rarible / sdk

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Rarible Protocol Software Development Kit

Rarible Multichain Protocol is a decentralized toolset that simplifies the way developers can work with NFTs. The protocol builds an abstraction layer for several blockchains and isolates the developer from their specifics with a Multichain SDK.

Rarible Multichain SDK is fully blockchain-agnostic. You can find a list of supported blockchains on our Blockchains page.

We use different environments for blockchain networks. See actual information on Reference page.

Rarible Multichain SDK enables applications to easily interact with Rarible Protocol: query, transfer and trade NFTs on any blockchain supported. See more information on our documentation Reference section.

Example frontend application

You can find documentation about example app here Example app shows how to do basic NFT actions:

  • Create collection
  • Mint an NFT
  • List an NFT for sale
  • Buy an NFT
  • etc

You also can find Typescript (.ts) examples in that folder for the frontend and backend side

Installation & Getting started

You can find this information on our Getting Started with SDK Reference page

Use Rarible SDK Wallet Connector

Wallet Connector make possible to connect the following providers:

  • InjectedWeb3ConnectionProvider — Metamask, Coinbase, etc
  • FortmaticConnectionProvider
  • PortisConnectionProvider
  • TorusConnectionProvider
  • WalletLinkConnectionProvider
  • MEWConnectionProvider
  • IframeConnectionProvider
  • WalletConnectConnectionProvider
  • BeaconConnectionProvider
  • FclConnectionProvider

Read more about installation and using examples of Rarible SDK Wallet Connector. Connectors are used in Frontend example app


When you initialized Rarible SDK with required provider (see Installation section) it's ready for using.

About advanced methods calls

Most methods have two ways to call, simple and advanced. The advanced methods consists of two stages: preparation and submit, and gives more information and control to complete the transaction. Example of sell NFT with simple and advanced ways:

// Simple
const orderId = await sdk.order.sell({
  itemId: toItemId("ETHEREUM:0x64f088254d7ede5dd6208639aabf3614c80d396d:108764404607684442395098549286597885532295288457125436143364084161803586633729"),
  amount: 1,
  price: "0.1",
  currency: {
    "@type": "ERC20",
    contract: toContractAddress("ETHEREUM:0x9f853f3B6a9dD425F8Cf73eF5B90e8eBf412317b"),


// Advanced
const {
  originFeeSupport, // Whether the underlying exchange contract supports origin fees
  payoutsSupport, // Whether the underlying exchange contract supports specifying payouts
  supportedCurrencies, // Currencies supported by the blockchain
  baseFee, // Protocol base fee in basis points
  supportsExpirationDate, // Whether the expiration date
} = await sdk.order.sell.prepare({
  itemId: toItemId("ETHEREUM:0x64f088254d7ede5dd6208639aabf3614c80d396d:108764404607684442395098549286597885532295288457125436143364084161803586633729"),

// `prepare` returns `submit` method and some usefull data like available features for this call for this blockchain/collection/item

const orderId = await submit({
  amount: 1,
  price: "0.1",
  currency: {
    "@type": "ERC20",
    contract: toContractAddress("ETHEREUM:0x9f853f3B6a9dD425F8Cf73eF5B90e8eBf412317b"),

Create Collection

Before minting an NFT you might want to prepare collection for it.


const { address, tx } = await sdk.nft.createCollection({
    blockchain: Blockchain.ETHEREUM,
    type: "ERC721",
    name: "name",
    symbol: "RARI",
    baseURI: "https://ipfs.rarible.com",
    contractURI: "https://ipfs.rarible.com",
    isPublic: true,


const { address, tx } = await sdk.nft.createCollection({
    blockchain: Blockchain.SOLANA,
    metadataURI: "https://arweave.net/Vt0uj2ql0ck-U5dLWDWJnwQaZPrvqkfxils8agrTiOc",

