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JavaScript Security Cookbook

This eBook JavaScript Security Cookbook will guide you on making your web applications more secure from many attacks. You will learn 40+ useful recipes to protect your websites from hackers and bad actors.

Security measures are vital when writing code in JavaScript and Node JS. Don't let hackers ruin your awesome work! 😎
That's why I built the "JavaScript Security Cookbook".
• 40+ Recipes
• Infographics
• Source code
• 63 Pages eBook (PDF) Download Link JavaScript Security Cookbook

JavaScript Security Cookbook

The book covers how to:

  • Protect your website from XSS and CSRF attacks by checking user input and using CSP and anti-CSRF tokens.

  • Validate and sanitize your data to prevent SQL injection and JSON injection.

  • Implement authentication and authorization using secure passwords, tokens, and roles.

  • Use HTTPS, cookies, and security headers to encrypt communication and prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • Handle file uploads, client-side storage, and security testing safely and securely.

  • Improve your security with secure coding practices, mobile security, and monitoring and logging.

  • Learn advanced security topics like multi-factor authentication and WebSockets communication.

This eBook is a must-have for anyone who wants to build secure web applications using JavaScript and Node.js. It will give you the knowledge and skills to defend your websites from cyber threats!

Table of Contents

Recipe Description
Recipe 1 Sanitizing User Input in Forms
Recipe 2 Implementing Content Security Policy (CSP)
Recipe 3 Escaping HTML Entities in Dynamic Content
Recipe 4 Implementing Anti-CSRF Tokens
Recipe 5 Validating Cross-Origin Requests
Recipe 6 Input Validation for Numeric Fields
Recipe 7 Protecting Against SQL Injection
Recipe 8 Safeguarding Against JSON Injection
Recipe 9 Secure Password Storage with Hashing
Recipe 10 Implementing Token-Based Authentication
Recipe 11 Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in JavaScript
Recipe 12 Implementing HTTPS in JavaScript
Recipe 13 Securely Handling Cookies
Recipe 14 Protecting Against Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
Recipe 15 Validating and Restricting File Types
Recipe 16 Implementing File Size Restrictions
Recipe 17 Securing File Uploads with Anti-Virus Scanning
Recipe 18 Securely Using Web Storage
Recipe 19 Configuring Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS)
Recipe 20 Implementing X-Content-Type-Options
Recipe 21 Avoiding Eval() and Function Constructors
Recipe 22 Proper Use of JavaScript Promises
Recipe 23 Enforcing Strict Mode
Recipe 24 Securing Mobile App Communication
Recipe 25 Implementing Touch ID/Face ID Authentication
Recipe 26 Implementing Client-Side Logging
Recipe 27 Setting up Error Monitoring with JavaScript
Recipe 28 Implementing Automated Security Testing
Recipe 29 Using Static Code Analysis Tools
Recipe 30 Vetted Third-Party Library Selection
Recipe 31 Regularly Updating Dependencies
Recipe 32 Implementing Secure Routing
Recipe 33 Protecting Against Cross-Site Script Inclusion (XSSI)
Recipe 34 Securely Managing API Keys
Recipe 35 Best Practices for Handling User Session Data
Recipe 36 Securing Communication with Web Workers
Recipe 37 Rate Limiting and Connection Management
Recipe 38 Enhancing Security with Multi-Factor Authentication
Recipe 39 Secure WebSocket Communication
Recipe 40 Protect Against Script Injection in URLs
Recipe 41 Information Disclosure Through URLs
Recipe 42 Escape HTML Output

Discover more at Raja MSR.



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