rataj86 / masquerade

Faker-driven, configuration-based, platform-agnostic, locale-compatible data faker tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Faker-driven, platform-agnostic, locale-compatible data faker tool

Point Masquerade to a database, give it a rule-set defined in YAML and Masquerade will anonymize the data for you automatically!

Out-of-the-box supported frameworks

  • Magento 2


You can add your own configuration files in a directory named config in the same directory as where you run masquerade. The configuration files will be merged with any already present configuration files for that platform, overriding any out-of-the-box values.

See the Magento 2 YAML files as examples for notation.

For example, to override the admin.yaml for Magento 2, you place a file in config/magento2/admin.yaml. For example, if you want to completely disable/skip a group, just add this content;


For formatters, you can use all default Faker formatters.

Custom Providers / Formatters

You can also create your own custom providers with formatters. They need to extend Faker\Provider\Base and they need to live in either ~/.masquerade or .masquerade relative from where you run masquerade.

An example file .masquerade/Custom/WoopFormatter.php;


namespace Custom;

use Faker\Provider\Base;

class WoopFormatter extends Base {

    public function woopwoop() {
        $woops = ['woop', 'wop', 'wopwop', 'woopwoop'];
        return $woops[array_rand($woops)];

And then use it in your YAML file. A provider needs to be set on the column name level, not on the formatter level.

        provider: \Custom\WoopFormatter
          name: woopwoop


Download the phar file:

curl -L -o masquerade.phar https://github.com/elgentos/masquerade/releases/latest/download/masquerade.phar


$ php masquerade.phar run --help

  List of tables (and columns) to be faked

  run [options]

      --driver[=DRIVER]      Database driver [mysql]
      --host[=HOST]          Database host [localhost]
      --prefix[=PREFIX]      Database prefix [empty]
      --locale[=LOCALE]      Locale for Faker data [en_US]
      --group[=GROUP]        Which groups to run masquerade on [all]

You can also set these variables in a config.yaml file in the same location as where you run masquerade from, for example:

platform: magento2
database: dbnamehere
username: userhere
password: passhere
host: localhost

