rajubd49 / PDFViewer

PDFViewer powered by PDFKit and SwiftUI

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PDFViewer powered by PDFKit and SwiftUI


The preferred way of installing is via the Swift Package Manager.

Xcode 11 integrates with libSwiftPM to provide support for iOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms.

  1. In Xcode, open your project and navigate to FileSwift PackagesAdd Package Dependency...
  2. Paste the repository URL (https://github.com/rajubd49/PDFViewer.git) and click Next.
  3. For Rules, select Branch (with branch set to 1.0.2 ).
  4. Click Finish.

Excample code

import SwiftUI
import PDFViewer

struct ContentView: View, DownloadManagerDelegate {
    @State private var viewLocalPDF = false
    @State private var viewRemotePDF = false
    @State private var loadingPDF: Bool = false
    @State private var progressValue: Float = 0.0
    @ObservedObject var downloadManager = DownloadManager.shared()
    let pdfName = "sample"
    let pdfUrlString = "http://www.africau.edu/images/default/sample.pdf"

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            ZStack {
                VStack {
                    NavigationLink(destination: PDFViewer(pdfName: pdfName), isActive: $viewLocalPDF) {
                        Button("View Local PDF"){
                            self.viewLocalPDF = true
                        .padding(.bottom, 20)
                    Button("View Remote PDF"){
                        if self.fileExistsInDirectory() {
                            self.viewRemotePDF = true
                        } else {
                            self.downloadPDF(pdfUrlString: self.pdfUrlString)
                    if self.viewRemotePDF {
                        NavigationLink(destination: PDFViewer(pdfUrlString: self.pdfUrlString), isActive: self.$viewRemotePDF) {
                ProgressView(value: self.$progressValue, visible: self.$loadingPDF)
            .navigationBarTitle("PDFViewer", displayMode: .inline)
    private func fileExistsInDirectory() -> Bool {
        if let cachesDirectoryUrl =  FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first, let lastPathComponent = URL(string: self.pdfUrlString)?.lastPathComponent {
            let url = cachesDirectoryUrl.appendingPathComponent(lastPathComponent)
            if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path) {
                return true
        return false
    private func downloadPDF(pdfUrlString: String) {
        guard let url = URL(string: pdfUrlString) else { return }
        downloadManager.delegate = self
        downloadManager.downloadFile(url: url)
    //MARK: DownloadManagerDelegate
    func downloadDidFinished(success: Bool) {
        if success {
            loadingPDF = false
            viewRemotePDF = true
    func downloadDidFailed(failure: Bool) {
        if failure {
            loadingPDF = false
            print("PDFCatalogueView: Download failure")
    func downloadInProgress(progress: Float, totalBytesWritten: Float, totalBytesExpectedToWrite: Float) {
        loadingPDF = true
        progressValue = progress


  • View local PDF
  • Download PDF from remote url and save in cache directory to view PDF
  • PDF thumbnail view show
  • PDF view page change notification
  • PDF view annotation hit notification
  • Share PDF file




PDFViewer is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.


PDFViewer powered by PDFKit and SwiftUI

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%