rameshbabuch / Sermon-Manager

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=== Sermon Manager ===
Contributors: wpforchurch
Donate link: http://wpforchurch.com/
Tags: church, sermon, sermons, preaching, podcasting
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 4.8.1
Stable tag: 2.4.6

Add audio and video sermons, manage speakers, series, and more to your church website.

== Description ==

= Sermon Manager is the #1 WordPress Sermon Plugin =

Sermon Manager is designed to help churches easily publish sermons online. The features include:

* Add Speakers, Series, Topics, Books and Service Types
* Attach MP3 files as well as PDF, DOC, PPT.
* Embed video from popular providers such as Vimeo or YouTube
* Attach images to sermons, series, speakers and topics
* Super flexible shortcode system
* Bible references integrated via Bib.ly for easy text viewing
* Works with any theme and can be customized to display just the way you like. You'll find the template files in the /views folder. You can copy these into the root of your theme folder and customize to suit your site's design.
* iTunes podcasting support for all sermons, plus each sermon series, preachers, sermon topics, or book of the Bible!

= Popular Shortcodes =

* [sermons] - This will list the 10 most recent sermons.
* [sermons per_page="20"] - This will list the 20 most recent sermons.
* [sermon_images] - This will list all sermon series and their associated image in a grid.
* [list_sermons] - This will list all series or speakers in a simple unordered list.
* [latest_series] - This will display information about the latest sermon series, including the image, title (optional), and description (optional).
* [sermon_sort_fields] - Dropdown selections to quickly navigate to all sermons in a series or by a particular speaker.

For more information on each of these shortcodes please visit [our website](http://wpforchurch.com/).

= Expert Support =

The Sermon Manager is available as a FREE download however in order to maintain a free version we offer [support packages](http://wpforchurch.com/) for those who need any assistance. Paid support means you get exclusive access to the Sermon Manager forum as well as support tickets. This is also a way you can donate to the project to help us offer prompt support and a free version of the plugin.

You can access the paid support options via [our website](http://wpforchurch.com/). 

= Developers =

Would you like to help develop Sermon Manager or help us spot bugs? This project is on [GitHub](https://github.com/WP-for-Church/Sermon-Manager)

= WP for Church =

* [WP for Church](http://wpforchurch.com/ "WP for Church") provides plugins and responsive themes for churches using WordPress.
* Keep up with the latest product news & tips, sign up to our [newsletter](http://www.wpforchurch.com/)!

== Installation ==

Installation is simple:

1. Just use the "Add New" button in Plugin section of your WordPress blog's Control panel. To find the plugin there, search for 'Sermon Manager'
2. Activate the plugin
3. Add a sermon through the Dashboard
4. To display the sermons on the frontend of your site, just visit the http://yourdomain.com/sermons if you have permalinks enabled or http://yourdomain.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon if not. Or you can use the shortcode [sermons] in any page.
5. Visit [WP for Church](http://wpforchurch.com/ "WP for Church") for support.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I display sermons on the frontend? =

Visit the http://yourdomain.com/sermons if you have permalinks enabled or http://yourdomain.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon if not. Or you can use the shortcode [sermons] in any page.

= How do I create a menu link? =

Go to Appearance => Menus. In the "Custom Links" box add "http://yourdomain.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon" as the url and "Sermons" as the label; click "Add to Menu".

