rasck / remote-docker-vscode

Testing the new option to do remote docker inside VS Code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Remote containers

The purpose of this project is to test the new feature in VS Code to remote into a docker container. The following guide in the README assumes you are using a MAC

Why use remote containers

  • Avoid installing dependencies and weird path variables on your own OS
  • Have seperate extensions for VS code saved in the remote containers
  • Optimised workflow for working with docker


How to use remote containers

  1. Install the VS Code insiders plugin Remote Development and it is also nice to have the vs code plugin for Docker installed, to help with some syntax highligting.
  2. Open an existing repo, or create a new project
  3. Create a configuration file by using the command Remote-Containers: Create Container Configuration File ( press command + p and type >Remote-Containers: Create Container Configuration File). It can do multiple things.
    • If you never intend to use docker for the project, but just want to try out a repo that have some dependencies you don't want or can't install on your local environment, you choose the option to create a configution file from predefined configurations. That will create a .devcontainer folder. Within the folder you will find a config file, devcontainer.json and a docker file Dockerfile.
    • If you already intend to use docker in your project, creating the config file from your Dockerfile will likely be a more suitable solution. This will only create a devcontainer.json file in your root
  4. Open your code in an existing container using the command: Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container
  5. VS code should now be opened inside the container. If you had other dependencies or build processes than on your local OS, you should now be able to use execute those through your teminal inside vs code
  6. While inside the the container you can also install local extensions. These extensions will only be visible inside the container. Or you can add the markdown ID to the extensions list in your devcontainer.json file
  7. If you want to expose a port you can do that by a command or specify it in the devcontainer.json file, e.g. "appPort": ["23000:3000"]. If you do it in the devcontainer.json remember to rebuild the container: Remote-Containers: Rebuild Container.

Behind the scenes

When you Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container the vs code insiders plugin will create a docker image (if not already created) and run it. You can open your terminal on your local OS and type docker images and you will see something like

REPOSITORY                                              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
vsc-node_10_features-5f6510b68764ac9c212f7cbb67b3674b   latest              8fd65ad73529        3 hours ago         231MB

This is the image that your development container will be based on. When the container is running you will be able to see it usng the docker ps command, and when it is not running you can see it by running the docker ps -a command.

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                   COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
64b74cfa6c95        vsc-node_10_features-5f6510b68764ac9c212f7cbb67b3674b   "/bin/sh -c 'echo Co…"   3 hours ago         Up 5 seconds>3000/tcp   festive_bhabha

Every file you save in you project while in the container will also be saved on your local OS, because the volumes (file directories) are mapped. But if you install an extension or install dependencies that are not described in e.g. package.json, Dockerfile or devcontainer.json these dependcies will only be installed when the running container. If you delete the container or rebuild the image, the added depenendcies will be lost. If you need to add aditional extentions or run commands when the container is running you should describe this in the devcontainer.json file.

Commands cheat sheet

  • Remote-Containers: Create Container Configuration File - When you need to create a configuation for remote containers
  • Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container - When you open for the first time (vs code will aslo ask in gui)
  • Remote-Containers: Reopen Folder in Container - When you need to open your code in the container
  • Remote-Containers: Reopen Folder Locally - When you want to open the folder on your local OS
  • Remote-Containers: Rebuild Container - If you have made changes to your devcontainer.json or Dockerfile use this command

Read more

Test existing projects


  • Make sure docker has access to your project/repo on your local OS
  • Some versions of linux is not supported yet. For example the minified Alpine version, that many default node images is based on.
  • Remember to rebuild if you make changes to your devcontainer.json or Dockerfile


Testing the new option to do remote docker inside VS Code


Language:Dockerfile 49.4%Language:JavaScript 34.3%Language:HTML 16.2%