ralphbean / markdown-to-confluence

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Container Image Repository on Quay Tests run in Travis

This is a utility that will convert a directory of markdown files to Confluence wiki markup and publish them.


This utility supports authenticating to confluence with personal access token or username and password.

When the environment variable CONFLUENCE_TOKEN is defined, it will authenticate to confluence with personal access token.

When CONFLUENCE_TOKEN is not defined, it will look for the CONFLUENCE_USERNAME and CONFLUENCE_PASSWORD environment variables, they should be defined to authenticate to confluence with username and password.

Authentication is not required while running in dry-run mode.

Confluence and Markdown

To link to other Confluence documents, use the confluence: pseudo-protocol. If the spaces are not escaped as %20, make sure to wrap the specifier with <>.

[This text is ignored](<confluence:SPACE:Destination Page Title>)

To link to anchors in the same document, use #anchor-name as the link destination. To see the name of the anchor for a particular title, inspect the dry run output. Search for anchor elements that look like the following example (where anchor-name is the text to find and use):

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="anchor"><ac:parameter ac:name="">anchor-name</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro>

Code blocks with the dot class are automatically processed with graphviz, but it is not provided with this image. To use this feature, commit another layer with the results of yum install -y graphviz and use the resulting container image instead. Note that this will result in the addition of more than 90 packages (over 100MiB total) to the image.

digraph {
  a -> b


To mount the current working directory at /src and have markdown-to-confluence.py process all the .md files in the doc subdirectory recursively:

$ podman run --rm -it -v .:/src:Z quay.io/rbean/markdown-to-confluence \
    /usr/local/bin/markdown-to-confluence.py \
    --confluence-url https://confluence.example.org \
    --confluence-space SPACE \
    --root /src --path doc --dry-run

To start the container with the current working directory at /src and work interactively:

$ podman run --rm -it -v .:/src:Z quay.io/rbean/markdown-to-confluence
# markdown-to-confluence.py \
    --confluence-url https://confluence.example.org \
    --confluence-space SPACE \
    --root /src --path doc --dry-run

Running Tests

In order to run the tests, you will need to have pandoc and tox installed. A container definition with a minimal setup environment is included in the tests directory. Use the repository root for the build context:

$ podman build -f tests/Containerfile -t markdown-to-confluence:tox .

Mount the repository root as a volume when running the tests. Make sure to include the :Z suffix if your system uses SELinux. The entrypoint is tox, so you can pass arguments directly:

$ podman run --rm -ti -v .:/src markdown-to-confluence:tox -v

With this configuration, the .tox directory in the repository root will be manipulated by the container. If you run tests frequently, it may be helpful to define an alias:

tox() {
	local gitroot=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) || return $?
	podman run --rm -ti -v .:/src:Z "$gitroot:tox" "$@"


License:MIT License


Language:Python 56.9%Language:Lua 41.1%Language:Dockerfile 2.0%