= I wish Sermon Manager could... =

We are open to suggestions to make this a great tool for churches! Submit your feedback at [WP for Church](https://feedback.userreport.com/05ff651b-670e-4eb7-a734-9a201cd22906/)

= More Questions? =

Visit the [plugin homepage](https://wpforchurch.com/wordpress-plugins/sermon-manager/ "Sermon Manager homepage")

== Screenshots ==
1. Sermon Details
2. Sermon Files

== Changelog ==
= 2.4.6 =
* Add a setting to define podcast count
* Fix a bug that caused WSOD on some hosts
* Fix a bug that prevented settings to save on some hosts

= 2.4.5 =
* Fix error that rendered website unusable on some hosts
* Fix double line-breaks in the podcast description not changing into HTML paragraphs
* Make new podcast HTML tags option disabled by default

= 2.4.4 =
* Fix shortcode pagination broken on front page (thanks @antgiant)
* Fix new audio player not loading on some old themes
* Add an option to show key verse in "Recent Sermons" widget
* Add HTML tags display in podcast description (can be disabled in settings)
* Improve scripts & styles loading (website performance improvements)

= 2.4.3 =
* Fix HTML formatting
* Fix new player duration always being 0:00 on initial load
* Fix Sermon date breaking the website in some special circumstances

= 2.4.2 =
* Fix Sermon Manager interfering with regular post dates under some circumstances
* Fix fatal error when using UpdraftPlus
* Fix fatal error for longtime Sermon Manager users (thank you <3)
* Fix audio URL duplication in "Download Files" section
* Fix date checking URL
* Fix scripts and styles not loading when shortcode is used in ordinary posts
* Fix new player styles not loading

= 2.4.1 =
* Fix fatal error for podcasts

= 2.4.0 =
* Add a setting for Sermon date format
* Add a filter for changing sermon image link (thanks @macbookandrew)
* Add Polish translation (thanks @GITNE)
* Fix podcast feed not validating because of an non URL encoded ampersand in the Sermon image URL
* Remove sermons that don't have mp3 files assigned to them from podcast XML file
* Performance improvements
* Miscellaneous bug fixes

= 2.3.4 =
* Improve backend performance
* Fix topics list in backend sometimes being corrupted

= 2.3.3 =
* Fix a typo in "Sort by Preacher" table column
* Fix a PHP warning when a sermon is created with Service Type set to "None"
* Fix Sermon Audio removing/uploading in backend not working

= 2.3.2 =
* Allow displaying of audio and video at the same time
* Fix new audio player conflicting with other elements
* Fix Bib.ly not showing on sermon archive pages
* Fix Bib.ly not loading over HTTPS

= 2.3.1 =
* Fix shortcodes compatibility issue
* Fix [sermons] shortcode ordering

= 2.3.0 =
* Add an option to change "Preacher" to whatever user wants ("Teacher", "Speaker"...)
* Fix series image shortcode not working properly
* Fix disappeared bible passage
* Core improvements

= 2.2.0 =
* Add `orderby` argument for `[sermons]` shortcode. How to use: https://wpforchurch.com/my/knowledgebase/75/Sermon-Manager-Shortcodes.html
* Add an option to switch between the old and the new MP3 player
* Fix some cases where PodCast feed is invalid

= 2.1.5 =
* Fix crash on PHP <5.5 (for real this time)
* Fix sermon MP3 file name while downloading

= 2.1.4 =
* Fix crash on PHP <5.5

= 2.1.3 =
* Fix podcast feed date being invalid when used on website with non English language
* Fix crashing on older PHP versions

= 2.1.2 =
* Allow Sermon Manager usage on old PHP versions
* Fix shortcode not working

= 2.1.1 =
* Fix plugin crashing. Add missing files.
* Remove old screenshots

= 2.1.0 =
* Fix book sorting bug
* Fix issue where podcast enclosures are sometimes duplicated
* Fix sermon topics custom view not loading
* Fix dashboard icon not displaying
* Fix not displaying correct sermon dates
* Fix parenthesis displaying when service type is not specified
* Fix bib.ly not loading over HTTPS
* Add date fixing feature - should fix most of date-related bugs
* Add a new player for MP3 files
* Add PodTrac Support (thanks @reykroona)
* Add warning if user is using PHP version less than 5.6.0
* Simplify shortcodes

= 2.0.8 =
* Fix another date error
* Revert fix for "fatal error with date processing", since it caused issues for some users
* Fix video width being too wide
* Fix microphone issue

