Geeta Krishna's starred repositories


500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code


Apart from this, Also create an Excel sheet for containing records like this: Name, Email, Contact, Birthday, and Year. Approach: For the sending email part, We define a sendEmail() function which will start a Gmail session, send the email, and quit the session. For the SMS part, we must have an account on from where we will get an API key. This API key is used to send SMS over mobile numbers using your account on fast2sms then We create a sendsms() function which will verify the API key and send SMS. In the driver code section, we read the data from Excel sheet and match today’s date with any of the birthdays. If there is a match, we call the sendEmail() and sendsms() functions and also we add the current year in the Excel sheet. Also, we have used ToastNotifier from win10toast library to show desktop notifications once the e-mail and SMS has been sent successfully



This repository contains the guided project on object detection using OpenCV

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


