ransford / varifuzz

Corrupt a file in increasing amounts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Use zzuf to corrupt an increasing percentage of a file's bits.

Usage: ./varifuzz inputfile outputdir/ ERRPCT_MIN ERRPCT_INCREMENT ERRPCT_MAX
  where 0.0 <= ERRPCT_MIN < ERRPCT_MAX <= 100.0
    and 0.0 < ERRPCT_INCREMENT < 100.0

E.g., to generate 51 versions of a file with 0% to 5% of the bits flipped,

./varifuzz examples/baboon640.jpg baboon 0.0 0.1 5.0


Corrupt a file in increasing amounts


Language:Shell 100.0%