ramkannanraj / Cli-Symfony-app

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CLI filter script

Your task is to create a CLI script which will read JSON based data from a specific endpoint via HTTP. The script will contain several subcommands to filter and output the loaded data. The commands should be:

  • Find objects by price range (given price_from and price_to as arguments).
  • Find objects by a certain sub-object definition.

All given sub-commands should only output quantity of objects that are in stock.

For example:

php run.php count_by_price_range 12.00 145.80
php run.php count_by_vendor_id 42

There are few technical requirements:

  • Use PHP or JVM languages.
  • Use any framework or do not use framework at all.
  • Implement the ReaderInterface for fetching the JSON HTTP endpoint and thus work with the OfferCollectionInterface and OfferInterface on the loaded data (see below). Feel free to adjust or extend interfaces if needed.
  • Write at least one unit test for a small component of the script.
  • Implement logging.

Appendix List of interfaces you should implement (example in PHP):

* The interface provides the contract for different readers
* E.g. it can be XML/JSON Remote Endpoint, or CSV/JSON/XML local files

interface ReaderInterface {
* Read in incoming data and parse to objects
public function read(string $input): OfferCollectionInterface;

* Interface of Data Transfer Object, that represents external JSON data
interface OfferInterface {}

* Interface for The Collection class that contains Offers
interface OfferCollectionInterface {
  public function get(int $index): OfferInterface;
  public function getIterator(): Iterator;

Example of JSON payload:

    "offerId": 123,
    "productTitle": "Coffee machine",
    "vendorId": 35,
    "price": 390.4
    "offerId": 124,
    "productTitle": "Napkins",
    "vendorId": 35,
    "price": 15.5
    "offerId": 125,
    "productTitle": "Chair",
    "vendorId": 84,
    "price": 230.0



Language:PHP 100.0%