More information about solana metadata format


const { address, tx } = await sdk.nft.createCollection({
    blockchain: Blockchain.TEZOS,
    type: "NFT",
    name: "My NFT collection",
    symbol: "MYNFT",
    contractURI: "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmTKxwnqqxTxH4HE3UVM9yoJFZgbsZ8CuqqRFZCSWBF53m",
    isPublic: true,



const { transaction, itemId } = await sdk.nft.mint({
    uri: "ipfs://IPFS_METADATA_URI",
    collectionId: toCollectionId("ETHEREUM:0x..."),
const { hash, blockchain } = await transaction.wait()


const { transaction, itemId } = await sdk.nft.mint({
  collectionId: toCollectionId("SOLANA:..."),
  uri: "https://SOLANA_METADATA_URI",
const { hash, blockchain } = await transaction.wait()


const { transaction, itemId } = await sdk.nft.mint({
  collectionId: toCollectionId("TEZOS:..."),
  uri: "ipfs://TEZOS_IPFS_METADATA_URI",
  supply: 12,
  royalties: [{
    account: toUnionAddress("TEZOS:..."),
    value: 1000,
  creators: [{
    account: toUnionAddress("TEZOS:..."),
    value: 10000,
const { hash, blockchain } = await transaction.wait()


const { itemId, transaction } = await sdk.nft.mint({
  collectionId: toCollectionId("FLOW:..."),
  uri: "https://FLOW_METADATA_URI",
const { hash, blockchain } = await transaction.wait()

Notice: this method has an advanced call sdk.nft.mint.prepare(...)

const {
  multiple, // it's multiple collection, like ERC-1155, TEZOS-MT and etc.
} = await sdk.nft.mint.prepare({
  collectionId: toCollectionId("TEZOS:..."),
const mintResult = await submit({
  uri: "ipfs://IPFS_METADATA_URI",
  supply: 1,
  creators: [{
    account: sender,
    value: 10000,
  royalties: [],
  lazyMint: false,
if (mintResult.type === MintType.ON_CHAIN) {
  const transaction = await mintResult.transaction.wait()
  console.log("minted item id:", mintResult.itemId)


Transfer token to another wallet.

const tx = await sdk.nft.transfer({
  itemId: toItemId("YOUR_ITEM_ID"),
  amount: 1,
await tx.wait()

Notice: this method has an advanced call sdk.nft.transfer.prepare(...)

const {
  maxAmount, // max amount of NFT
  multiple, // it's multiple token, like ERC-1155, TEZOS-MT and etc.
} = await sdk.nft.transfer.prepare({
  itemId: toItemId("YOUR_ITEM_ID"),
const tx = await submit({
  amount: 1,
await tx.wait()


Burning an NFT

const tx = await sdk.nft.burn({
    itemId: toItemId("YOUR_ITEM_ID"),
    amount: 1,
//tx can be undefined if burned item is lazy-minted
if (tx) {
  await tx.wait()

Notice: this method has an advanced call sdk.nft.burn.prepare(...)

const {
  multiple, // it's multiple token, like ERC-1155, TEZOS-MT and etc.
  maxAmount, // max amount of NFT
} = await sdk.nft.burn.prepare({
  itemId: toItemId("YOUR_ITEM_ID"),
const tx = await submit({ amount: 1})
//tx can be undefined if burned item is lazy-minted
if (tx) {
  await tx.wait()


Selling NFT

const orderId = await sdk.order.sell({
    itemId: toItemId("YOUR_ITEM_ID"),
    amount: 1,
    price: "0.01",
    currency: toCurrencyId("ETHEREUM:..."),

Notice: this method has an advanced call sdk.order.sell.prepare(...)

const {
} = await sdk.order.sell({ itemId: toItemId("YOUR_ITEM_ID") })

const orderId = await submit({
  amount: 1,
  price: "0.01",
  currency: toCurrencyId("ETHEREUM:..."),


Buy NFT using sell order

const tx = await sdk.order.buy({
    orderId: toOrderId("..."),
    amount: 1,
await tx.wait()

Notice: this method has an advanced call sdk.order.buy.prepare(...)

const {
} = await sdk.order.buy.prepare({ orderId: toOrderId("...") })
const tx = await submit({ amount: 1 })
await tx.wait()

