rancoud / RPinterestBot

Bot For Pinterest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Bot for Pinterest


  1. Create Pinterest application
  2. Rename conf.pinterest.app.sample.js to conf.pinterest.app.js
  3. Fill the file with name , consumer_key , consumer_secret , access_token (callback_url and scope is for user authentification)
  4. Create your job in folder jobs


Once your pinterest application created you can run job.

node job me

How to write job

  1. Create a file in jobs folder, the filename is the job name
  2. In job get a Pinterest app by using getPinterestApp(name, endpoints)
  • if you provide no arguments the first Pinterest app is returned
  • name (string or undefined - optionnal) : using a specific Pinterest app
  • endpoints (array - optionnal) : return an available Pinterest app which can use thoses endpoints (rate limit)

PID watcher and killer

Jobs'list running (pid + job + options)

node pid

Kill a job

node pid kill {pidId}

Kill all jobs

node pid kill all


  • example -> do nothing
  • me -> return authenticated user information
  • my_boards -> return authenticated user’s public boards
  • get_pins_in_board -> returns list of Pins on the board
  • valid_board -> check if argument provided is a valid board
  • valid_user -> check if argument provided is a valid_user

Pinterest User Authentification

Getting access token for external user with an app.

node save_oauth "myapp"

(if app name argument is not provided the first one in conf is picked)
A server will be up at on port 3000.
When callback is done a file is created in oauth_access_cache like this: screen_name.tok
It will contain the app name, access token and access token secret.

Optionnal arguments

// user to use (require getting access token)
-u OR --user "myuser"
// pinterest app to use
-a OR --app "myapp"
// file to upload
-f OR --file "/path/to/file"

for user argument use in lower case the screen name of the account

Documentation Pinterest API

List of endpoints (GET / POST / PATCH / DELETE)

node doc

List of endpoints (GET only)

node doc get

List of endpoints (POST only)

node doc post

List of endpoints (PATCH only)

node doc patch

List of endpoints (DELETE only)

node doc delete

Endpoint details

node doc "/v1/me/"

List of parameters

node doc parameters

Test endpoint (GET and POST)

node doc test "/v1/me/"


Sandbox: 200 calls / 60 minutes / token
Live: 1000 calls / 60 minutes / token

Url images in 60x60 in sandbox

Can't see private board (will be never support by pinterest team)

List of Scopes

  • read_public : Use GET method on a user’s Pins, boards and likes.
  • write_public : Use PATCH, POST and DELETE methods on a user’s Pins and boards.
  • read_relationships : Use GET method on a user’s follows and followers (on boards, users and interests).
  • write_relationships : Use PATCH, POST and DELETE methods on a user’s follows and followers (on boards, users and interests).


  • add explanations for all
  • refactor doc.js (add search more powerful)
  • refactor classes and add folders
  • save_oauth add port + scope


Bot For Pinterest

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%