rainchen / flask-app-demo

a rough demo for flask-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status


A flask boilerplate demo for using flask-app

Install dependencies

  • Run pip install pipenv
  • Run pipenv install --dev


  • cp .env.sample .env
  • Update the .env file with the respective variables

Activate Pipenv shell

$ pipenv shell

# call flask CLI in the shell
$ flask --version
Python 3.7.7
Flask 1.1.2
Werkzeug 1.0.1

Run db migration

  • Run flask create-db to create database
  • Run flask db upgrade to create table and apply migrations

Check routes

  • Run flask routes
Endpoint    Methods    Rule
----------  ---------  -----------------------
static      GET        /static/<path:filename>
user.users  GET, POST  /users/
user.users  GET        /users/<int:user_id>

Run test

  • Run flask test

Run shell

  • Run flask shell
>>> from api.models import *
>>> User.create(username='admin', first_name='Ming', last_name='Li')

>>> User.query.count()

Run server in development mode

  • Run flask run
 * Serving Flask app "manage.py" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: development
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 621-366-433

Run server in production mode using WSGI server


Improve Python Code Quality

Run linter

run linter

$ flask dev lint

run linter and generate html report

$ flask dev lint --html-report=tmp/dev/report/pylint-report.html

config lowest lint score, useful for CI

$ flask dev lint --lowest-score=8.0
# $? will be none-zero if pylint_score is lower then lowest_score

Run formatter

reformats codes to follow the Google Python Style Guide

$ flask dev format

Run formatter

No changes needed.
# $? will be non-zero if some files need to be changed

format codes and make changes to files in place

$ flask dev format --in-place

Run formatter
[NOTICE]Make changes to files in place!

Run security audit

$ flask dev security_audit
# $? will be non-zero if found security issues

run security audit and generate html report

$ flask dev security_audit --html-report=tmp/dev/report/bandit-report.html

Package management

manage packages with pipenv and Pipfile

Show installed packages

# displays currently-installed dependency graph information in Pipfile.lock
$ pipenv graph

# list required packages in requirements format
$ pipenv run pip freeze

Add a new package

$ pipenv install [--dev] <package>~=major.minor
# e.g.: 
$ pipenv install --dev pylint-report~=0.1.8

Upgrade a package

# upgrade a package in Pipfile
$ pipenv install --keep-outdated [--dev] <package>~=x.y.z
# e.g.:
$ pipenv install --keep-outdated --dev pylint-report==0.1.8

# upgrade a package and auto update Pipfile.lock
$ pipenv update --keep-outdated <pkg>
# e.g.:
$ pipenv update --keep-outdated pylint-report

just update Pipfile.lock for the new package requirements

# records the new requirements to the Pipfile.lock file
# pipenv lock --keep-outdated

NOTES: DO NOT update Pipfile.lock manually, should always update it by running pipenv command

Remove a package

$ pipenv uninstall --keep-outdated <package>


a rough demo for flask-app

License:MIT License


Language:Python 97.9%Language:Mako 2.1%