ratchagarn / graphql-code-generator-setup-guide

GraphQL Code Generator Setup Guide

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GraphQL Code Generator Setup Guide

Step by step for setup GraphQL Code Generator for Apollo Client React with TypeScript and VSCode

These guide focusing on you don't have GraphQL server on your local environment and need to set authorization for access GraphQL schema on server

Table of contents

  1. Prepare directories
  2. Install packages
  3. Create configuration files
  4. Update package scripts
  5. Add your Query documents
  6. Update .gitignore
  7. Setup GraphQL Extension
  8. Example Usages

1) Prepare directories

Create directories for Query documents and files generate

  • ./src/graphql/documents
  • ./src/graphql/generate

2) Install packages

yarn add \
  graphql \
  @graphql-codegen/cli \
  @graphql-codegen/add \
  @graphql-codegen/schema-ast \
  @graphql-codegen/typescript \
  @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations \
  @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo \

3) Create configuration files

Create these files at your root directory


For setup your envoroment variables



Configuration for download GraphQL schema from server (If you don't have GraphQL Server in Local)

  "schema": [
      "${GRAPHQL_SERVER_URL}": {
        "headers": {
          "Authorization": "${GRAPHQL_SERVER_TOKEN}"
  "generates": {
    "./src/graphql/generate/schema.graphql": {
      "plugins": [


Configuration for generate operations (TypeScript types, Apollo custom hooks with type safety)

schema: './src/graphql/generate/schema.graphql'
documents: './src/graphql/documents/**/*.gql'
      - add:
          content: '// ***** THIS FILE IS GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT! *****'
      - typescript
      - typescript-operations
      - typescript-react-apollo
      preResolveTypes: true
      skipTypeNameForRoot: true
      skipTypename: true
      withHooks: true
      withMutationFn: true

If you need Typename you can set both skipTypeNameForRoot and skipTypename to false

4) Update package scripts

Add these scripts at your package.json scripts

"generate:schema": "DOTENV_CONFIG_PATH=./.env.local graphql-codegen -r dotenv/config --config codegen.json",
"generate:operations": "graphql-codegen --config codegen.yaml",
"generate:all": "yarn generate:schema && yarn generate:operations --watch=false"

5) Add your Query documents

Query documents should be stored at ./src/graphql/documents at least one file for code generator



query users {
  users {

Run generate command

yarn generate:all

If everythings work properly, you should see generate files at ./src/graphql/generate/

  • ./src/graphql/generate/operations.ts
  • ./src/graphql/generate/schema.graphql

When development you just need to run

yarn generate:operations --watch

You need to open codegen.yaml then just save it without any change to trigger update when you update Query documents

6) Update .gitignore

Add this ignore to your .gitignore


We need to ignore .env.local for personal configuration and schema.graphql for developer in the team to make sure we use same GraphQL schema with other team member
(please don't edit generate files manually, those files will created by code generator after run the command)

7) Setup GraphQL Extension

For GraphQL extension we need to create configuration file .graphqlrc.yaml

schema: 'src/graphql/generate/schema.graphql'
documents: 'src/graphql/documents/**/*.gql'

For advanced configuration, please see in extension document

8) Example Usages

import type { FC } from 'react'

import { useUsersQuery } from 'graphql/generate/operations'

const UserList: FC = () => {
  const query = useUsersQuery({
    fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
  if (query.loading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>
  if (query.error) {
    return <div>Query ERROR!</div>

  return query.data?.users.map((user) => (
    <div key={user.id}>{user.name}</div>

export default UserList

Have a good day 🚀


GraphQL Code Generator Setup Guide