rarezhang / allen-ai-science-challenge

The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) is working to improve humanity through fundamental advances in artificial intelligence. One critical but challenging problem in AI is to demonstrate the ability to consistently understand and correctly answer general questions about the world. https://www.kaggle.com/c/the-allen-ai-science-challenge

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kaggle: Allen AI Science Challenge

The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) is working to improve humanity through fundamental advances in artificial intelligence.
One critical but challenging problem in AI is to demonstrate the ability to consistently understand and correctly answer general questions about the world. Is your model smarter than an 8th grader? [Read More] (https://www.kaggle.com/c/the-allen-ai-science-challenge)

Question and Answer Pre-process

[question_answer_preprocess.py] (https://github.com/rarezhang/allen-ai-science-challenge/blob/master/src/question_answer_preprocess.py)

Question pre-process

  • Remove punctuation
  • Convert to lowercase
  • Part of speech tagging:
    Only use (nouns): [NN*]
    Only use (noun, verb, adj/adv): [NN* | VB* | JJ* | RB*]
  • Concatenate question and each answer

Answer pre-process


  • all of the above: 16 in (2500 * 4 answers)
    (answer A + answer B + answer C)
  • none of the above: 4 in (2500 * 4 answers)
    (empty string)
  • both A and B & both A and C: 4 in (2500 * 4 answers)
    (answer A + answer B | answer C)

Knowledge Source

Data collection

Data cleaning

Ranking Algorithm

Support Vector Machine for Ranking: [SVMrank] (https://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/tj/svm_light/svm_rank.html)


Retrieval Features

  • Index
    Index corpuses separately: CK12 | Study Cards | Simple Wiki
  • 3 fields:
    • Data source (book title) -> classification features
    • Document name (section title | first notional word) -> classification features
    • Content -> retrieval features
  • Search: to do: optimize parameters
    StandardAnalyzer | hitsPerPage = 5 | DefaultSimilarity
  • 18 retrieval features
    18 retrieval feature

Word2vec Features

  • Training Word2Vec Model
    Train corpuses separately: CK12 | Study Cards
  • Cosine similarity
    Each token in question V.S each token in each answer
  • Only use noun
  • 4 word2vec features 4 word2vec features

Network Features: soft inference

  • Based on [Random walk inference and learning in a large scale knowledge base] (https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom/pubs/lao-emnlp11.pdf)
  • Modify and Simplify difference
  • Random walk probability
    Random walk probability
    • Path 1: Q -> 1 -> A
      • Degree(node1) = 4
      • ProbRandomWalkQ-A = 0.25
    • Path 2: Q -> 2 -> 3 -> A
      • Degree(node2) = 3 and Degree(node3) = 3
      • ProbRandomWalkQ-A = 0.11
  • Buid network (Based on Aristo table) to do: 1. Edges with attributes (e.g., 'absorb' -> edge attribute) 2. Undirected to directed graph
    • plants -> absorb -> minerals
    • plants -> absorb -> nutrients
      Buid network
  • Index
    • Nodes: text
    • Search: Each question V.S each answer
      • StandardAnalyzer | hitsPerPage = 1 | DefaultSimilarity to do: optimize parameters
  • 13 network features
    13 network features

Question Classification Features: soft inference

Classification Features - Subjects

  • Question subjects (6 subjects): Biology | Physics | Earth Science | Life Science | Chemistry | Physical Science
  • Corpus: CK12 Textbooks
    • Compute the probability of all word wi in the corpus appearing in the text of subject Sj: P(wi|Sj)
    • Sum the log P(wi|Sj) for all the words in the question and for all subjects
      Question subjects
  • Index (3 fields)
    • Data source (book title) -> subjects classification
    • Document name (section title) -> question type classification
    • Content
  • Search
    text_query = QueryParser(version, 'text', analyzer).parse(QueryParser.escape(q_string))
    subject_query = QueryParser(version, 'corpus_name', analyzer).parse(QueryParser.escape(q_class))
    query = BooleanQuery()
    query.add(text_query, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD) # the keyword SHOULD occur
    query.add(subject_query, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST) # the keyword MUST occur
  • 4 subjects classification features
    4 subjects classification features

Classification Features – Question type

  • Question types (7 types): Is-a | Definition | Property of objects | Examples of situations | Causality | Processes | Domain specific models
  • Manually label 800 questions into 7 question types
  • Multi-class logistic regression classification with unigram-bigram features to classify the questions into 7 types
  • Question types require inference
    • Domain specific question
      • e.g., A boat is acted on by a river current flowing north and by wind blowing on its sails. The boat travels northeast. In which direction is the wind most likely applying force to the sails of the boat?
      • Abstraction
    • Causality
      • e.g., What reason best explains why more people get colds in colder temperatures?
      • Causal relation
    • Examples of situations
      • e.g., Which is an example of a chemical change?
      • Instantiation


  • Training: allen-ai-training: 100001 - 101994
  • Testing: allen-ai-training: 101995 - 102500
Feature type Retrieval Word2vec Netowrk (2hops + 3hops) QuesClass(sub)
P@1 53.95% 20.16% 20.95% 44.69%
Features Retrieval + Word2vec Retrieval + Word2vec + Netowrk(2hops + 3hops) Retrieval + Word2vec + Netowrk(2hops + 3hops) + QuesClass(sub)
P@1 56.13% 54.15% 55.34%
Corpus CK12 Study Cards Simple wiki
P@1 47.04% 50.99% 39.33%
  • Training: allen-ai-training: 100001 - 102500
  • Testing: allen-ai-test: 102501 - 123798
Public Score Private Score
49.250% 50.285%

Performance - Network Features

Ni Lao 2011: Random walk probability is useful as a feature in a combined ranking method, although not by itself a high precision feature

  • Network visualization: Entire network
    Network visualization: Entire network
  • Network visualization: Filter out degree <=1
    Network visualization: Filter out degree <=1
  • Modularity
    measure the strength of division of a network into modules
  • Zoom in to one module
    • According to Aristo table: animals -> need -> sunligh and plants-> need -> sunlight
    • According to Aristo table: the sun -> hyponym -> important to all living things
    • Soft inference: Define living things: animals plants Modularity
    • According to Aristo table: the radiation -> heat -> from the sun
    • According to Aristo table: friction -> can -> cause heat
    • Soft inference: Heat source: radiation + friction Modularity
to do  
  - Nodes (concepts): Data cleaning (no duplicates)  
  - Edges (relations): 
    - Combine with wordnet (hypernym | hyponym)
    - With attributes 
    - Noun <-> Noun
  - Need more `tables` (facts and relations extracted from textual data) 
  - Modularity: combine with question classification (subjects & question type )


The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) is working to improve humanity through fundamental advances in artificial intelligence. One critical but challenging problem in AI is to demonstrate the ability to consistently understand and correctly answer general questions about the world. https://www.kaggle.com/c/the-allen-ai-science-challenge


Language:Python 100.0%