rameshvarun / marble-mouse-custom-mapping

Marble Mouse custom mapping guide.

Home Page:https://varunramesh.itch.io/marble-mouse

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Marble Mouse Custom Level Guide

  • Marble Mouse levels are created in Blender and exported in the .glb format.
  • Levels can either be shared directly as a file or submitted to Marble Mouse World for anyone to play.

How to Load Custom Levels

  • Custom levels are contained within .glb files which package all mesh data and textures.
  • Select Load Custom Level from the main menu, or simply hit F1 to launch a file dialog.
  • Select the .glb and the game will load the level.

How to Make Custom Levels

Levels can be created in Blender. Check the provided example example-map.blend and example-map.glb for an example of what you can do with custom maps.

Start and Goal Positions

Place two empties - one named Start and another named Goal. The game will use the location of these nodes to determine where the level starts and ends.


First place your meshes. For each mesh that is collidable, go to the Object Properties tab of the property editor window. Add the custom property entity and set it equal to platform.


Place empties with the custom property entity set to coin.

Moving / Rotating Platforms

On any object with entity set to platform, you can add two additional properties position and rotation. These properties are mathematical expressions that encode the position (in cartesian coordinates) and rotation (in euler angles) of a platform as a function of time t. These expressions are evaluated using mathjs.

  • init + [5 * sin(t), 0, 0] is an example position expression. The platform moves left and right around it's initial position.
  • init + [0, t, 0] is an example rotation expresion. The platform continually rotates around the Y-axis.


Once done, you can export your level using Blender's built-in glTF exporter.

  • Select Format > glTF Binary (.glb)
  • Check Include > Custom Properties
  • Check Geometry > Apply Modifiers


Marble Mouse custom mapping guide.
