rarmknecht / splunk-logger

A logging handler for Splunk. Lets you send information to Splunk directly from your Python code.

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Splunk logger

A logging handler for Splunk. Lets you send information to Splunk directly from your Python code.

Build Status


Make sure you replace the *** with your credentials and specific API domain and run:

import logging
from splunk_logger import SplunkLogger

PROJECT_ID = '***'
API_DOMAIN = 'api-***.data.splunkstorm.com'

splunk_logger = SplunkLogger(access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN,

logging.error('This is sent to splunk')

After a couple of seconds of waiting for Splunk to process the new information, you should be able to see something like this in the web interface:

    data : "This is sent to splunk",
    level : "ERROR",
    line : 1,
    module : "<stdin>"

When using the code in a real Python program, and not from the python console, the real line number and module name are used.

Configuration file

It is always a good idea to avoid hardcoded credentials in your source code. The module can fetch the credentials from a YAML file in the current directory or the user's home. The filename is named .splunk_logger and has the following format:

    project_id: ***
    access_token: ***
    api_domain: api-***.data.splunkstorm.com

Once the file is in place, you can use the module as follows:

import logging
from splunk_logger import SplunkLogger

# No credentials specified here
splunk_logger = SplunkLogger()

logging.error('This is sent to splunk')

Configuration through environment variables

Another configuration source accepted by splunk logger is environment variables. Once again, you can use them to avoid hard-coding credentials in the source code:



There are a couple of things which could be improved in this module

  • The logger could be refactored to send the messages in an async manner, this will make logging.foo() calls return immediately instead of waiting for the log message to be sent.
  • Send messages in batches

Pull requests are more than welcome!


This package implements communication with Storm Splunk as specified here .

Reporting bugs

Report your issues and feature requests in Splunk Logger's issue tracker and I'll be more than glad to fix them.

Change log

  • 30 Jun 2014: User needs to specify API endpoint domain. Fixes #2


A logging handler for Splunk. Lets you send information to Splunk directly from your Python code.