rakawestu / curated-3rdparty-libraries

This repository contains list of 3rd party libraries used by Onebit in our day to day development.

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Curated 3rd Party Libraries

This repository contains list of 3rd party libraries used by Onebit in our day to day development.

Table of Contents


  • go-simplejson - Easy-to-use package to interact with JSON. Provide struct, getter, setter and marshal to create/read JSON.
  • gorilla-mux - Easy and powerful URL router. Provide custom routers and interface to comply with golang's http.
  • amqp - Complete AMQP client. Self-explanatory
  • profile - Simple profiling package without too much complicated configurations or http.
  • uuid - RFC4122-compliant UUID generator
  • log15 - Pretty and simple logging package. Provides multiple transports, log-levels and use key-value.



  • express - Fast, minimalist and robust web framework for NodeJS. One of the most popular web framework in NodeJS.
  • moment - Provide easy methods to manipulate date in JS.
  • lodash - Must have utility library for JS project. Provide a lot of useful functions such as map, filter, omit, extend, chain, etc.
  • winston - Logging library that provides multiple transports.
  • kaiseki - Wrapper of Parse API.
  • socket-io - Provides realtime engine that can be used for chat, notifications, etc.
  • sequelize - ORM for SQL-based RDBMS. This library using promises with various features and easy to use.
  • mongoskin - MongoDB lightweight driver. Based on node-mongodb-native.
  • Settings - Simple environment-based settings.
  • formidable - Library for form-data parsing. Fast and able to write uploaded file to disk automatically.
  • debug - small and pretty library for debugging.
  • node-oauth2-server - Complete and battle-tested library for Oauth2 server/provider. Used as middleware in expressJS.


  • textAngular - Provide customisable WYSIWYG text editor for angularJS.
  • angular-busy - Provide loading/busy indicator during any promises.
  • alertify Easy to use dialog and provide nice callback. Unfortunately, the maintenance has stopped.
  • angular-geolocation - angularjs wrapper for window.navigate.geolocation. Useful to get user's location.
  • angular-flot - angular wrapper for Flotcharts (plotting library for jQuery)


Web Dev Tools

  • npm - Package manager for Javascript and NodeJS.
  • bower - Package manager for web development. It will hunt any package we need.
  • Grunt - Automated task runner for web development. Configuration over code and uses JSON-like configuration
  • Gulp - Automated task runner for web development. Code over configuration with simple javascript code.
  • Composer - PHP Dependency manager
  • Bundler - Ruby dependency manager


  • picasso - Simple image loader with caching and fluent interface. Supports image transformations as well.
  • retrofit - Type-safe REST client. Easy to define endpoints using java annotations.
  • okhttp - Better Android HTTP client. Works well with picasso & retrofit.
  • timber - Logging wrapper. We use it to redirect logcat to Crashlytics in non-debug builds.
  • butterknife - Android view "injection" made easy. No need to type boilerplate findViewById for each views in activity.
  • leakcanary - Android leak detector.
  • gson - Simple POJO-based JSON (de)serializer
  • calligraphy - Easy tools for defining custom font in Android widget.

Gradle Plugins

  • android-check - PMD and checkstyle in one plugin.
  • sdk-manager-plugin - Automatically download required SDK version and support libraries.
  • icon-version - Show version number in debug app icon.
  • dexcount - Show method count on every build. Stay away from 65536 method limit.
  • retro-lambda - Build java or android project with retrolambda. Require Java 8 SDK.


  • AFNetworking - A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework


  • AFNetworking - A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework
  • Quick - The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
  • Nimble - A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C


This repository contains list of 3rd party libraries used by Onebit in our day to day development.