rasreee / better-supabase-types

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

npm version npm License: MIT

Better Supabase Types

A CLI tool to add exports for your supabase tables. It will add type exports at the bottom of a new typescript file of every table you have. This tool can help remove the need to make a type for their rows manually.

Before πŸ“‰

import { Database } from './src/schema.ts';

type Todo = Database['public']['Tables']['Todo']['Row'];

const todos: Todo[] = [];

After πŸ“ˆ

import { Todo } from './src/newSchema.ts';

const todos: Todo[] = [];

Usage πŸ”¨

  1. First have your supabase typescript file generated Supabase Docs
npx supabase gen types typescript --linked --schema public > ./src/schema.ts
  1. Run the better-supabase-types command (you can also use a config file):
npx better-supabase-types -i ./src/schema.ts -o ./src/newSchema.ts

Overwrite input file ↩️

If you would like to overwrite the input file with the better types output, you must supply the force flag (-f) to the generate command:

npx better-supabase-types -i ./src/schema.ts -f

Using Prettier Config 🎨

If your project uses prettier this tool will automattically read it from your .prettierrc file! In the case that your prettier config file is not in the root of your project or is named .prettierrc, you can supply a value to the flag like this:

npx better-supabase-types -i ./src/schema.ts -o ./src/newSchema.ts -p ./configs/.prettierrc.yaml

Creating singular model type names from plural table names

If you use the common naming pattern of having plural table names, it can be confusing when the model type is also a plural, as it gives the impression that it represents more than one record. You can ask better-supabase-types to transform the model type name into the singular form (using the pluralize library) with the singular flag (-s). By default this is set to false (turned off).

npx better-supabase-types -i ./src/schema.ts -o ./src/newSchema.ts -s

Example schema output with the singular flag turned on:

export type Account = Database['public']['Tables']['accounts']['Row'];
export type InsertAccount = Database['public']['Tables']['accounts']['Insert'];
export type UpdateAccount = Database['public']['Tables']['accounts']['Update'];

Config file βš™

You can also use a config named .betterrc.json:

  "input": "./src/schema.ts",
  "force": true,
  "singular": true

package.json πŸ“¦

You can also put your config file in your package.json file:

  "name": "better-supabase-types",
  "...": "...",
  "betterConfig": {
    "input": "./schema.ts",
    "output": "./newSchema.ts"

Contributions βž•

Please contribute to this if you find any bugs or want any additions. This is my first public package so please bear with me if there are any issues.

Thanks πŸ™

Big thanks to Barry for making the Supabase React Query Codegen tool to help me understand on how to read the supabase type file.



Language:TypeScript 72.0%Language:JavaScript 28.0%