ralismark / micro

Various tiny projects I've made over the years, that aren't big enough for their own repos

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A collection of tiny projects I've made. No guarantees on how well these work -- I might not have touched them in a long time!

tunnel-run - Transparently run on the mounted filesystem

This is a command wrapper that runs the command over ssh if you're in sshfs, and locally if you're on a local filesystem.

You can also symlink other executables to this script, and tunnel-run will transparently tunnel them, or call the underlying executable if running locally. Doing this with svn or git, for example, can make those run reasonably fast.

Warning: The commands will run on a completely different filesystem, so absolute paths passed to/from the tunnelled command will likely not be correct!

Note that this does not detect what options were supplied to sshfs.

Tip: you can ssh into the target machine with tunnel-run sh -c 'exec $SHELL --login'.

mpp - MIPS Preprocessor

A minimal preprocessor for MIPS (particularly SPIM, which lacks complex directives). Currently supports two extra directives:

  • .include <file> to textually include a file (like #include in C)
  • .let @<var> <expr> to replace all subsequent occurrences of @var with <expr>
  • .unlet @<var> to undo a previous .let

For example:

a.s b.s
.let @foo $s3
	move @foo, $a0
.include b.s
.let @foo $t8
	move $v0, @foo

gets turned into

	move $s3, $a0
	move $v0, $t8

git-ff - fast-forward a branch without checking it out

This is similar to git pull --ff-only but can operate on branches you haven't checked out. There is also an --all flag to operate on all branches. Useful for updating your local repo to the state of upstream.

rofi-unicode - rofi-based unicode character/string picker

This is currently only compatible with wayland. The list of choices is embedded within the script.

ifdef-clean - C preprocessor conditional cleaner

Usage: ifdef-clean file1.c file2.c file3.c. This program works in-place, rewriting the input files. #elif is not supported.

The use case for this program is if you have a C project with platform-specific macros, like this:

#ifdef _WIN32
// windows-specific thing
// not windows
#ifdef __unix__
// linux stuff
// some other operating system

// some feature
// feature not supported

ifdef-clean will prompt you for whether to include (yes) or exclude (no) a particular branch of the condition (eliminating corresponding #if/#else/#endif lines), or to keep all branches as-is (ignore). Your choices will be remembered and you will only be prompted on the first occurrence of any particular condition.

e.g. with the above content in test.c:

$ ifdef-clean test.c
#ifdef _WIN32 [yni]? n
#ifdef __unix__ [yni]? y
#if FEATURE [yni]? i

and test.c will now only contain

// not windows
// linux stuff

// some feature
// feature not supported

clacks - Shows icon for X-Clacks-Overhead

This is a browser extension. If the current page has the X-Clacks-Overhead header or a corresponding meta tag, a clacks icon will appear in your URL bar.

cs - CSE server helper

This is like the git command in that its actions are accessible via cs <command>. Most of these require the environment variables $COURSE (e.g. 2041) and $TASK (e.g. lab03).

  • cs help shows a summary of the available commands.
  • cs fetch to fetch the files for the task (like 1521 fetch lab03) into the current directory.
  • cs task <task> downloads the resources into a folder, but doesn't require $TASK to be set.
  • cs remote <cmd>... to sync the files to CSE and run a command.
  • cs autotest <test>... to run an autotest on your files (like 2041 autotest shell_backup)
  • cs give <exercise> <files>... to submit files for a given exercise. The task is prepended to exercise, i.e. making cs give shell_backup backup.sh run give cs2041 lab05_shell_backup backup.sh.

These commands assume that rsync is installed on your local system and that ssh cse connects to the CSE servers.


An much more lightweight alternative to the above cs command. Usage is as follows:

$ give cs1521 a1 main.c main.h # any other files

This assumes that ssh has been configured such that ssh cse connect to CSE server. It copies the specified files over and runs give before deleting them.


Various tiny projects I've made over the years, that aren't big enough for their own repos

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 75.9%Language:Rust 7.8%Language:Perl 6.8%Language:JavaScript 5.7%Language:Python 3.9%