rali20 / tango

The Abominably Naive Go Compiler

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Abominably Naive Go Compiler

Building and Running

In order to build this code, you need golang to be installed on your system.

To install go, see: https://golang.org/doc/install#install

After that, we need your $GOPATH to be set appropriately and $GOPATH/bin should be in your $PATH:

export GOPATH=/tmp
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

Now install dep and gorunpkg:

go get github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
go get github.com/Vektah/gorunpkg

After that ensure that the files are placed in $GOPATH/src/tango.

For example, if we have submitted final.zip, unzip it and then:

unzip final.zip
mv final $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src
mv final tango

After that, just cd into the folder and run:


to fetch the necessary libs and tools and to generate the lexer and codegen.

To run, follow:

Usage: bin/tango [<options>] <file name>
Usage of bin/tango:
  -o string
        Filename of output executable. Only valid with language None (default "./a.out")
  -x string
        Language to output. Possible values are IR, ASM and None (default "None")

Changes from Asgn1 in Asgn3

Lexer Changes

Some lexical tokens were made independent if they were used in more than one place:

  • * - Unary, Binary Operator as well as used in types
  • + - Both unary and binary operator
  • - - Both unary and binary operator
  • ^ - Both unary and binary operator
  • | - Last remaining addition-type Binary Operator
  • mul_op - Multiply-type binary operators
  • rel_op - Relational binary operators
  • unary_op - Remaining unary operators

Different types of assignment statements were made independent lexical tokens

Few new lexical tokens were added:

  • <<< and >>>
  • (| and |)
  • [( and )]
  • |||

Syntactical Changes

Type Casting

Earlier syntax: int64(0) New syntax: int64<<<0>>>

Initializing Complex Types

Earlier Syntax: rect{width: 10, height: 5} New Syntax: rect[(width: 10, height: 5)]

Function Multiple Return Syntax

Earlier Syntax: func test() (int, int) { //blah } New Syntax: func test() (|int, int|) { //blah }

Method Declaration Syntax

Earlier Syntax: func (g geometry) test() (int, int) { //blah } New Syntax: func (|g geometry|) test() (int, int) { //blah }

For Comprehension Syntax

Earlier Syntax: [i * i | i, _ := range arr] New Syntax: [i * i ||| i, _ := range arr]


Apart from the usual golang imperative features (except goroutines and chans), we support the following extra features:


func myCurry(a int, d int)(b int)(c int) int {
     if (d % 2 == 0) {
         return a + b + c;
     } else {
         return a;

x1 = myCurry(4, 2)
x2 = myCurry(4, 2)(5)
x3 = myCurry(4, 1)(5)(6)

// Type of x1:
func(int)(int) int

// Type of x2:
func(int) int

// Type of x3:

// Type of myCurry
func(int)(int)(int) int

For Comprehensions

xs := []int{1, 2, 3}
doublexs := [x * 2 | _, x := range xs]

Intermediate Code Representation (IR)

Our IR code is the list of instructions where each instruction is represented as structure

struct {
   type IRType;            // Enum values for Type are: {LBL, BOP, LOP, SOP, DOP, UOP, CBR, JMP, ASN, KEY} 
   op IROp;                // Specific Values of op
   arg1 SymbolTableEntry;  // 
   arg2 SymbolTableEntry;  //
   dst  SymbolTableEntry;  //


A SymbolTableEntry can be of 3 types:

  • SymbolTableLiteralEntry: A literal. Just contains value of the literal
  • SymbolTableVariableEntry: A variable (virtual register). Contains the memory location of variable in data segment.
  • SymbolTableTargetEntry: Contains the actual target for a jmp/branch instruction

The symbol table entries have to be encoded in a specific format in the IR:

  • Literals: Must begin with a $
  • Variable: Must begin with a r
  • Target: Must begin with a #


  • All programs have a _func_main label.
  • All functions have a label beginning with _func.

Operation Types

Label Operations (LBL)

A beginning of a Label. Contains only a dst field.

Instructions can be labelled (with labels being strings) to be referred as target in branch instructions as follows


Binary Operations (BOP)

For binary operations (type = BOP), arg1 and arg2 are arguments for the operation in the same order and dst is the target variable where the result is stored after applying op.

dst =  arg1 op arg2

op can have following values:

  • +: Add
  • -: Subtract
  • *: Multiply
  • &: Bitwise AND
  • |: Bitwise OR
  • ^: Bitwise XOR
  • &&: Logical AND
  • ||: Logical OR

arg1 and arg2 can be either a variable or a literal.

Logical Operations (LOP)

For logical operations, arg1 and arg2 are arguments for the operation in the same order and dst is the target variable where the result is stored after applying op.

dst =  arg1 op arg2

op can have following values:

  • <: Less Than
  • >: Greater Than
  • <=: Less Than Equal
  • >=: Greater Than Equal
  • ==: Equals
  • !=: Not Equals

arg1 and arg2 can be either a variable or a literal (having value either 0 or 1).

Shift Operations (SOP)

For shift operations, arg1 and arg2 are arguments for the operation in the same order and dst is the target variable where the result is stored after applying op.

dst =  arg1 op arg2

op can have following values:

  • <<: Bitwise Shift Left
  • >>: Bitwise Shift Right

arg1 and arg2 can be either a variable or a literal (having value either 0 or 1).

Division Operations (DOP)

For division operations, arg1 and arg2 are arguments for the operation in the same order and dst is the target variable where the result is stored after applying op.

dst =  arg1 op arg2

op can have following values:

  • /: Divide
  • %: Remainder

arg1 and arg2 can be either a variable or a literal (having value either 0 or 1).

Unary Operations (UOP)

Unary operations are applied as

dst = op arg1

Here op can have following values:

  • neg: Negate a value
  • not: Bitwise Not
  • !: Logical Not

Assignment Operation (ASN)

Assignment is fairly simple

dst = arg1

Branch Operations (JMP and CBR)

Branch operations can be conditional or unconditional.

Unconditional branches are just a simple call to JMP

jmp target

For conditional branches, following instructions are provided

breq target arg1 arg2  // Branch to target if arg1 == arg2
brlt target arg1 arg2  // Branch to target if arg2 < arg1 
brgt target arg1 arg2  // Branch to targtet if arg2 > arg1
brlte arg1 arg2 target // Branch to targtet if arg2 <= arg1
brgte arg1 arg2 target // Branch to targtet if arg2 >= arg1
brneq target arg1 arg2 // Branch to targtet if arg2 != arg1

Special Instructions (KEY)

inc arg1     // Increments the virtual register
dec arg1     // Decrements the virtual register
call dst     // calls the function at dst target
param arg1   // Push to stack
ret          // return from a function
reti         // return a value from a function
setret arg1  // set arg1 to return value of a function 
halt         // halts the program. We can pass a status code by using param
printi arg1  // Prints a
printc arg1  // Prints a
prints arg1  // Prints a
scani  arg1  // Scan into a
scanc  arg1  // Scan into a
scans  arg1  // Scan into a


The Abominably Naive Go Compiler


Language:Go 95.1%Language:Makefile 2.2%Language:HTML 1.4%Language:Python 1.3%