = []
    person = []
    name = ""
    for subtree in sentt.subtrees(filter=lambda t: t.label() == 'PERSON'):
        for leaf in subtree.leaves():
        if len(person) > 1: #avoid grabbing lone surnames
            for part in person:
                name += part + ' '
            if name[:-1] not in person_list:
            name = ''
        person = []
    return person_list

text = 'In 1945, after having been nominated by Albert Einstein, Pauli received the Nobel Prize in ' \
       'Physics for his "decisive contribution through his discovery of a new law of Nature, the ' \
       'exclusion principle or Pauli principle".'
names = get_human_names(text)
for name in names:
    print(HumanName(name).first + ' ' + HumanName(name).last)


  • The stackoverflow user 'Gihan Gamage' suggests downloading the following NLTK packages after the import statements: punkt, averaged_perceptron_tagger, maxent_ne_chunker, words.
  • The Python code returns the first and last name (e.g. Albert Einstein) for each person found in the text.

⭐ The script can be found at extract_names_from_text.py.

To run method 1 (nltk) on the four texts:

$ python extract_names_from_text.py -m 1


Extracting names with method #1

# Text1 #
Ernst Pauli
Albert Einstein

# Text2 #
Harry Anderson
Miles Hartley
Pierre Noyes
Thomas Kuhn
Henry Silsbee
John Hasbrouck

# Text3 #
Ferdinando II
Santa Croce
Francesco Barberini

# Text4 #
Francois Velde
Richard Branson
Virgin Galactic
Paul Krugman
Larry Summers
Nick Colas

Feeding the raw text to the NLP model en_core_web_md, spacy then produces a document containing among other things named entities. The entities that are of interest to us are those labeled as PERSON.

import shlex
import subprocess
import spacy

# Download the model 'en_core_web_md'
cmd = 'python -m spacy download en_core_web_md'
subprocess.run(shlex.split(cmd), capture_output=True)
model = spacy.load('en_core_web_md')

doc = model(text)
names = []
for ent in doc.ents:
    if ent.label_ == 'PERSON' and str(ent) not in names and len(ent) > 1:
        name = str(ent).replace('\n', '')

⭐ The script can be found at extract_names_from_text.py.

⭐ Ways to download and install the model 'en_core_web_md' which is necessary for method 2

  1. running the script extract_names_from_text.py with the -d flag:

    $ python extract_names_from_text.py -d
  2. Installing it separately from the script by running the following command on the terminal:

    $ python -m spacy download en_core_web_md

ℹ️ about the if condition

  • str(ent) not in names: to avoid displaying duplicated names
  • len(ent) > 1: to avoid displaying names with only one part (e.g. Anderson)

⭐ The script can be found at extract_names_from_text.py.

To run method 2 (spacy) on the four texts:

$ python extract_names_from_text.py -m 2 -d


Extracting names with method #2

# Text1 #
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli
Albert Einstein

# Text2 #
Harry Warren Anderson
Miles Hartley
H. Pierre Noyes
Thomas Kuhn
Henry Silsbee
John Hasbrouck van Vleck

# Text3 #
Pope Urban VIII
Francesco Barberini

# Text4 #
Francois R. Velde
Richard Branson
Paul Krugman
Larry Summers
Nick Colas

This script tests different NLP methods to detect text language:

  • The first method checks each unique word from a given text against the nltk English corpus and if the % of words that are unusual (i.e. not part of the corpus) exceeds a threshold, then the text is English. Otherwise, it is non-English. It is thus a simple binary classifier. Its application might be limited but depending on your use case, it might actually do the job.

    Running time: ~ 0.2 second per text

  • The second method uses the textcat classifier from nltk to determine the text language. It is the slowest method for identifiying the language of a given text but it supports many languages (255), unlike the first method which can only tell if a text is English or not. It returns the language of a given text as a language code in ISO 639-3.

    Running time: ~ 2.6 seconds per text

  • The third method uses langdetect to determine the text language. It is the third quickest method for identifiying the language of a given text. langdetect supports 55 languages and it returns the language of a given text as a language code in ISO 639-1.

