rasologg / dbcut

Extract a lightweight subset of your relational production database for development and testing purpose.

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Extract a lightweight subset of your relational production database for development and testing purpose.


  • Extract data from large databases.
  • Reinject data into another base.
  • Target and source databases could be based on different SGBD (i.e., MySQL -> PostgreSQL/SQLite).
  • Extraction queries simplified in YAML.
  • Support nested associations.
  • Json and plain SQL export.
  • Caching of extractions to accelerate future extractions.


Usage: dbcut [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...

  Extract a lightweight subset of your production DB for development and
  testing purpose.

  -c, --config PATH    Configuration file
  --version            Show the version and exit.
  -y, --force-yes      Never prompts for user intervention
  -i, --interactive    Prompts for user intervention.
  --quiet, --no-quiet  Suppresses most warning and diagnostic messages.
  --debug              Enables debug mode.
  --verbose            Enables verbose output.
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

  load        Extract and load data to the target database.
  flush       Purge cache, remove ALL TABLES from the target database and...
  inspect     Check databases content.
  dumpsql     Dump all SQL insert queries.
  dumpjson    Export data to json.
  purgecache  Remove all cached queries.
  clear       Remove all data (only) from the target database

Getting started

Let's take the following database example:

Simple Database

We want to extract some users with all related data to our development database.

Let's first edit the extraction file dbcut.yaml as follows:

$ cd myprojet
$ vim dbcut.yml
  source_uri: mysql://prod:prod@cluster-prod01.mycompagny.com/prod
  destination_uri: sqlite:///small-dev-database.db

  - from: user
    limit: 2

Then, let's set the limit to two users, the default limit being 10.

After that, let's launch the extraction command with the load command:

$ dbcut load
 ---> Reflecting database schema from mysql://prod:***@cluster-prod01.mycompagny.com/prod
 ---> Creating new sqlite:///small-dev-database.db database
 ---> Creating all tables and relations on sqlite:///small-dev-database.db

Query 1/1 :

    from: user
    limit: 2
    backref_limit: 10
    backref_depth: 5
    join_depth: 5
    exclude: []
    include: []


8 tables loaded

 ---> Cache key : 4a468c3555074890b7c342c0a575f29d47145821
 ---> Executing query
 ---> Fetching objects
 ---> Inserting 31 rows

We can check the data on our new database :

$ ls
dbcut.yml  small-dev-database.db

$ sqlite3 small-dev-database.db <<<"SELECT id, login FROM user"

In the following example, we are going to retrieve roles with related groups and permissions. In order to obtain the best extraction graph possible, we are going to use the keyword include, which indicated to dbcut that we want to minimize the number of associated tables (Nested associations).

  - from: user
    limit: 2

  - from: role
      - group
      - permission

It is possible to empty the content of the local database before beginning the extraction with the clear command.

$ dbcut -y clear load
 ---> Removing all data from sqlite:///small-dev-database.db database
 ---> Reflecting database schema from mysql://prod:***@cluster-prod01.mycompagny.com/prod?charset=utf8
 ---> Creating all tables and relations on sqlite:///small-dev-database.db

Query 1/2 :

    from: user
    limit: 2
    backref_limit: 10
    backref_depth: 5
    join_depth: 5
    exclude: []
    include: []


8 tables loaded

 ---> Cache key : 4a468c3555074890b7c342c0a575f29d47145821
 ---> Using cache (2 elements)
 ---> Fetching objects
 ---> Inserting 31 rows

Query 2/2 :

    from: role
    limit: 10
    backref_limit: 10
    backref_depth: null
    join_depth: null
    exclude: []
    - group
    - permission


4 tables loaded

 ---> Cache key : 5029d84dbb2bc75a7df898dd94df93b395e91e44
 ---> Executing query
 ---> Fetching objects
 ---> Inserting 22 rows

As you can see in the first query, the cache was used and there was thus no interaction with the source database.

This query allowed the extraction of all roles:

$ sqlite3 small-dev-database.db  <<<"SELECT * from role"

If we had not used the include keyword, all tables would have been extracted:

    │                  └─¹─permission
                           │       ┌─ⁿ─comment

To narrow more precisely our extraction, we are now going to limit to roles that can delete a user.

  - from: user
    limit: 2

  - from: role
      - group
      - permission
      permission.codename: 'delete_user'

Only the last extraction rule is relaunched with the --last-only option.

$ dbcut -y clear load --last-only
 ---> Cache key : ffb664a2e69c88fa48db2680daf71d30408bd207
 ---> Executing query
 ---> Fetching objects
 ---> Inserting 14 rows

This time, only the 'admin' role is retrieved:

$ sqlite3 small-dev-database.db  <<<"SELECT * FROM role"

Please note that the filter only applies here to the role table (from) and not to the permission table.

$ sqlite3 small-dev-database.db  <<<"SELECT * FROM permission"

Indeed, we filter the roles based on a value from the permission table, but we do retrieved all permissions associated to this role.

In the above example, it makes sense that the admin role has all permissions.


Extract a lightweight subset of your relational production database for development and testing purpose.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 89.7%Language:Shell 6.9%Language:Makefile 2.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%