ralphchung / 499-kunpeng

USC CS499 Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


USC CS499 Project
Name: Kun Peng
Email: kunpeng@usc.edu

Setup Steps

Setup gRPC

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config
$ sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev libgtest-dev
$ sudo apt-get install clang libc++-dev
$ git clone -b $(curl -L https://grpc.io/release) https://github.com/grpc/grpc
$ cd grpc
$ git submodule update --init
$ sudo make
$ sudo make install
$ cd grpc/third_party/protobuf
$ sudo make install

Setup gTest

$ [sudo] apt install libgtest-dev cmake
$ cd /usr/src/gtest
$ [sudo] cmake CMakeLists.txt
$ [sudo] make
$ [sudo] cp *.a /usr/lib

Clone 499-kunpeng repo

$ cd ~
$ git clone https://github.com/Rompue/499-kunpeng.git
$ cd 499-kunpengs
$ git checkout phaseone

Compilation instructions

$ sudo make

Basic example usage

Run Key-Value storage server and Service Layer server first:

$ ./storage_server
$ ./service

All operations should be ran by a logined user, except read

To register a user with username: $ ./chirp --register username

To login as username and post a chirp with text: $ ./chirp --user username --chirp "text"

To login as username and post a chirp with text as a reply to a chirp with id: $ ./chirp --user username --chirp "text" --reply id

To login as username and follow another user with username2: $ ./chirp --user username --follow username2

To login as username and start monitoring following users: $ ./chirp --user username --monitor
To stop monitoring, press Ctrl + C (terminating process in bash/terminal)

To read a chirp with chirpid without login: $ ./chirp --read chirpid

To stream chirps with tag_name (including or not including '#') without login: $ ./chirp --stream tag_name To stop streaming, press Ctrl + C (terminating process in bash/terminal)

All other use of the command line tool may result in error or even undefined behavior


To Compile and run tests for backend key-value storage

$ make storage_test
$ ./storage_test

To Compile and run tests for service layer functionality

$ make service_test
$ ./service_test


USC CS499 Project


Language:C++ 97.3%Language:Makefile 2.7%