    Running time: ~ 0.08 second per text

  • The fourth method uses Compact Langauge Detect 2 (CLD-2) to determine the text language. It is the quickest of all the methods tested: it is almost instantaneous. Unlike all the other methods, it is able to identify multiple languages in a text. For each language detected, it returns a tuple containing among other things the language full name and the language code in ISO 639-1 (over 165 languages supported by CLD-2).

    Running time: ~ 0.0 second per text

  • The fifth method uses langid to determine the text language. It is the second quickest method for identifiying the language of a given text. langid supports 97 languages and it returns the language of a given text as a language code in ISO 639-1.

    Running time: ~ 0.003 second per text

Methods Average running time (second) on a ~ 70 words text Initial overhead Languages supported Language code returned Binary classification error % Multiclass classification error %
Method 1: binary classification (nltk English corpus) 0.2 s No 1 (English)
0 %
Method 2: nltk.classify.textcat 2.6 s 2.6 s 255 ISO 639-3 12.5 % 25 %
Method 3: langdetect 0.08 s 0.5 s 55 ISO 639-1 0 % 0 %
Method 4: CLD-2 0.0 s No 165 ISO 639-1 0 % 0 %
Method 5: langid 0.003 s 2.8 s 97 ISO 639-1 0 % 0 %

  • The running time is based on the eight Wikipedia texts tested (70 words per text on average)
  • Methods 2 and 5 have an overhead when starting the language classification. Method 3 also has an overhead but it is less noticeable.
    • Method 2 has an initial overhead of about 2.6 seconds
    • Method 3 has an initial overhead of about 0.5 second
    • Method 5 has an initial overhead of about 2.8 seconds
  • The binary classification refers to the simple task of determining if a given text is English or not.
  • The multiclass classification refers to the more complex task of determining the language of a given text (e.g. French, Spanish).
  • Both binary and multiclass classification was tested on the eight texts from Wikipedia.
  • The Python script testing all these methods can be found at detect_lang.py.
  • The script detect_lang.py only imports the third-party libraries/modules necessary for the chosen method, e.g. if you choose the first method, only the nltk library is imported.

ℹ️ Comparison of the CLD-2, textcat, langdetect and langid tools for language identification.

This table is taken from Martin Thoma's excellent paper "The WiLI benchmark dataset for written language identification" where many NLP tools for language detection are tested and compared against the WiLI-2018 - Wikipedia Language Identification database.

Reference: Thoma, Martin. "The WiLI benchmark dataset for written language identification." arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.07779 (2018).

The script detect_lang.py is tested on the following eight texts (all taken from Wikpedia) with an average of 70 words per text:

# Examples from Wikipedia
# Ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeman_Dyson [ENGLISH]
text1_english = """
Freeman John Dyson FRS (15 December 1923 – 28 February 2020) was an English-American
theoretical physicist and mathematician known for his works in quantum field theory,
astrophysics, random matrices, mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics, condensed
matter physics, nuclear physics, and engineering.[a][8] He was Professor Emeritus in the
Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and a member of the Board of Sponsors of the
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

# Ref.: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeman_Dyson [FRENCH]
text2_french = """
Il contribue notamment aux fondements de l'électrodynamique quantique en 1948. Il fait
également de nombreuses contributions à la physique des solides, l’astronomie et l’ingénierie
nucléaire. On lui doit plusieurs concepts qui portent son nom, tels que la transformée de
Dyson (en) , l'arbre de Dyson (en) , la série de Dyson (en) et la sphère de Dyson.

# Ref.: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_Fermi [SPANISH]
text3_spanish = """
Fermi mandó su tesis «Un teorema sobre probabilidad y algunas de sus aplicaciones» (en
italiano, Un teorema di calcolo delle probabilità ed alcune sue applicazioni) a la Scuola Normale
Superiore en julio de 1922, y recibió su licenciatura laureada a la temprana edad de 20 años.
La tesis era sobre imágenes de difracción de rayos X. La Física Teórica no era considerada una
disciplina en Italia y la única tesis que habría sido aceptada sería una sobre física
experimental. Por esta razón los físicos italianos fueron lentos al incorporar nuevas ideas
como la relatividad que venía de Alemania. Como Fermi se sentía como en casa en el laboratorio
haciendo trabajo experimental, esto no supuso mayor problema para él.

# Ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_Fermi [ENGLISH]
text4_english = """
Fermi was fond of pointing out that when Alessandro Volta was working in his laboratory,
Volta had no idea where the study of electricity would lead.[145] Fermi is generally
remembered for his work on nuclear power and nuclear weapons, especially the creation of
the first nuclear reactor, and the development of the first atomic and hydrogen bombs. His
scientific work has stood the test of time. This includes his theory of beta decay, his work
with non-linear systems, his discovery of the effects of slow neutrons, his study of pion-nucleon
collisions, and his Fermi–Dirac statistics. His speculation that a pion was not a fundamental
particle pointed the way towards the study of quarks and leptons.

# Ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Kaluza [ENGLISH]
text5_english = """
Kaluza's insight is remembered as the Kaluza–Klein theory (also named after physicist Oskar
Klein). However, the work was neglected for many years, as attention was directed towards
quantum mechanics. His idea that fundamental forces can be explained by additional dimensions
did not re-emerge until string theory was developed. It is, however, also notable that many of
the aspects of this body of work were already published in 1914 by Gunnar Nordström, but his
work also went unnoticed and was not recognized when the ideas re-emerged.

# Ref.: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Kaluza_(Physiker) [German]
text6_german = """
Kaluza entstammte einer deutschen katholischen Familie aus der Stadt Ratibor in Oberschlesien
(jetzt Racibórz in Polen). Er selbst wurde in Wilhelmsthal, einem Dorf, das 1899 der Stadt Oppeln
(heute Opole) eingemeindet wurde, geboren. Seine Jugend verlebte er in Königsberg (Preußen), wo
sein Vater Max Kaluza Professor für Anglistik war.

# Ref.: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makoto_Kobayashi_(fisico) [ITALIAN]
text7_italian = """
Makoto Kobayashi (小林誠 Kobayashi Makoto; Nagoya, 7 aprile 1944) è un fisico giapponese,
molto conosciuto per il suo lavoro sulla violazione CP.

# Ref: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makoto_Kobayashi_(physicien) [FRENCH]
text8_french = """
Il est co-lauréat avec Toshihide Maskawa du prix Nobel de physique de 2008 (l'autre moitié a
été remise à Yoichiro Nambu) « pour la découverte de l'origine de la brisure de symétrie qui
prédit l'existence d'au moins trois familles de quarks dans la nature ».

This is the environment on which the script detect_lang.py was tested:

  • Platform: macOS

  • Python: versions 3.7 and 3.8

  • For method 1 (nltk English corpus):

  • For method 2 (nltk.classify.textcat):

    • nltk (Natural Language Toolkit): v3.7, "for building Python programs to work with human language data"

      pip install nltk

    • numpy: v1.21.5 (Python 3.7) and v1.23.4 (Python 3.8), optional for nltk

      pip install numpy

    • pycountry: v22.3.5 it's optional. Used for converting the language code returned by nltk.classify.textcat into the language full name. If pycountry is not found, then only binary classification will be done (i.e. detect if a given text is English or non-English).

      pip install pycountry

  • For method 3 (langdetect):

    • langdetect: v1.0.9, a direct port of Google's language-detection library from Java to Python

      pip install langdetect

    • pycountry: v22.3.5 it's optional. Used for converting the language code returned by nltk.classify.textcat into the language full name. If pycountry is not found, then only binary classification will be done (i.e. detect if a given text is English or non-English).

      pip install pycountry

  • For method 4 (CLD-2):

    • pycld2: v0.41, Python bindings for the Compact Langauge Detect 2 (CLD2)

      pip install pycld2

  • For method 5 (langid):

    • languid: v1.1.6, a standalone Language Identification (LangID) tool.

      pip install pycld2

    • numpy: v1.21.5 (Python 3.7) and v1.23.4 (Python 3.8), required internally for languid

      pip install numpy

Run the script by specifying the method to use for detecting the text language:

$ pyton extract_names_from_text.py -m 1

ℹ️ By default, the first method is used.

