rajaravivarma-r / arival-assignment

Arival Assignment to create user authentication

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker Instructions

  • Running docker compose up will bring up all services like the web server, background worker, database and redis. It also runs the migration that are already available. If you add new migrations then migrate it in a new container by doing docker compose run -it auth-service /bin/sh and refer to Migration section of the README.
  • To bring the REPL run docker compose run -it auth-service /bin/sh and inside the container run bin/console

Running background jobs

  • Run bundle exec sidekiq -r ./config/sidekiq_config.rb in one of the docker containers


  • User passwords are encrypted using bcrypt and stored
  • TOTP secrets are encrypted using a symmetric key and stored
  • Backup codes are encrypted using a symmetric key and stored
  • The key used to encrypte the data is 32 bytes long
  • The encrypted data is also signed and the salt is stored as a part of the encrypted data. So even if there is a miniscule chance of two users having same TOTP secret or backup codes will not be revealed in case of database leak.

Secret management

  • All local environment container specific configurations are stored in .env.development and .env.test file, to ease development and testing.
  • Secrets like API key to external services are NOT added in the .env files. It has to shared via a secured communication channel and stored in .env.development.local or .env.test.local for local testing purposes. These local .env files are not tracked in git and should never be committed.
  • In production the environment variables should be injected using kubernetes vault or other mechanism during deployment.


To deploy the app in production environment: * Set APP_ENV and RACK_ENV to production * Inject all secrets as environment variables using kubernetes vault or other mechanism. * Use docker compose -f compose.yml -f compose-production.yml up to run in production environment * Set proper mount points for the volumes. Ideally the database will be running in a managed instance.


Database debugging

  • To run psql inside the docker container run docker compose run -it database /bin/bash and enter the command psql -U arival --dbname arival_development --host database --port 5432
  • When prompted for the password enter the password specified in the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable in the compose file.

Redis debugging

  • To inspect redis data, find the container name of the redis instance using docker ps and enter the shell environment of that container by running docker container exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/sh.

Database management

  • To create a database. This assumes that the default postgres database is present which can be accessed using the username and password specified in the database.yaml file.
    • To create development database run bundle exec rake db:create.
    • To create test database run APP_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create
  • To create a migration file bundle exec rake db:generate_migration['create_users_table']
    • Open the migration file and write your migration code

Image building

For development environment

Building the image suitable for development environment (with build tools like compilers and make) docker buildx build . Note: In old versions of docker you may have to run DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build .


  • Build a new image using docker compose up --build after adding a new gem



When starting the App for the first time

  • Use bundle exec rake db:migrate


  • Create test database using APP_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create
  • Migrate the test database using APP_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate
  • Run bundle exec rspec in one of the docker containers


  • Mailing functionality uses mailjet API. The API_KEY and SECRET_KEY pertaining to mailjet are not committed to the repo.
  • If you have your own personal mailjet credentials then store them in .env.development.local and start the service for development purposes
  • Make sure a valid EMAIL_SENDER email is set
  • The mailjet credentials can be sourced into the container environment directly NOTE: I couldn't test it as my mailjet account was suspended.


  • Run bundle exec rubocop or bundle exec rubocop -A(!!will autocorrect the files!!) in one of the docker containers

Postman collection

  • Import the postman collection from tools/postman directory.


Register an user

  • Send body in this format {"email":"youremail@domain.com","password":"samplePassword","password_verification":"samplePassword"}
  • Login by posting the JSON {"email":"youremail@domain.com","password":"samplePassword"}
  • Store the token from the last response
  • Enable 2FA
  • Look for QR code url in the response and open it
  • Add the OTP to any authenticator like Authy
  • Login again using otp or one of the backup codes
  • Now login will not work without otp
  • Disable 2FA and the login will now work without otp
  • Enable 2FA again, you will get a new QR code and backup codes


Arival Assignment to create user authentication


Language:Ruby 98.4%Language:HTML 1.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%