raido / ember-cli-browserstack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Facilitates automated testing using BrowserStack with ember-cli projects


ember browserstack:connect

  • Opens a local tunnel to BrowserStack

ember browserstack:disconnect

  • Closes the local tunnel to BrowserStack

ember browserstack:results

  • Optional argument --build <buildName>
  • Returns results for a particular build, with links to the build data on BrowserStack

ember browserstack:browsers

  • Returns the list of available browsers

How to set up automated testing with BrowserStack using this addon

  1. ember install ember-cli-browserstack

  2. Register for a BrowserStack account


  4. Add browsers to your testem.js. You can see available browsers by running ember browserstack:browsers

    For example:

    launchers: {
      bs_edge: {
        exe: "npx browserstack-launch",
        args: ["--os", "Windows", "--osv", "10", "--b", "edge", "--bv", "16.0", "--u"],
        protocol: "browser"
      bs_chrome: {
        exe: "node_modules/.bin/browserstack-launch",
        args: ["--os", "Windows", "--osv", "10", "--b", "chrome", "--bv", "latest", "-t", "600", "--u"],
        protocol: "browser"
    launch_in_ci: [

    To see available options, run npx browserstack-launch --help, with more info about what those options do available and

  5. Open a tunnel to BrowserStack using ember browserstack:connect.

    This will create a file, necessary for later disconnecting the tunnel.

  6. Run tests (ember test)

  7. When tests are complete, close the tunnel to BrowserStack using ember browserstack:disconnect

Running on TravisCI

When running on TravisCI, this addon will use the TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER environment variable to group the browsers run in that job. There is a helper command ember browserstack:results that will return links to each of the test runs in BrowserStack.

Running on Bitbucket Pipelines

When running on Bitbucket Pipelines, this addon will use the BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER environment variable to group the browsers run in that job. There is a helper command ember browserstack:results that will return links to each of the test runs in BrowserStack.

Build name

The above will be prefixed with the env var BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME_PREFIX, if set.


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • cd ember-cli-browserstack
  • yarn install
  • npm link
  • In another project, npm link ember-cli-browserstack


Thanks to BrowserStack for providing an open-source account for testing & development!

This addon is based on ember-cli-sauce and testem-browserstack. It also relies upon node-browserstack and browserstack-local-nodejs.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 89.2%Language:HTML 10.8%