= 2.0.7 =
* Fixed fatal error with date processing
* Fixed some PHP 7 warnings
* Added better shortcode book sorting

= 2.0.6 =
* Fix date warning in the `Date Preached` column
* Fix downloads not showing notes and bulletin
* Fix taxonomy images not working on new installs
* Fix various bug fixes with feeds
* Fix Yoast SEO XML sitemap not working with SM - Please re-save settings and permalinks
* Fix image chooser not opening correctly when user clicks on series/preacher image (browser cache might need to be cleared)

= 2.0.5 =

* Fix: Sermon Archive shortcode wasn't displaying properly

= 2.0.4 =

* Fixed error where saving anything in admin caused a php notice
* Fixed setting page and notice to re-save settings even after user had saved
* Updated sermon archive to show new sermon sorting fields function

= 2.0.3 =

* Fixed error causing sermons views to not count
* Fixed several issues with classes being called improperly

= 2.0.2 =

* Fixed legacy support and functionality for video embed
* Fixed podcast error causing duplicate entries

= 2.0.1 =

* Fixed backwards compatibility issues
* Fixed issue with service type dropdown

= 2.0 =

* Massive update to core code with php7 compatibility
* Bulletin file upload
* Updated dependency libraries
* Updated Views
* Use YouTube/Vimeo link (with legacy support for old video embeds)

= 1.9.6 =

* Bugfix podcast title is fixed in WP 4.4
* Multiple non-fatal errors have been fixed

= 1.9.5 =
* Bugfix podcast title is taken from Settings Page
* Bugfix podcast no longer has any missing sermons
* Bugfix properly strip html from podcast summary

= 1.9.4 =
* Bugfix trailing / removed from podast feed
* Bugfix don't include enclosure in podcast if there is no audio file
* Bugfix [list_sermons] order/orderby attributes now work as expected
* Bugfix hide_nav works correctly in the [sermons] shortcode
* Bugfix setting defaults on activation now works correctly

= 1.9.3 =
* now actions are used to load sermon content in a theme: sermon_single & sermon_excerpt. This makes it easy to override the content by removing the default action and adding your own custom action.
* Bugfix sermon_images shortcode now displays the description correctly
* Added podcast feed for service types

= 1.9.2 =
* improve setting MP3 duration; allow user to edit duration if not set accurately

= 1.9.1 =
* Minor fixes to the [latest_series] shortcode - [updated documentation](http://www.wpforchurch.com/knowledgebase/sermon-manager-shortcodes/)

= 1.9 =
* NEW FEATURE: Podcast feeds for every Preacher, Service Type, Series, Bible Book, and Topic.
* NEW FEATURE: New shortcode to display the latest sermon series image [latest_series] (many options including displaying by service type)
* NEW FEATURE: Admin columns are now sortable - props to @khornberg
* NEW FEATURE: All media is now uploaded to a custom folder /sermons/ under /uploads. This will allow easier media management and exclusion from backups (if desired)
* Remove mediaelement audio player and use the built in mediaelement (now requires WordPress 3.6+)
* Remove dependency on wp-pagenavi for shortcode pagination
* Resolved issue with media player not displaying with shortcodes

= 1.8.3 =
* require WordPress 3.6+
* use built in mediaelement player

= 1.8.1 =
* fixed errors with saving settings for some users (remove dependency on CURL)

= 1.8 =
* improved podcasting performance - props @livingos
* cleaned up options page with tabs, added hooks for other plugins to hook into the option page.
* fixed bug causing sermons to display 2x

= 1.7.4 =
* updated the way attachments are displayed. Now they will be available for download even if not attached to the sermon.
* fix sermon-images shortcode

= 1.7.3 =
* compatibility with WordPress 3.6

= 1.7.2 =
* disable a filter that was causing problems in some themes (added in 1.7)