To display the script's list of options and their descriptions, use the -h option:

$ python detect_lang.py -h

usage: python detect_lang.py [OPTIONS]

Detect text language

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m METHOD, --method METHOD
                        Method to use for detecting text language. Choices are
                        1: nltk English corpus,
                        2: nltk.classify.textcat,
                        3: langdetect
                        4: cld2
                        5: langid
                        (default: 1)
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        If this threshold (% of words in the text vocabulary that are unusual)
                        is exceeded, then the language of the text is not English. NOTE: This is
                        an option for method 1. (default: 25)
  -d, --deterministic   Make the language detection algorithm used for method 3 (langdetect)
                        deterministic. (default: False)
  -v, --verbose         Show more information for the given method such as the words considered
                        as unusual (method 1). (default: False)
  --log-level {debug,info,warning,error}
                        Set logging level. (default: info)

ℹ️ The -t/--threshold option

  • This option applies to method 1.
  • It refers to the % of unique words from a given text that are unusual and above which the text is not English. By default, the threshold value is 25% which means that if more than 25% of unique words in a given text are unusual, then the text is most likely not English.
  • As explained in method 1, a given text is considered unusual if there are words that are not part of the nltk English corpus.

ℹ️ The -d/--deterministic option sets the seed used by langdetect to 0 in order for the language detection algorithm to be deterministic. Hence, everytime you run the code on a given text, you will get the same result.

⭐ By default, the second method performs multiclass classification (if pycountry is found) but if the -v/--verbose option is used, then results for binary classification are also shown.

From the stackoverflow user 'William Niu':

Have you come across the following code snippet?

from http://groups.google.com/group/nltk-users/browse_thread/thread/a5f52af2cbc4cfeb?pli=1&safe=active

english_vocab = set(w.lower() for w in nltk.corpus.words.words())
text_vocab = set(w.lower() for w in text if w.lower().isalpha())
unusual = text_vocab.difference(english_vocab)

The stackoverflow user 'whege' comments the following about this code snippet:

This is such a good answer. The simplicity of checking if the words are in the vocab is an amazingly direct approach to this kind of task. Granted it doesn't give you the actual language or translate, but if you simply need to know if it's an outlier, this is brilliant.

Thus method 1 is limited in its application: it can only tell if a given text is English or not (a simple binary classifier). The way it does it is simple but still interesting depending on your use case:

  1. Every unique word (making sure they are all lowercase and consisting of alphabet letters) from a given text is checked against the nltk English corpus
  2. Those words from the given text that are not part of this corpus are considered as unusual
  3. The proportion of unique words from the given text that are unusual is used to determine if the given text is English or not: if the proportion in % is less than the threshold (by default, it is 25%), then the text is English. Otherwise, the text is non-English.


  • The threshold was not part of the original code snippet. It was added to allow binary classification of text (English or Not English) instead of just saying a given text is unusual/an outlier for having too many non-English words.
  • You could even save locally the nltk English corpus and hence no need to import nltk. Depending on your use case, this might be worthwhile as your code won't depend on a third-party library for a simple task of detecting whether a given text is English or not.
  • Another possible addition is to use corpora from other languages (e.g. French, Spanish) so you can convert this binary classifier into a multiclass classifier capable of identifying many text languages.

⭐ The script can be found at detect_lang.py.

To run method 1 (nltk English corpus) on the eight texts:

$ python detect_lang.py -m 1


Verbose option disabled
importing nltk

Detecting text language with method #1: nltk English corpus

Text1: english (true language)
The text is classified as english: 10% of words in the text vocabulary are unusual (threshold = 25%)
VALID classification
Took 0.212 second

Text2: french (true language)
The text is classified as non-english: 71% of words in the text vocabulary are unusual (threshold = 25%)
VALID classification
Took 0.206 second

Text3: spanish (true language)
The text is classified as non-english: 75% of words in the text vocabulary are unusual (threshold = 25%)
VALID classification
Took 0.208 second

Text4: english (true language)
The text is classified as english: 14% of words in the text vocabulary are unusual (threshold = 25%)
VALID classification
Took 0.198 second

Text5: english (true language)
The text is classified as english: 19% of words in the text vocabulary are unusual (threshold = 25%)
VALID classification
Took 0.201 second

Text6: german (true language)
The text is classified as non-english: 74% of words in the text vocabulary are unusual (threshold = 25%)
VALID classification
Took 0.202 second

Text7: italian (true language)
The text is classified as non-english: 79% of words in the text vocabulary are unusual (threshold = 25%)
VALID classification
Took 0.199 second

Text8: french (true language)
The text is classified as non-english: 72% of words in the text vocabulary are unusual (threshold = 25%)
VALID classification
Took 0.202 second

### Performance of method 1: nltk English corpus ###
task: binary classification
0.0% error classification

Total time: 1.63 second

From the stackoverflow user 'RK1':

Super late but, you could use textcat classifier in nltk, here. This paper discusses the algorithm.

