raspberrypi / rpicam-apps

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How to record a video with resolution over the limitations of h264?

KansaiUser opened this issue · comments

I have a similar situation as this issue.
In my case I would like to use rpicam-vid to record a video with a resolution of 1600x1300 (or in another case 3280x2462)

However due to the limitations of h264 it seems this is not possible.

rpicam-vid -t 5000 --width 3280 --height 2462
ERROR: *** failed to start output streaming ***

I read that using mjpeg this is possible and yes when I tried

rpicam-vid -t 5000 --width 3280 --height 2462 --codec mjpeg
I could see my desired video, Yeah!!

However the problem is when I tried to save it

rpicam-vid -t 5000 --width 3280 --height 2462 --codec mjpeg -o hello.mjpeg

I get a file hello.mjpeg but it is just a static picture, not a movie.

I am doing this in two rpi 4
in one the version of rpicam-apss is 1.4.3-1 and I have to check on the other but perhaps it is a bit older.

Is there a way to be able to record high definition videos with rpicam-vid?


Attach an example file.

Almost certainly it is an issue in your player seeing the JPEG header (as MJPEG is just a set of concatenated JPEGs) and only looking for one image.

If you want to confirm that, use JPEGsnoop to load the stream, and Tools/Image Search Fwd to search ahead for the next frame.

record with... rpicam-vid -t 10000 --width 3200 --height 1300 --codec mjpeg -o output.mjpeg

convert to mp4 for viewing... ffmpeg -i output.mjpeg -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v 4000k -c:v libx264 output.mp4

rpicam-vid -t 5000 --width 3280 --height 2462 --codec mjpeg -o hello.mjpeg doesn't play well with vlc when converted...

If the output file is identified as a transport stream, it can be played in mpv Media Player.

rpicam-vid -t 10000 --width 3200 --height 1300 --codec mjpeg -o output.ts

Edit ..to note that mpv can play it even if identified as .mjpeg.

Thank you very much! I managed to do it.
One problem was that VLC could not play it correctly so I kept seeing one frame only. (as 6bya said )
To reproduce it I had to do (and not in the RPI)

vlc --demux=avformat file.mjpeg

Now only remain:

. It seems that the end of the mjpeg is broken because when I read it with opencv, it reads fine but when it finishes it shows [mjpeg @ 00000284baee9480] overread 8 and also the cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) gives a negative number (where cap is cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file))

minor nuisances but still wondering why it is happening

One problem was that VLC could not play it correctly so I kept seeing one frame only. (as 6bya said )

VLC has problems during playback if streams don't have timestamps. Try ffplay and it ought to work correctly.

. It seems that the end of the mjpeg is broken because when I read it with opencv, it reads fine but when it finishes it shows [mjpeg @ 00000284baee9480] overread 8 and also the cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) gives a negative number (where cap is cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file))

If ffplay or ffprobe does not report any errors in the file, I would ignore this opencv warning(?) if it does not cause any other problems further on.

I think this can be resolved now. Please reopen if there are further questions.