rajxsv / Multi-Threaded-Server-Client-Network-Application-

Java Socket Programming || Handling concurrent requests || Multi-Threaded Server-Client Network Application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project demonstrates the implementation of a multi-threaded Java server-client architecture using socket programming. It consists of two main components: a multi-threaded server and a client. The server is capable of handling multiple client connections concurrently using threads, and the client sends requests to the server and receives responses.

Server Component

The server component is responsible for listening to incoming client connections and handling each client request. Upon receiving a connection request, the server creates a new thread to handle communication with that client. This allows the server to serve multiple clients simultaneously without blocking.

Client Component

The client component initiates a connection to the server and sends a predefined message. It then waits for the server's response and prints it to the console. This interaction simulates a basic client-server communication.


Both the server and client utilize multi-threading to achieve concurrency. In the server, each client connection is managed by a separate thread, allowing the server to handle multiple clients concurrently. Similarly, the client creates multiple threads to simulate multiple client connections to the server.


Server: Listens for incoming connections on a specified port and responds to client requests.

Client: Establishes a connection to the server, sends a message, and displays the server's response.

Multi-Threading: Enables concurrent handling of multiple client connections on the server-side.

Socket Programming: Demonstrates basic socket communication between the server and client using Java's Socket API.


This project serves as a foundational example for implementing server-client communication in Java. Developers can utilize and extend this codebase to build more complex networked applications, such as chat servers, distributed systems, or online games.


Java Socket Programming || Handling concurrent requests || Multi-Threaded Server-Client Network Application


Language:Java 100.0%