ratchadj / telecommerce

deployment Magento-CE-2.3.2 with sample data on the AWS Cloud

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Telecommerce is a simple deployment Magento-CE-2.3.2 with sample data on the AWS Cloud. follow aws instructions.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Magento Components

Operating system: Amazon Linux x86-64

Web server: NGINX

Database: Amazon RDS for MySQL 5.6

Programming language: PHP 7, including the required extensions


What things you need to install the software

1. register aws console account
2. install aws cli
3. run aws configure on your terminal for storing access key and secret access key
cat ~/.aws/credentials for checking your key
4. go to aws console and create secret key on AWS and locate it on telecommerce/deployment/aws
please using key file name as "telecommerce"


A step by step how to get a development env running

cd telecommerce/deployment/aws

Then execute this file to create a project on AWS

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name telecommerce-stack --template-body file://$PWD/templates/magento-master.yaml --profile telecommerce --region ap-southeast-1 --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Then go to AWS consule and see progress in cloudformation menu and get URL after finish create stack in cloudformation.

for delete cloudformation stack able to excute this command.

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name telecommerce-stack --profile telecommerce

Running the tests

Go to AWS console then go to cloudformation and click your stack, you will see Outputs tab. Access Magento Website by using URL. Access Magento Admin Website by using AdminURL.


deployment Magento-CE-2.3.2 with sample data on the AWS Cloud