Running it nightly

Check out the wiki on How to run Masquerade nightly with Gitlab CI/CD

Magento 2 out-of-the-box rule-set

$ php masquerade.phar list --platform=magento2

| Platform | Group      | Table                    | Column             | Formatter           |
| magento2 | invoice    | sales_invoice            | customer_note      | sentence            |
| magento2 | invoice    | sales_invoice_comment    | comment            | sentence            |
| magento2 | invoice    | sales_invoice_grid       | customer_email     | email               |
| magento2 | invoice    | sales_invoice_grid       | customer_name      | name                |
| magento2 | invoice    | sales_invoice_grid       | billing_name       | name                |
| magento2 | invoice    | sales_invoice_grid       | shipping_address   | address             |
| magento2 | invoice    | sales_invoice_grid       | billing_address    | address             |
| magento2 | creditmemo | sales_creditmemo         | customer_note      | sentence            |
| magento2 | creditmemo | sales_creditmemo_comment | comment            | sentence            |
| magento2 | creditmemo | sales_creditmemo_grid    | customer_email     | email               |
| magento2 | creditmemo | sales_creditmemo_grid    | customer_name      | name                |
| magento2 | creditmemo | sales_creditmemo_grid    | billing_name       | name                |
| magento2 | creditmemo | sales_creditmemo_grid    | shipping_address   | address             |
| magento2 | creditmemo | sales_creditmemo_grid    | billing_address    | address             |
| magento2 | review     | review_detail            | nickname           | firstName           |
| magento2 | review     | review_detail            | title              | sentence            |
| magento2 | review     | review_detail            | detail             | paragraph           |
| magento2 | newsletter | newsletter_subscriber    | subscriber_email   | email               |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order              | customer_email     | email               |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order              | customer_firstname | firstName           |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order              | customer_lastname  | lastName            |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order              | customer_dob       | dateTimeThisCentury |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order              | customer_taxvat    | vat                 |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order              | remote_ip          | ipv4                |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order              | customer_note      | sentence            |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_grid         | customer_email     | email               |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_grid         | customer_name      | name                |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_grid         | shipping_name      | name                |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_grid         | billing_name       | name                |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_grid         | shipping_address   | address             |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_grid         | billing_address    | address             |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_address      | email              | email               |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_address      | firstname          | firstName           |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_address      | lastname           | lastName            |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_address      | company            | company             |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_address      | street             | streetAddress       |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_address      | city               | city                |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_address      | postcode           | postcode            |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_address      | telephone          | phoneNumber         |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_address      | fax                | phoneNumber         |
| magento2 | order      | sales_order_address      | vat_id             | vat                 |
| magento2 | quote      | quote                    | customer_email     | email               |
| magento2 | quote      | quote                    | customer_firstname | firstName           |
| magento2 | quote      | quote                    | customer_lastname  | lastName            |
| magento2 | quote      | quote                    | customer_dob       | dateTimeThisCentury |
| magento2 | quote      | quote                    | customer_taxvat    | vat                 |
| magento2 | quote      | quote                    | remote_ip          | ipv4                |
| magento2 | quote      | quote_address            | email              | email               |
| magento2 | quote      | quote_address            | firstname          | firstName           |
| magento2 | quote      | quote_address            | lastname           | lastName            |
| magento2 | quote      | quote_address            | company            | company             |
| magento2 | quote      | quote_address            | street             | streetAddress       |
| magento2 | quote      | quote_address            | city               | city                |
| magento2 | quote      | quote_address            | postcode           | postcode            |
| magento2 | quote      | quote_address            | telephone          | phoneNumber         |
| magento2 | quote      | quote_address            | fax                | phoneNumber         |
| magento2 | quote      | quote_address            | vat_id             | vat                 |
| magento2 | admin      | admin_user               | firstname          | firstName           |
| magento2 | admin      | admin_user               | lastname           | lastName            |
| magento2 | admin      | admin_user               | email              | email               |
| magento2 | admin      | admin_user               | username           | firstName           |
| magento2 | admin      | admin_user               | password           | password            |
| magento2 | email      | email_contact            | email              | email               |
| magento2 | email      | email_automation         | email              | email               |
| magento2 | email      | email_campaign           | email              | email               |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_entity          | email              | email               |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_entity          | firstname          | firstName           |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_entity          | lastname           | lastName            |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_address_entity  | firstname          | firstName           |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_address_entity  | lastname           | lastName            |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_address_entity  | company            | company             |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_address_entity  | street             | streetAddress       |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_address_entity  | city               | city                |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_address_entity  | postcode           | postcode            |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_address_entity  | telephone          | phoneNumber         |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_address_entity  | fax                | phoneNumber         |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | name               | name                |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | firstname          | firstName           |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | email              | email               |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | dob                | dateTimeThisCentury |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | billing_full       | address             |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | shipping_full      | address             |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | billing_firstname  | firstName           |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | billing_lastname   | lastName            |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | billing_telephone  | phoneNumber         |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | billing_postcode   | postcode            |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | billing_street     | streetAddress       |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | billing_city       | city                |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | billing_fax        | phoneNumber         |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | billing_vat_id     | vat                 |
| magento2 | customer   | customer_grid_flat       | billing_company    | company             |
| magento2 | shipment   | sales_shipment           | customer_note      | sentence            |
| magento2 | shipment   | sales_shipment_comment   | comment            | sentence            |
| magento2 | shipment   | sales_shipment_grid      | customer_email     | email               |
| magento2 | shipment   | sales_shipment_grid      | customer_name      | name                |
| magento2 | shipment   | sales_shipment_grid      | shipping_name      | name                |
| magento2 | shipment   | sales_shipment_grid      | billing_name       | name                |
| magento2 | shipment   | sales_shipment_grid      | shipping_address   | address             |
| magento2 | shipment   | sales_shipment_grid      | billing_address    | address             |

Building from source

To build the phar from source you can use the build.sh script. Note that it depends on Box so you need to make sure that it is available first.

cd masquerade
# Find the latest version here: https://github.com/box-project/box2#as-a-phar-recommended
curl -LSs https://box-project.github.io/box2/installer.php | php
composer update
chmod u+x build.sh

Generating a new release changelog

export BRANCH=master
export VERSION=$(date "+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S")
gbp dch --debian-tag="%(version)s" --new-version=$VERSION --debian-branch $BRANCH --release --commit


To build a deb that installs the phar in the dist directory run:

gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-dist=xenial --git-arch=amd64 --git-ignore-branch --git-ignore-new

Make sure you have a cow environment configured for your branch and distribution. Keep in mind that the packaging does not build a new phar file, so if you want to package your local revision for testing please run ./build.sh and copy the created bin/masquerade to dist/masquerade.phar first.



Faker-driven, configuration-based, platform-agnostic, locale-compatible data faker tool

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%