It returns a language code in ISO 639-3, so I would use pycountry to get the full name.

import nltk
import py

phrase_one = "good morning"
phrase_two = "goeie more"

tc = nltk.classify.textcat.TextCat()
guess_one = tc.guess_language(phrase_one)
guess_two = tc.guess_language(phrase_two)

guess_one_name = pycountry.languages.get(alpha_3=guess_one).name
guess_two_name = pycountry.languages.get(alpha_3=guess_two).name



However, RK1 also warns that this method is not 100% reliable:

Disclaimer obviously this will not always work, especially for sparse data

Extreme example

guess_example = tc.guess_language("hello")
Konkani (individual language)


  • The second method (textcat) supports 255 languages, unlike the first method which can only tell if the text is English or non-English.

  • However, compared to the first method, the second method takes longer to process when performing binary classification: more than 10 times longer.

    Running time: ~ 2.6 seconds per text (70 words per text on average)

  • pycountry is optional. It is used for converting the language code returned by nltk.classify.textcat into the language full name. If pycountry is not found, then only binary classification will be performed (i.e. detect if a given text is English or non-English).

    To install it: pip install pycountry

⭐ The script can be found at detect_lang.py.

To run method 2 (nltk.classify.textcat) on the eight texts:

$ python detect_lang.py -m 2


Verbose option disabled
importing nltk
importing pycountry

Detecting text language with method #2: nltk.classify.textcat

Text1: english (true language)
classifying ...
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 5.247 seconds

Text2: french (true language)
classifying ...
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 1.654 second

Text3: spanish (true language)
classifying ...
The text is classified as portuguese [invalid]
Took 3.893 seconds

Text4: english (true language)
classifying ...
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 3.52 seconds

Text5: english (true language)
classifying ...
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 2.924 seconds

Text6: german (true language)
classifying ...
The text is classified as german [valid]
Took 1.998 second

Text7: italian (true language)
classifying ...
The text is classified as english [invalid]
Took 0.898 second

Text8: french (true language)
classifying ...
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 1.604 second

### Performance of method 2: nltk.classify.textcat ###
task: multiclass classification
25.0% error classification

Total time: 21.74 seconds

⚠️ There is an overhead when starting the language classification with textcat as we can see with the first text taken 5.247 seconds. When re-running the classification on the first text after the initial one, it actually took ~ 2.6 seconds like other texts of similar length.

⭐ By default, the second method shows results for the multiclass classification (if the pycountry package is found) but if the -v/--verbose option is used, then results for binary classification are also shown so you can compare them with those of the other methods.

We are only showing results for the last text analyzed:

$ python detect_lang.py -m 2 -v


Text8: french (true language)
Number of words in the text: 45
classifying ...
Guessed language: fra
Binary classification: the text is classified as non-english [valid]
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 1.674 second

### Performance of method 2: nltk.classify.textcat ###
task: binary classification
12.5% error classification

task: multiclass classification
25.0% error classification

Total time: 22.53 seconds

langdetect is a port of Nakatani Shuyo's language-detection library (version from 03/03/2014) from Java to Python (see official documentation).

From the stackoverflow user 'SVK':

This library is not from NLTK either but certainly helps.

$ sudo pip install langdetect

Supported Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.x.

>>> from langdetect import detect

>>> detect("War doesn't show who's right, just who's left.")
>>> detect("Ein, zwei, drei, vier")


P.S.: Don't expect this to work correctly always:

>>> detect("today is a good day")
>>> detect("today is a good day.")
>>> detect("la vita e bella!")
>>> detect("khoobi? khoshi?")
>>> detect("wow")
>>> detect("what a day")
>>> detect("yay!")