Batch purchase

Batch purchase NFT

const tx = await sdk.order.batchBuy([
    orderId: toOrderId("..."),
    amount: 1,
    originFees?: [...]
await tx.wait()


Place bid order for an NFT

const orderId = await sdk.order.bid({
  itemId: toItemId("..."),
  amount: 1,
  currency: { "@type": "ETH" },

Notice: this method has an advanced call sdk.order.bid.prepare(...)

const {
} = await sdk.order.bid.prepare({ itemId: toItemId("...") })

const tx = await submit({
  amount: 1,
  price: "0.01",
  currency: { "@type": "ETH" },
await tx.wait()

Accept Bid

Accept bid request using bid order

const acceptBidTx = await sdk.order.acceptBid({
    orderId: toOrderId("..."),
    amount: 1,
await acceptBidTx.wait()

Notice: this method has an advanced call sdk.order.acceptBid.prepare(...)

const {
} = await sdk.order.acceptBid.prepare({
    orderId: toOrderId("..."),
const tx = await submit({ amount: 1 })
await tx.wait()

Update Sell Order

Update price for given sell order

const orderId = sdk.order.sellUpdate({
    orderId: toOrderId("..."),
    price: "0.2",

Notice: this method has an advanced call sdk.order.sellUpdate.prepare(..)

const {
} = sdk.order.sellUpdate.prepare({
    orderId: toOrderId("..."),
const updatedOrderId = await submit({ price: "0.2" })

Update Bid Order

Update price for given bid order

const orderId = sdk.order.bidUpdate({
    orderId: toOrderId("..."),
    price: "0.2",

Notice: this method has an advanced call sdk.order.bidUpdate.prepare()

const {
} = sdk.order.bidUpdate.prepare({ orderId: toOrderId("...") })
const updatedOrderid = await submit({ price: "0.2" })

Cancel Sell/Bid order

const tx = await sdk.order.cancel({ orderId: toOrderId("...") })
await tx.wait()

Check Balance

Get native currency, tokens or NFT balance

// get balance for native currency
const balance = await sdk.balances.getBalance(
  { "@type": "ETH" }

// get balance for ntf/tokens
const balanceTokens = await sdk.balances.getBalance(
  toUnionAddress("SOLANA:2XyukL1KvwDkfNcdBpfXbj6UtPqF7zcUdTDURNjLFAMo"), // wallet address
  toCurrencyId("SOLANA:9bDqoTDNmjA3m9sFYBNj5pPWpsjKXa23V7mCW6gA74Vy") // contract/token address

Check Bidding Balance

Get balance used for complete bids

  currency: { "@type": "SOLANA_SOL" },
  walletAddress: toUnionAddress("SOLANA:..."),

Deposit Bidding Balance

Deposit bidding balance

const tx = await sdk.balances.depositBiddingBalance({
  currency: { "@type": "SOLANA_SOL" },
  amount: 0.01,

Withdraw Bidding Balance

Withdraw from bidding balance

const tx = await sdk.balances.withdrawBiddingBalance({
  currency: { "@type": "SOLANA_SOL" },
  amount: 0.01,

Using SDK on server application

You can find more information in our docs

API (Querying)

Check our Using API page in the docs

Executing actions

You can use SDK to create (mint), trade, transfer, and burn NFTs. All actions are handled in the same manner:

  • You invoke function from SDK (e.g.: mint)
  • Async function returns the so-called PrepareResponse (it's different for different actions)
  • PrepareResponse contains all needed information to show the user a form (for example, response for sale contains all supported currency types)
  • Collect input from the user (show form and let the user enter the data)
  • Pass this data to submit Action

See how to use common SDK functionality in our documentation:


Possible errors after yarn add @rarible/sdk command:

Failed to replace env in config: ${NPM_TOKEN}
error An unexpected error occurred: "Failed to replace env in config: ${NPM_TOKEN}".


