ramarddev / kindle2notion

Export all clippings from your Kindle device to a database in Notion.

Home Page:https://pypi.org/project/kindle2notion/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A program to copy all your Kindle highlights and notes to a page in Notion.
Explore the docs · File issues and feature requests here

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Table of Contents

About The Project

Kindle2Notion Demo

A Python package to export all the clippings from your Kindle device to a page in Notion. Run this script whenever you plug in your Kindle device to your PC.

A key inspiration behind this project was the notes saving feature on Google Play Books, which automatically syncs all your highlights from a book hosted on the service to a Google Doc in real time. I wanted a similar feature for my Kindle and this project is one step towards a solution for this problem.

Intended for

  • Avid readers who would want to browse through their prior reads and highlights anytime anywhere.
  • For those who like to take notes alongside their highlights.

Getting Started

NOTE Need a step-by-step guide to setting this package up? Click here for the full guide.

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps:


  • A Kindle device.
  • A Notion account to store your links.
  • Python 3 on your system to run the code.

Installation & Setup

NOTE As of 10-07-2022, the latest update to this package relies on the offical Notion API for sending API requests. This requires you to create an integration token from here. For old users, you'd have to switch to this method as well since notion-py isn't being maintained anymore.

  1. Install the library.
    pip install kindle2notion
  2. Create an integration on Notion.
    1. Duplicate this database template to your the workspace you want to use for storing your Kindle clippings.
    2. Open Settings & Members from the left navigation bar.
    3. Select the Integrations option listed under Workspaces in the settings modal.
    4. Click on Develop your own integrations to redirect to the integrations page.
    5. On the integrations page, select the New integration option and enter the name of the integration and the workspace you want to use it with. Hit submit and your internal integration token will be generated.
  3. Go back to your database page and click on the Share button on the top right corner. Use the selector to find your integration by its name and then click Invite. Your integration now has the requested permissions on the new database.


  1. Plug in your Kindle device to your PC.

  2. You need the following three arguments in hand before running the code:

    1. Take your_notion_auth_token from the secret key bearer token provided.
    2. Find your_notion_database_id from the URL of the database you have copied to your workspace. For reference,
                                        |--------- Database ID --------|
    3. your_kindle_clippings_file is the path to your My Clippings File.txt on your Kindle.
  3. Additionally, you may modify some default parameters of the command-line with the following options of the CLI:

    • --enable_highlight_date Set to False if you don't want to see the "Date Added" information in Notion.
    • --enable_book_cover Set to False if you don't want to store the book cover in Notion.
  4. Export your Kindle highlights and notes to Notion!

    • On MacOS and UNIX,
    kindle2notion 'your_notion_auth_token' 'your_notion_table_id' 'your_kindle_clippings_file'
    • On Windows
    python -m kindle2notion 'your_notion_auth_token' 'your_notion_table_id' 'your_kindle_clippings_file'

You may also avail help with the following command:

kindle2notion --help
python -m kindle2notion --help

NOTE This code has been tested on a 4th Gen Kindle Paperwhite on both MacOS and Windows.


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Jeffrey Jacob (Twitter | Email | LinkedIn)


Export all clippings from your Kindle device to a database in Notion.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%