rallets / docker-playground

Docker, Docker compose, and Docker Swarm. Commands with running examples.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Based on the Pluralsight course Getting Started with Docker by Nigel Poulton.

DOCKER commands

build a new image with tag (-t). maurobertoli is the docker.com account

docker image build -t maurobertoli/gsd:first-ctr .

list of available images

docker image ls

remove an image from local

docker image rm maurobertoli/gsd:first-ctr

list of running containers

docker container ls

get an image from the repo and start it | -d = detached (in background) | --name = the container name

docker container run -d --name web -p 8000:8080 maurobertoli/gsd:first-ctr

stop a containerized app (an app running inside a container) gracefully

docker container stop web

start a containerized app

docker container stop web

remove a containerized app

docker container rm web

force removing a running container

docker container rm web -f

run a container in interactive mode (-it) using alpine linux dist and run the command sh as entrypoint. type exit to exit sh and then exit the container.

docker container run -it --name test alpine sh

press CTRL + P + Q (process quit) to exit the container BUT keeping running it in the background

run a windows container in interactive mode

docker container run -it mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:nanoserver pwsh.exe


Docker compose allows to create multi-container app (many images + network as example)

create all the images needed and start the containers | -d = detached (in background)

docker-compose up -d

shotdown all the containers

docker-compose down

print your resolved application config to the terminal

docker-compose config


init docker swarm, specify an ip different to the host if needed, and set it as manager. You will get a token and a command to add a service

docker swarm init --advertise-addr=

add a manager to the same swarm (from another host/machine/ip)

docker swarm join-token manager

add a service to the swarm

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-xxxx...xxx

list all nodes in the swarm (managers and workers)

docker node ls

add a worker to a swarm (running from a manager host), this we give a command with a token

docker swarm join-token worker

then run this from the machines that you have to join as a worker

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-xxxx...xxx

DOCKER SWARM - manage apps

pre-requisite: swarm initialized

create a service from an existing image. Only existing images can be used.

docker service create --name web -p 8080:8080 --replicas 3 maurobertoli/gsd:first-ctr

list all services in the swarm

docker service ls

list the containers (in this case 3 equal rows for the image) for this host (note: only this machine)

docker container ls

list the containers (in this case 3 equal rows for the image) for this swarm (you will get info about hte node too)

docker service ps web

scale the service called "web" to 10 instances

docker service scale web=4

if you try to force remove some containers, they will be restarted asap

docker container rm xxx-ID-1 xxx-ID-2 -f

remove the service and related containers

docker service rm web

DOCKER SWARM - yml file

we can obtain a stack the same scenario using the declarative way with a yml file (look at the swarm-stack folder).

Note that only existing images in a registry can be used, so you need to specify an image name (instead of build: .)

So just add to an existing docker-compose.yml

image: maurobertoli/gsd:first-ctr
    replicas: 10

Then deploy with (stackname is your stack/application name)

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml stackname

check the stack

docker stack ls

check the services deployed in the stack

docker stack services stackname

check the containers and more info on the stack

docker stack ps stackname

you can edit the yml file and apply the changes (ex. replicas: 5) and re-run the same command

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml stackname

remove the stack and related containers

docker stack rm stackname


Docker, Docker compose, and Docker Swarm. Commands with running examples.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 29.7%Language:Dockerfile 27.4%Language:CSS 15.6%Language:JavaScript 14.6%Language:Handlebars 12.7%