⚠️ As the official documentation notes, the algorithm is non-deterministic. Thus, if you run the code multiple times on a given text, you might get different results. Especially if the text is very short or ambiguous (e.g. using two languages). To make sure you get the same results, set the seed to 0 before running the language detection code:

from langdetect import DetectorFactory
DetectorFactory.seed = 0


  • The third method (langdetect) supports 55 languages

  • However, compared to the second method, the third method takes way less time to process when performing language classification: more than 30 times quicker.

    Running time: ~ 0.08 second (70 words per text on average)

  • Also, the third method is quicker than the first method when performing binary classification: more than twice faster.

  • pycountry is optional. It is used for converting the language code returned by langdetect.detect into the language full name. If pycountry is not found, then only binary classification will be performed (i.e. detect if a given text is English or non-English).

    To install it: pip install pycountry

⭐ The script can be found at detect_lang.py.

To run method 3 (langdetect) on the eight texts:

$ python detect_lang.py -m 3


Verbose option disabled
importing langdetect.detect
importing pycountry

Detecting text language with method #3: langdetect

Text1: english (true language)
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 0.562 second

Text2: french (true language)
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 0.007 second

Text3: spanish (true language)
The text is classified as spanish [valid]
Took 0.013 second

Text4: english (true language)
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 0.007 second

Text5: english (true language)
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 0.007 second

Text6: german (true language)
The text is classified as german [valid]
Took 0.007 second

Text7: italian (true language)
The text is classified as italian [valid]
Took 0.006 second

Text8: french (true language)
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 0.006 second

### Performance of method 3: langdetect ###
task: multiclass classification
0.0% error classification

Total time: 0.57 second

⚠️ There is an overhead when starting the language classification with langdetect as we can see with the first text taken 0.562 second. When re-running the classification on the first text after the initial one, it actually took ~ 0.007 second like other texts of similar length.

⭐ By default, the third method shows results for the multiclass classification (if the pycountry package is found) but if the -v/--verbose option is used, then results for binary classification are also shown so you can compare them with those of the other methods.

We are only showing results for the last text analyzed:

$ python detect_lang.py -m 3 -v -d


Text8: french (true language)
Number of words in the text: 45
Guessed language: fr
Binary classification: the text is classified as non-english [valid]
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 0.006 second

### Performance of method 3: langdetect ###
task: binary classification
0.0% error classification

task: multiclass classification
0.0% error classification

Total time: 0.64 second

ℹ️ We also used the -d/--deterministic option. Hence, the seed is set to 0.

From Dick Sites' documentation for the cld2 C++ library:

  • CLD2 probabilistically detects over 80 languages in Unicode UTF-8 text, either plain text or HTML/XML.
  • The design target is web pages of at least 200 characters (about two sentences); CLD2 is not designed to do well on very short text, lists of proper names, part numbers, etc.
  • CLD2 is a Naïve Bayesian classifier, using one of three different token algorithms.

The stackoverflow user 'Martin Thoma' compared CLD-2 with other NLP tools for language identification:

You might be interested in my paper The WiLI benchmark dataset for written language identification. I also benchmarked a couple of tools.


  • CLD-2 is pretty good and extremely fast
  • lang-detect is a tiny bit better, but much slower
  • langid is good, but CLD-2 and lang-detect are much better
  • NLTK's Textcat is neither efficient nor effective.

You can install lidtk and classify languages:

$ lidtk cld2 predict --text "this is some text written in English"
$ lidtk cld2 predict --text "this is some more text written in English"
$ lidtk cld2 predict --text "Ce n'est pas en anglais"

ℹ️ The GitHub pages of CLD-2 Python bindings are


  • The fourth method (CLD-2) supports over 165 languages supported by CLD-2.

  • It is quicker to process than all the other methods: it is almost instantaneous.

