ramanishsingh / my_matplotlib

Tips and tricks with matplotlib that I found useful during my PhD

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Tips and tricks with matplotlib that I found useful during my PhD


I recommend making one for each journal submission, allowing you to toggle options specific for each journal.

  • This matplotlibrc requires latex. If you dont want to use latex you can turn it off by changing

text.usetex : False

plots with error bars

example to be added later I don't like matplotlib defaults for error bars. I like to have the symbols on top of the error bars, and I only want to see error bars that are outside of the symbol. To do this, I make layered plots using zorder. On the bottom layer I plot the error bar using the errorbar method. Above that layer, I plot white symbols of the same symbol type to hide the error bars behind. Above that layer I plot the actual symbols, and I add the legend key on this layer too.


Usually you make a legend to a plot with


Some useful keyword arguments are below

  • creating legend boxes: kwargs = dict(edgecolor='inherit', frameon=True, fancybox=False)
    • you can play with the fancybox argument to see if you like it
  • adding space between legend entries: kwargs = dict(handletextpad=0.2)
    • This is typically useful when your legend entries are all lines, and the labels get too close to the legend entries


Tips and tricks with matplotlib that I found useful during my PhD

License:MIT License