rastyagaev / texts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Phase 1

Make an ability to re-use code for url helpers (`model.picture.url(:version)``) we already have in views. Possible options:

  • replace mount_uploader with some other method, which replicate current carrier_wave functionality for url helpers Pros: get rid of carrier_wave Cons: not clear how to test the whole application for possible errors after migration

  • create carrier_wave adapter like we have for cloudinary — it's a preferred option for now Pros: carrier_wave is good option for storing information about images/files versions, it's clear how to test — need to fulfill carrier_wave api using existing cloudinary adapter. Cons: additional dependency (carrier_wave), it requires us to create an extra product, probably not so large, — uploadcare carrier_wave adapter.


  1. Find all places where we send a data file or a string to controllers, change it to uploadcare uploader
  2. Mock all the conversion methods in carrier_wave, as well as all the uploading to the server.
  3. Check every for with upload, don't lose any functionality (resizing, previewing, removing, editing).

Migration (under consideration)

Duplicate every cloudinary attribute in every model with <attribute_name>_cloudinary, migrate cloudinary file to uploadcare.

Output of phase to

Nothing was destructed, we have a general ability to use uploadcare and re-use current code (except uploaders).

Phase 1

  • Check every special case (like if we use url somehow else in code except carrier_wave url_helpers).
  • Check the original files requirements
  • Make tests for each special case

Output of phase 2 is ability to migrate the application by request.