Type in the command line while in the project folder:

rm -f ./.npmrc
Adding the dependency to the workspace
error Running this command will add the dependency to the workspace root rather than the workspace itself, which might not be what you want - if you really meant it, make it explicit by running this command again with the -W flag (or --ignore-workspace-root-check).


Type in the command line while in the project folder:

yarn add @rarible/sdk -D -W
darwin-arm64.tar.gz downloading error
node-pre-gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
node-pre-gyp info using node-pre-gyp@0.13.0
node-pre-gyp info using node@16.13.1 | darwin | arm64
node-pre-gyp WARN Using request for node-pre-gyp https download
node-pre-gyp http GET https://node-webrtc.s3.amazonaws.com/wrtc/v0.4.7/Release/darwin-arm64.tar.gz
node-pre-gyp http 404 https://node-webrtc.s3.amazonaws.com/wrtc/v0.4.7/Release/darwin-arm64.tar.gz
node-pre-gyp ERR! install error
node-pre-gyp ERR! stack Error: 404 status code downloading tarball https://node-webrtc.s3.amazonaws.com/wrtc/v0.4.7/Release/darwin-arm64.tar.gz


Type in the command line while in the project folder:

sudo npm install -g n
sudo n 14.17.6

Migration guide

For migration your code to version since 0.10.* you should change the following functions:

before 0.10.0 since 0.10.0
sdk.nft.mint(...) sdk.nft.mint.prepare(...)
sdk.nft.transfer(...) sdk.nft.transfer.prepare(...)
sdk.nft.burn(...) sdk.nft.burn.prepare(...)
sdk.order.sell(...) sdk.order.sell.prepare(...)
sdk.order.sellUpdate(...) sdk.order.sellUpdate.prepare(...)
sdk.order.buy(...) sdk.order.buy.prepare(...)
sdk.order.bid(...) sdk.order.bid.prepare(...)
sdk.order.acceptBid(...) sdk.order.acceptBid.prepare(...)
sdk.order.bidUpdate(...) sdk.order.bidUpdate.prepare(...)

All of methods above supports simplified call signature, for example:

const { transaction, itemId } = await sdk.nft.mint({
    uri: "ipfs://IPFS_METADATA_URI",
    collectionId: toCollectionId("ETHEREUM:0x..."),
const { hash, blockchain } = await transaction.wait()

the same code, but with the legacy approach:

const mintResponse = await sdk.nft.mint.prepare({
  collectionId: toCollectionId("ETHEREUM:..."),
const mintResult = await mintResponse.submit({
  uri: "ipfs://IPFS_METADATA_URI",
  supply: 1,
  creators: [{
    account: sender,
    value: 10000,
  royalties: [],
  lazyMint: false,

Read more about advanced and simplified calls

  • sdk.nft.createCollection has updated call signature
const { address, tx } = await sdk.nft.createCollection({
    blockchain: Blockchain.ETHEREUM,
    type: "ERC721",
    name: "name",
    symbol: "RARI",
    baseURI: "https://ipfs.rarible.com",
    contractURI: "https://ipfs.rarible.com",
    isPublic: true,

The legacy property "isUserToken" that means is private user collection will be created. It should be inverted to the new property "isPublic", for example:

const { address, tx } = await sdk.nft.createCollection({
  isUserToken: true,

it should be converted to

const { address, tx } = await sdk.nft.createCollection({
  isPublic: false,
  • sdk.order.cancel(...) has the same call signature, but changed from "Action" instance to simple javascript function.


You are welcome to suggest features and report bugs found!


The codebase is maintained using the "contributor workflow" where everyone without exception contributes patch proposals using "pull requests" (PRs). This facilitates social contribution, easy testing, and peer review.

See more information on CONTRIBUTING.md.


Rarible Multichain SDK is available under the MIT License.


This is a pre-release version. Backward compatibility is not fully supported before 1.0 release. Backward compatibility is only guaranteed in minor releases.

For example, 0.2.x version may not be compatible with 0.1.x. So, it's advised to include dependencies using package versions (ex. rarible/sdk@0.2.x).


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 98.4%Language:HTML 1.0%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%