  • It is able to identify multiple languages in text, unlike the other methods:

    fr_en_Latn = """\
    France is the largest country in Western Europe and the third-largest in Europe as a whole.
    A accès aux chiens et aux frontaux qui lui ont été il peut consulter et modifier ses collections
    et exporter Cet article concerne le pays européen aujourd’hui appelé République française.
    Pour d’autres usages du nom France, Pour une aide rapide et effective, veuiller trouver votre aide
    dans le menu ci-dessus.
    Motoring events began soon after the construction of the first successful gasoline-fueled automobiles.
    The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."""
    isReliable, textBytesFound, details, vectors = cld2.detect(
        fr_en_Latn, returnVectors=True
    # ((0, 94, 'ENGLISH', 'en'), (94, 329, 'FRENCH', 'fr'), (423, 139, 'ENGLISH', 'en'))

    From the official documentation

⭐ The script can be found at detect_lang.py.

To run method 4 (CLD-2) on the eight texts:

$ python detect_lang.py -m 4


Verbose option disabled
importing pycld2

Detecting text language with method #4: cld2

Text1: english (true language)
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 0.001 second

Text2: french (true language)
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 0.0 second

Text3: spanish (true language)
The text is classified as spanish [valid]
Took 0.0 second

Text4: english (true language)
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 0.0 second

Text5: english (true language)
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 0.0 second

Text6: german (true language)
The text is classified as german [valid]
Took 0.0 second

Text7: italian (true language)
The text is classified as italian [valid]
Took 0.0 second

Text8: french (true language)
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 0.0 second

### Performance of method 4: cld2 ###
task: multiclass classification
0.0% error classification

Total time: 0.0 second

⭐ By default, the fourth method shows results for the multiclass classification but if the -v/--verbose option is used, then results for binary classification are also shown so you can compare them with those of the other methods.

We are only showing results for the last text analyzed:

$ python detect_lang.py -m 4 -v


Text8: french (true language)
Number of words in the text: 45
Guessed language: fr
Binary classification: the text is classified as non-english [valid]
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 0.0 second

### Performance of method 4: cld2 ###
task: binary classification
0.0% error classification

task: multiclass classification
0.0% error classification

Total time: 0.0 second

From the official documentation:

langid.py is a standalone Language Identification (LangID) tool.

The design principles are as follows:

  1. Fast
  2. Pre-trained over a large number of languages (currently 97)
  3. Not sensitive to domain-specific features (e.g. HTML/XML markup)
  4. Single .py file with minimal dependencies
  5. Deployable as a web service

langid.py comes pre-trained on 97 languages (ISO 639-1 codes given)


  • The fifth method (langid) supports 97 languages.

  • It is the third quickest method for identifiying the language of a given text.

    Running time: ~ 0.003 second per text (70 words per text on average)

⭐ The script can be found at detect_lang.py.

To run method 5 (langid) on the eight texts:

$ python detect_lang.py -m 5


Verbose option disabled
importing langid
importing pycountry

Detecting text language with method #5: langid

Text1: english (true language)
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 3.394 seconds

Text2: french (true language)
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 0.003 second

Text3: spanish (true language)
The text is classified as spanish [valid]
Took 0.004 second

Text4: english (true language)
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 0.003 second

Text5: english (true language)
The text is classified as english [valid]
Took 0.003 second

Text6: german (true language)
The text is classified as german [valid]
Took 0.003 second

Text7: italian (true language)
The text is classified as italian [valid]
Took 0.002 second

Text8: french (true language)
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 0.003 second

### Performance of method 5: langid ###
task: multiclass classification
0.0% error classification

Total time: 3.41 seconds

⚠️ Actually, the first text didn't take 3.394 seconds to process. It really took 0.003 second like the other texts of similar length (when re-running the classification again on the first text after the initial one). It is just that it takes more than 3 seconds to start classifying. Thus, it is an overhead that we must take into account when using langid.

⭐ By default, the fifth method shows results for the multiclass classification but if the -v/--verbose option is used, then results for binary classification are also shown so you can compare them with those of the other methods.

We are only showing results for the last text analyzed:

$ python detect_lang.py -m 5 -v


Text8: french (true language)
Number of words in the text: 45
Guessed language: fr
Binary classification: the text is classified as non-english [valid]
The text is classified as french [valid]
Took 0.003 second

### Performance of method 5: langid ###
task: binary classification
0.0% error classification

task: multiclass classification
0.0% error classification

Total time: 2.85 seconds


Performing various NLP tasks with different Python libraries

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%