rast-7 / regex_to_string

Given a regular expression, generate string using it.

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Random String Generator

This is a string generator that takes a regular expression as argument and returns strings that match the given regular expression.

The generator supports the following features:

  • [ Start of the character class definition
  • ] End of the character class definition
  • ? 0 or 1 quantifier
  • * 0 or more quantifier
  • + 1 or more quantifier
  • { Start min/max quantifier
  • } End min/max quantifier
  • | Start of an alternative branch
  • ( Start subpattern
  • ) End subpattern

Within a character class, the following subpatterns are supported: ^ Negate the class, but only if the first character - indicates character range

In order to use it, just import generate function from regex_to_string module using the following instruction:

from regex_to_string import generate

The generate function takes 2 arguments. The first argument is the regular expression template and the other is the number of unique string we want to generate.

Some examples:

generate('/[-+]?[0-9]{1,16}[.][0-9]{1,6}/', 10)


'generate('/(1[0-2])|(0[1-9])(:[0-5][0-9]){2} (A|P)M/', 10)

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Implementation Details

We have a class called StringGenerator. This class has an abstract class called Node which is inherited by the Literal and CharacterSet classes. Each of these classes implement a method called render. For Literal class, its just simple, return the literal. For the characterSet class, we render a random combination from the set of specified characters.

We have another class called Sequence which just contains a list of node objects and renders them.

We create an object of the StringGenerator class and initialize it with the regular expression template. We parse the template and form a sequence of nodes and then render each Node from the sequence.


Given a regular expression, generate string using it.


Language:Python 100.0%