rarchk / fooProxy

Foo Proxy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Foo Proxy Protocol

A simple proxy for cloud native request/response protocol


$ ./run.sh


$ # Setting up server and proxy
$> python foo_server.py -p 8000
$> python foo_proxy.py -p 8001 -f 8000

$> #Interactions with client
$> python foo_client.py -p 8001
$> telnet localhost:8001

$> # Gathering Statistics
$> kill -USR1 <fooProxyPid>
Statistics Description
msg_total total number of messages
msg_req total number of REQ messages
msg_ack total number of ACK messages
msg_nak total number of NAK messages
request_rate_1s average REQ messages/sec, in a 1s moving window
request_rate_10s average REQ messages/sec, in a 10s moving window
response_rate_1s average ACK+NAK messages per second, in a 1s moving window
response_rate_10s average ACK+NAK messages per second, in a 10s moving window


Foo is a simple, powerful, extensible, cloud-native request/response protocol. Foo protocol messages are UTF-8 encoded strings with the following BNF-ish definition:

Msg  := Type <whitespace> Seq [<whitespace> Data] '\n'
Type := "REQ" | "ACK" | "NAK"
Seq  := <integer>
Data := <string without newline>

A Foo client initiates a TCP connection to a Foo server, sends messages and receives replies in the request/response pattern, and eventually terminates the connection.

Clients produce REQ messages, and servers respond with ACK or NAK messages. Only clients may terminate the connection.


A->B: <connect>
A<-B: REQ 1 Hey\n
A<-B: ACK 1 Hello\n
A->B: REQ 2 Hey there\n
A<-B: ACK 2\n
A->B: REQ 3 Hey\n
A->B: REQ 4 Hey\n
A->B: REQ 5 Hey\n
A<-B: ACK 3 What\n
A<-B: ACK 4 What do you want\n
A->B: REQ 6 Hey\n
A<-B: NAK 5 Stop it\n
A<-B: NAK 6 Stop doing that\n
A->B: <disconnect>

Design Concepts

  • edge triggered polling vs level triggered polling
  • select vs polling vs epolling
  • Nagle Theorem (reducing small number of packets by waiting for previous ack) vs Dealyed_ACK policy on reciever(caused deadlock with reciever)
  • TCP_NODELAY(disables Nagle theorem) and TCP_CORK(aggressively accumulates data till a size)
    • both flags can exist together, but if yes then TCP_CORK will be given preference


  • 1 epoll for connecting, and multille epoll workers to process requests.
  • Socket accpet preforking (multiple process to listen on the same port, and handeling client connections indpendently )
  • A possible solution are worker processes that duplicate the client’s socket, a technique that allows the workers to processes requests and send responses directly to the client socket. This approach is particularly useful for long lasting connections with more than one request per session.
  • multiprocessing and pickling of methods


EPOLLIN Available for read EPOLLOUT Available for write EPOLLPRI Urgent data for read EPOLLERR Error condition happened on the assoc. fd EPOLLHUP Hang up happened on the assoc. fd EPOLLET Set Edge Trigger behavior, the default is Level Trigger behavior EPOLLONESHOT Set one-shot behavior. After one event is pulled out, the fd is internally disabled EPOLLRDNORM Equivalent to EPOLLIN EPOLLRDBAND Priority data band can be read. EPOLLWRNORM Equivalent to EPOLLOUT EPOLLWRBAND Priority data may be written. EPOLLMSG Ignored.

Assumptions or Declarations about code

  • Server always assumes that it will get a foo compliant client
  • Proxy server has to check whether client is
    • arbitrary client
    • foo compliant client
  • A client can send one or many requests without waitng for acknowledgement. Server accepts messages with "\n" as delimiter. For our foo protocol, I do not handle multiple requests without waiting for acknowledgement.
  • Clients can disconnect, and foo has to relay this info to server, and same behaviour from server too.
  • Sequence numbers are relative to connection, so multiple connection will have their own namespace of sequence numbers.
  • NAK requests may come or may not. I do not understand in what conditions they may arise.


  • FooProxyServer is a single threaded epoll edge-triggered server implemented in python. I chose this implementation because

    • it best utilizes single core.
    • Threading is not a good option in python because of GIL(Global Interpreter Lock)
    • Process can parallelize with epoll will be most efficient solution. But I did not do it.
  • Logging is used to take a log of all requests processed by proxy server. I chose to do it so, because all metrics are function of a good log.

  • Implementation took me one day, as using edge-triggered based code is difficult to program, and it was my first time.

  • Signal handelling is done.


Foo Proxy


Language:Python 91.6%Language:Shell 8.4%