Continuous Deployment for Azure Automation
Deployment Steps:
Fork this repository. Clone the repository locally Suggested path is c:\git Setup LocalDev Use profile/profile.ps1 as a guide
Update Globals\zzGlobal.json
Create local credentials for zzGlobal-SubscriptionAccessCredentialName zzGlobal-RunbookWorkerAccessCredentialName zzGlobal-WorkspaceId The password should be the primary key for the log analytics workspace The workspace must have the automation solution deployed
Push changes to repository
change directory to C:\git\SCOrchDev\ARM\automation-sourcecontrol run ./psDeploy.ps1
Deploy new Virtual Machine(s) to become hybrid runbook workers Add them to the node type AzureAutomation.HybridRunbookWorker in your newly configured Azure Automation Account
Create webhook for Invoke-GitRepositorySync Set to run on hybrid runbook worker group Tie webhook to deploy action of source control
Deploy code!
Bonus! Checkout appveyor.yml for idea on how to integrate appveyor to the solution for Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) instead of just CD