ramanujan-dev / noxus

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



It is a simple framework made using java sockets. The goal is to implement http protocol using sockets.


To run this framework you will need

  • Windows operating system
  • java installed


  • Can make http get and post requests
  • Can send response as
    • File
    • Download
    • JSON
  • Has connection to inbuild sqlite database
  • Restart automatically on changes

Set up Noxus

  • Download the files from the github repository
  • Extract the file in any location
  • Add the extracted folder which contain noxus-create.exe to PATH

Create a project

create the project by the following command in your terminal

noxus-create <Project name>

Run project

Go to the project folder and run the folling command in your terminal



Go to your browser and enter your url as localhost:8000 The port can be changed by modifying the main/Settings.java file

Make your URL

  • Open the project in your editor
  • Go to main/Url.java
  • You can add your URL by using the add function in the Url class
public class Url extends UrlDefine {
    public Url(){
        add("", new Home());
  • Here the Home is the URL handler ie. the class that will run on the call of that URL.

Make the URL Handler

  • Go to main/UrlFunctions.java
  • You can create your handlers for URL in this file
  • In order to make a handler class your class implement UrlFunctionCaller interface which has function run of return type Responce data
class Home implements UrlFunctionCaller{
    public ResponceData run(RequestData request) {
        ResponceData rd = Responce.fileResponce("welcome.html");
        return rd;
  • We will discuss about the different availabe responces in the next session
  • An object of ResponceData must be returned

Responce Types

  • There are 3 types of responce available
    • File
    • Download
    • JSON

File Responce

  • File responce is used to return the html file for that url
  • Its argument is a string ie. the name of the file
ResponceData rd = Responce.fileResponce("welcome.html");
  • The html file that is to be rendered must be stored in the main/templates folder
  • you can change the location of the templates folder in the Settings.java file

Download Responce

  • Download responce is used to send a file for download
  • This can be achieved by making an URL for download that is called by a form on the html file like
<form action="download">
    <button type="submit">submit</button>
  • Note : The url for download must be followed by a ?
add("download?", new Download());
  • In the UrlFunction use the downloadResponce function whose argument is the name of the file as String
class Download implements UrlFunctionCaller{
    public ResponceData run(RequestData request) {
        ResponceData rd = Responce.downloadResponce("image.png");
        return rd;
  • The file that is downloaded must be in the media folder

JSON Responce

  • Json can be created by using the JSON class provided in the functionality.json package
import functionality.json.JSON;
  • Create a JSON object
  • You can add data to it using its add function
  • The add function has two parameters key and value
  • the key must be of type string and the value can be of the folling types
    • integer
    • string
    • boolean
    • float
    • null
    • another JSON object
    • JSONArray object
JSON json = new JSON();
  • This JSON onject must be passed to jsonResponce function to send it as an responce
ResponceData rd = Responce.JSONResponce(json);


  • You can also add arrays to json by creating a JSONArray object
  • they can contain all objects that a json contains
JSON json = new JSON();
JSONArray arr = new JSONArray();

json.add("0", arr);

Request Information

Header Data

you can access the Header information by using the header function given by the request parameter in the handler class

class Home implements UrlFunctionCaller{
    public ResponceData run(RequestData request) {
        ResponceData rd = Responce.fileResponce("welcome.html");
        return rd;

Post Data

you can access the Post information by using the post function given by the request parameter in the handler class

class Home implements UrlFunctionCaller{
    public ResponceData run(RequestData request) {
        ResponceData rd = Responce.fileResponce("welcome.html");
        return rd;

Database connection

  • You can get the connection instance for the inbuilt sqllite database by Database.getConnection() method present in functionality.DatabaseConnection
import java.sql.Connection;
import functionality.DatabaseConnection;
Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection();

Inspired by Django Python



Language:Java 96.7%Language:HTML 2.4%Language:CSS 0.9%