= 1.7.1 =
* fix a few bugs introduced in 1.7

= 1.7 =
* Improved many areas of the code; organized files
* Made a new permalink structure possible with a common base slug across all taxonomies, e.g. sermons/preacher or sermons/series.
* Added new template tag for the podcast url
* Add series, preacher, topic, and book to post class
* Trim taxonomy description in Admin
* Improve widget CSS
* Add missing filter for template files
* Add template tags to show preacher and series info on individual sermons
* Allow service type to be empty
* Use date option set in WordPress settings instead of hardcoded format
* Resolve $wpfc_entry_views error with PHP 5.4
* Cleaned up CSS ids and classes to be compliant code

= 1.6 =
* Improved localization & added French translation
* Updated mediaelements.js to the latest version
* Change Service Types to a custom taxonomy so you can add/edit as you wish (you'll see an admin notice to refresh your database)

= 1.5.6 =
* Added comma separator in case of multiple speakers or multiple series
* Added speaker name to widget
* Added "sort by Book" to sermon sort fields

= 1.5.5 =
* Fix settings for bib.ly

= 1.5.4 =
* Added an action 'wpfc_settings_form' to add fields to the settings page
* Fixed bug with sermon topic dropdown

= 1.5.3 =
* Properly prefixed the entry views function to prevent conflicts

= 1.5.2 =
* Only load admin scripts and styles on Sermon pages

= 1.5.1 =
* Improve CSS for Chrome
* Add the option to include the audio player in archive view
* Fix display issues on some themes in archive view

= 1.5 =
* Improve page navigation styles with shortcode
* Improve admin interface & added a "Sermon Notes" field
* Fixed the views count for sermons
* Update function to add images to series & preachers
* Added podcasting with iTunes
* Properly enqueueing all JavaScript and CSS
* New template tags for easier theme customization
* Added new taxonomy "Book of the Bible" to allow easy sorting of sermons
* Display a grid of images assigned to speakers or series with a new shortcode [sermon-images]
* Display a list of sermon series, preachers, sermon topics, or book of the Bible with a new shortcode [list-sermons]

= 1.3.3 =
* Bug fix with menu not showing in some themes

= 1.3.1 =
* Bug fix with Service Type not saving correctly

= 1.3 =
* Added a settings page
* Now translation ready!
* Added styling to the Recent Sermons Widget
* Added featured image to individual sermons
* Added images to sermon topics
* Created new functions to render sermon archive listing and single sermons
* Added better sorting fields on archive page
* Added shortcode to insert sort fields - sermon_sort_fields

= 1.2.1 =
* Enhanced shortcode to allow for Ajax pagination
* Requires a plugin for pagination in shortcode to work: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-pagenavi/

= 1.2 =
* Shortcode completely updated with [documentation](http://www.wpforchurch.com/882/sermon-shortcode/)

= 1.1.4 =
* Now you can add images to sermon series and preachers!
* Widget now includes the sermon date
* Added icons for audio and video attachments

= 1.1.3 =
* Theme developers can add support for sermon manager to their theme with `add_theme_support( 'sermon-manager' );` in functions.php. For now, this will disable the loading of the jwplayer javascript
* Bug fix to load javascript for sermon player and verse popups on single sermon pages only
* minor CSS fix to increase font size of popup Bible passages

= 1.1.2 =
* bug fixes so everything saved correctly when doing autosave, quick edit, and bulk edit
* minor CSS fix for icon to display with additional files

= 1.1.1 =
* bug fixes to templating system
* minor CSS fixes

= 1.1 =
* New much improved templating system!
* Bug fixes related to the loading of javascript and CSS

= 1.0 =
* Fixes related to WordPress 3.3; takes advantage of new tinymce editor

= 0.9 =
* Added WYSIWYG editor to the sermon description field

= 0.8 =
* Added Widgets

= 0.7 =
* Bug Fixes

= 0.6 =
* initial public release



Language:PHP 69.4%Language:CSS 24.7%Language:JavaScript 5.8%