rakibtg / rakibtg

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Hello! I'm Hasan πŸ‘‹ πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

A software engineer from Dhaka, Bangladesh, currently living in Stockholm, Sweden. An open-source enthusiast who wants to create a positive impact with his work.

Projects maintained by me:

Docker Dashboard
About A simple web based GUI for managing Docker containers and images.
Repository rakibtg/docker-web-gui
Ported to Electron rakibtg/Docker-Elementary
Homepage dockerdashboard.github.io
Tech Stack React, Redux, Redux Thunk, Electron, Express, Socket
React Native Instagram Clone
About A simple instagram clone using React Native
Repository rakibtg/RN-Instagram
Tech Stack React Native, Expo SDK, Redux
About Pure PHP based NoSQL database system to make your static data dynamic!
Repository rakibtg/SleekDB
Homepage sleekdb.github.io
Tech Stack PHP
About RESTful backend made intuitive by ZincPHP - A micro framework for PHP
Repository getzincphp/zincphp
Homepage getzincphp.github.io
Tech Stack PHP
About I make programming videos on YouTube.
Channel youtube.com/rakibtg
Popular Videos

How to reach me:

Email: rakibtg@gmail.com
Twitter DM: @rakibtg

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. ― Steve Jobs
