rakshith-crm / Operating-System-Concepts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In this repository, three problems from the book "Operating Systems Concepts, 9th Edition, International Student Version" by Abraham C. Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne have been implemented in C language using the nano text editor in Linux platform. The problems are:

  1. Programming Problem 8.25 (Pg 387): The problem deals with generating an output containing the page and offset number upon passing a 32-bit virtual address assuming a 4 KB page size.

  2. Programming Problem 9.26 (Pg 446): This problem deals with the implementation of the FIFO, LRU, and Optimal Page Replacement Algorithms for a randomly generated page-reference string with digits ranging from 0 to 9. The page faults generated upon running each algorithm are computed and displayed to the user as the final output.

  3. Programming Problem 9.27 (Pg 446): This problem deals with the implementation of the Collatz Conjecture using the concept of shared memory. A producer-consumer implementation has been presented where the child process assumes the role of the producer and the parent process assumes the role of the consumer and displays the output.

Command Line Arguments have been used to obtain inputs from the user for the first and third problems.

Package Presentation Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I481x2LfFvNt6lp8uc4wK7FeE9ZgCz2v/view?usp=sharing



Language:C 100.0%