rainisto / kicad_parts

KiCad symbols and footprints library for various parts and modules

Home Page:http://charleslabs.fr

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

KiCad Parts Library

This repository contains Kicad symbols and footprints for various parts that do not exist in KiCad's default libraries. They were all tested and validated in http://charleslabs.fr projects.

To install the library, download this repository and extract it, open KiCad, "Preferences" > "Manage Symbols Library..." and add the path of .lib file in global libraries. Do the same thing with "Preferences" > "Manage Footprints Library...", selecting the .Pretty folder.

This is the full list of parts contained in this repository:

  • Arduino Pro Mini board (chinese version)
  • MPU6050 gyroscope module
  • Micro SD Card reader module
  • ADS1115 16bits ADC module (regular and SDA/SCL swapped)
  • Mini360 DC-DC buck module
  • SX1308 DC-DC boost module
  • BMP280 atmospheric pressure sensor module
  • MQ-1/MQ-2/... gas sensor
  • FM62429/M62429 electronic volume controller IC
  • Logic Level Shifter module
  • RV097NS potentiometer/switch combo
  • HM-11 bluetooth module (16 pins version)

Warning: there are often several non-pin-compatible versions of those modules. Please make sure that both the pinout and the physical footprint match yours.


KiCad symbols and footprints library for various parts and modules


License:MIT License