This library is deprecated in favour of the updated Rapid7 library.
No future work will be done on this library.
Logentries currently has plugins for NLog, Log4net and Serilog.
To configure your application to log to Logentries, you will need to perform the following tasks:
- Create a Logentries account.
- Create a host and log to receive your log data.
- Adding the Plugin library and the appropriate Logentries Appender libraries to your application.
- Configure the Plugin and the Logentries appender in your application.
- Send log messages from your application.
These steps are outlined in further detail below.
You can register your account on Logentries by browning to and simply clicking Sign Up
at the top of the page.
Once logged in to your Logentries account, create a new host with a name that best represents your application. Select this host and create a new log with a source type of Token TCP
(see below for more information) and a name that represents what you will be logging.
Please note that Logentries reads no particular meaning into the names of your hosts and logs; they are primarily for your own benefit in keeping your logs organized.
Visit NLog docs
Visit Log4Net
Visit Serilog